This is tweeks69420’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Oakland, California
  2. Comedy
  1. collection 233
  2. wishlist 4
  3. followers 8
  4. following 67
  1. Legend of e'Boi (The Hypervigilant Eye)
    by Darius Jones
  2. Deep Space
    by John Blum Quartet feat. Marshall Allen
  3. Maya'mi
    by Diamond Soul
  4. Chemical Commons
    by Nathan Corder
  5. Umbra II
    by STEMESEDER LILLINGER QUARTET feat. Peter Evans & Russell Hall
  6. LTA-ZOR
    by PHURPA
  7. Circular Temple
    by Matthew Shipp
  8. Lured
    by Nathan Corder
  9. Embalo
    by Tenorio Jr.
  10. Ars Memoria
    by Peter Evans - Being & Becoming
  11. Heavy Rocks (2002)
    by Boris
  12. Absolutego
    by Boris
  13. A Man's Image
    by McKain / Nadien / Radichel / Weeks
  14. Sob Story
    by Fully Celebrated Orchestra
  15. Unsilent Death (10th Anniversary Edition)
    by Nails
  16. Piano Solo
  17. Spherical
    by Bernie Worrell, Cindy Blackman Santana, and John King
  18. always walls on my mind
    by Nathan Corder
  19. Mantis/Angels
    by Nathan Corder
    appears in 1 other collection
  20. Limited Set (Swamp)
    by Nathan Corder