This is kowaikage2’s music collection on Bandcamp.
  1. collection 76
  2. wishlist 112
  3. following 15
  1. Worship of the Triumvirs
    by Transcending Rites
    Infinity Infinity
    The cold dark atmosphere, drums, pacing, and screams combine to form an immersive wall of sound that finds me often pushing the repeat button on this highly recommended CD...
  2. To Await | To Expect
    by Voidsphere
  3. Entity
    by 0
  4. Into the Necrosphere
    by Cosmovore
    Vessel Vessel
    I like everything about this gem. The dark haunting atmosphere, the dissonant guitar tones, the drums and pacing, and the perfect mix of growled and screamed vocals.
  5. Lament for a Dying World
    by Wry
  6. Neophytic Congeries
    by Wry
  7. De Mauvais Augure
    by Drache
    Laissez-moi seul Laissez-moi seul
    This is pretty much everything I look for in black metal. 10/10. If I had bought it the year it came out, it would have been an album of the year contender for me!
  8. Forsaking, Forseeking
    by Netherdom
  9. Sombre Ciel
    by Sombre Ciel
  10. Ruin
    by ΣARΚ
  11. Griseus
    by Aquilus
  12. Sól án varma
    by Sól án varma
  13. Crypt of Ancestral Knowledge
  14. When Angels Kill
    by Fifth Angel
  15. Starpath
    by Dream Unending & Worm
  16. Trauma
    by Kenn Nardi
  17. Half Life
    by The Eden House
  18. The Stygian Black Beyond
    by Darchon
  19. Inevitable
    by NONE
  20. To Exist | To Breathe
    by Voidsphere