This is entrails_770’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 40
  2. wishlist 18
  3. following 35
  1. Blazing Inferno
    by Yoth Iria
  2. Uten Nådigst Formildelse (2CD Deluxe edition)
    by Ekrom
  3. Veil of Death, Ruptured
    by Asagraum
  4. Vestland, Norway
    VIP membership
    17 releases 2 updates 136 supporters
  5. Burning Obsidian Sun
    by Obsidian Sun
  6. Malicious Ecstasy
    by Bodyfarm
  7. Dawn of Infinite Fire
    by Asagraum
  8. Eternal Sea
    by Witchcraft
  9. Reflections of Distant Dreams
    by Hallux Valgus
  10. Harvest Ritual Volume 1
    by Necrophagia
  11. Necrospiritual Deathcore
    by AMOK
  12. Defilers of the Light
    by Darkened
  13. Tronearvingens Doed
    by Heimland
  14. Fatal Visions
    by Inculter
  15. Seven Are They
    by Deathcult
  16. Flame of the Whirling Swords
    by Yoth Iria
  17. Sepulchres of Black Chaos
    by Sickrites / Wargoat
  18. Kingdom of Decay
    by Darkened
  19. Black Blood Vomitorium
    by Necrophagia
  20. Spilling the Astral Chalice
    by Siderean