This is josedenoche’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Santiago, Chile
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 17853
  2. followers 402
  3. following 10892
  1. Mara (Demo)
    by RUNA
  2. The Echoes of a Thousand Souls
    by Mavortum
  3. Specters of a Distant Realm
    by Echoes of Oblivion
  4. Found Sounds 7
    by Abstract Audio Systems
  5. Hall of Forgotten Kings
    by Stygian Vagabond
  6. Give Me One Reason
    by Shar
  7. Fire to Burn
    by Slung
  8. The Old Times
    by Avantreous
  9. Vision Quest
    by Rent-a-Vision
  10. Drifted Vol. 2
    by Wahn
  11. biplan 4169
    by L'Abeille Cool
  12. Tatooine Lo - Heat Wave (48A011)
    by Rue des Trois Rois (Labels)
  13. SpaceTrax 15 Big Bang
    by Virgo Ascendent
  14. Boomdrive Mechanic
    by Botious
  15. Fabulous Villains (Psytrance 145-152bpm)
    by Mombi Yuleman
  16. Perfection Is A Sin
    by Levi Sayre
  17. Nelson Comes To Visit
    by Superdestroyer
  18. Cinematic Creepers (Soundtrack Selections)
    by Mombi Yuleman
  19. We Do Not Forget
    by Fold
  20. Tribute to "City"
    by Rojinski