This is Really Poor Dude’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Really Poor Dude

  1. Virginia
  2. Metal
  1. collection 1837
  2. wishlist 3641
  3. followers 132
  4. following 4617
  1. The Bleak Veil Endures
    by Daedric Chamber
  2. A Breed of Parasites
    by Dødsferd
  3. A Cursed Heritage
    by Dødsferd
  4. Wounds of Desolation
    by Isolert
    Reflections of Nothingness Reflections of Nothingness
  5. Spitting With Hatred The Insignificance Of Life
    by Dødsferd
  6. Cursing Your Will To Live
    by Dødsferd
  7. The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race
    by Dødsferd
  8. SAT373: Dogtag Remains - Forgotten Battlefields (2024)
    by Satanath Records
  9. SAT371: Peklo - Supostat (2024)
    by Satanath Records
  10. Quintessence
    by Warforged
  11. Incessant Ode to Defeat (Split with Infernal Hate)
    by Dødsferd / Infernal Hate
  12. Decay EP
    by Dødsferd
  13. Kresis (Split with Fhoi Myore)
    by Dødsferd / Fhoi Myore
  14. Still Desecrating the Spirit of Life (Re - Issue with Cover Bonus Tracks)
    by Dødsferd
  15. Anthems of Desecration and Demise (Split with Warforged)
    by Dødsferd / Warforged
  16. Wastes of Life
    by Dødsferd
  17. Wrath
    by Dødsferd
    Raging Lust of Creation Raging Lust of Creation
  18. 子供のための音楽朗読劇 「閻魔大王と知恵比べ」
    by Hiroyuki Watanabe
  19. The Infinite
    by BÁL / Far from Everything
  20. Palindromos
    by Nirrti