This is masterjedi747’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Saint Paul, Minnesota
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 16
  2. following 12
  1. Sigur Rós presents Liminal Sleep
    by Sigur Rós
  2. The Monitor (2021 Remaster)
    by Titus Andronicus
  3. King
    by Gnome
  4. Christmas Out at Sea
    by Scythian
  5. Goodbye Stranger
    by Alanna Boudreau
    by SALES
  7. Love Story (Pop Punk Cover)
    by Vacation Room Studio
  8. Wriggle (Mr Jukes Edit)
    by Cosmo Sheldrake
  9. Run Rings Right Wrongs
    by Cosmo Sheldrake
  10. Pivvot
    by Whitaker Trebella
  11. Philosophize In It! Chemicalize With It!
    by Kishi Bashi
  12. Star Charts
    by Pogo
  13. Younghood
    by Pogo
  14. Wonderland
    by Pogo
  15. Weave And Wish
    by Pogo
  16. Weightless
    by Pogo