This is link20053050’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Soundtrack
  1. collection 16
  2. wishlist 18
  3. following 8
  1. Mega Man X Guitar Playthrough v3
    by MET
  2. Mega Man X GP (old version)
    by MET
  3. Smash 64 Remix (MyNewSoundtrack Tracks)
    by MyNewSoundtrack
  4. Lifelight (Smash Bros Ultimate)
    by MyNewSoundtrack
  5. Storm Eagle (Mega Man X)
    by MyNewSoundtrack
  6. Spark Mandrill (Mega Man X)
    by MyNewSoundtrack
  7. The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening VRC6 Remake
    by Paul Mann IV
  8. Sonic 3D Blast 8-bit Arrange
    by danooct1
  9. The Legend of Zelda Remade
    by IsabelleChiming
    Tal Tal Heights Tal Tal Heights
    The album is amazing and I kina wish that this game gets a remake
  10. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Remade
    by IsabelleChiming
  11. Mega Man 2 Remade
    by RushJet1
    Wily Stage 1 Wily Stage 1
  12. Mega Man Remade
    by RushJet1
  13. Mega Man 3 Remade
    by RushJet1
  14. Mega Man 7 - Arranged Soundtrack
    by Varix
  15. Mega Man 4 Remade
    by RushJet1
  16. Zelda 3 FM Project
    by Leesh Garland