This is protoman96’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 329
  2. followers 3
  3. following 41
  1. Mega Man: The Wily Wars - Wily Tower GP
    by MET
  2. Death Racer (The Crew Motorfest Official Soundtrack)
    by Carpenter Brut
  3. hi im ready to die
    by LULU Suicide
  4. Bugsnax Original Soundtrack
    by Seth Parker
  5. Hiraeth
    by Ott
  6. Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action Official Soundtrack
    by Elektrobear
  7. As Above, So Below (Single)
    by Essenger & Cryoshell
  8. MegaWave
    by RushJet1
  9. Medallion EP
    by Pilotredsky
  10. Rule of Xem
    by Pilotredsky
  11. Laughcry Dubtron
    by Pilotredsky
  12. Metsuri
    by Pilotredsky
  13. Firebeetle
    by Pilotredsky
  14. Graphics
    by Pilotredsky
  15. Podulair
    by Pilotredsky
  16. Unfilter the Passion
    by Pilotredsky
  17. Clock Like Woz
    by Pilotredsky
  18. Along With Brew
    by Pilotredsky
  19. Ployizon
    by Pilotredsky
  20. Edition EP
    by Pilotredsky