This is Floaf’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Germany
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 220
  2. wishlist 49
  3. followers 2
  4. following 63
  1. Carousel (An Examination of the Shadow, Creekflow, and its Life as an Afterthought)
    by Vylet Pony
  2. Other Things
    by Plini
  3. Monument
    by Molchat Doma
  4. Pleasure Island
    by Shirobon
    by Rolobi
  6. Little Spoon
    by Patricia Taxxon
  7. Traveller
    by Patricia Taxxon
  8. Rainbow Road
    by Patricia Taxxon
  9. Arbuckle
    by Patricia Taxxon
  10. Bicycle
    by Patricia Taxxon
  11. Girls Who Are Wizards
    by Vylet Pony
  12. ユメの喫茶店
    by ユメガタリ(ミツキヨ , shnva)
  13. 緑の手紙
    by ミツキヨ
  14. Nectarine
    by Lindsay Lowend
  15. Chiptunes 2022
    by Lindsay Lowend
  16. 失われた時間
    by snowpoint lounge
  17. FEEL
  18. Celeste B-Sides
    by Various Artists
  19. Celeste: Farewell (Original Soundtrack)
    by Lena Raine
  20. Celeste Original Soundtrack
    by Lena Raine