This is wigwob’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 192
  2. wishlist 64
  3. followers 4
  4. following 139
  1. Bellow
    by Witch Bolt
  2. Bellow
    by Witch Bolt
  3. Reality Check (DATA048)
    by Wojciech Golczewski
  4. The Priests Of Hiroshima (DATA081)
    by Wojciech Golczewski
  5. To Live and Withstand
    by Anklebiter
  6. Relentless Force
    by Vicious Blade
  7. HDK 07 † The curse of the ancient abbey
    by KOBOLD
  8. vooll
    by woob
  9. Vestiges of Verumex Visidrome
    by Gnome
  10. Vestiges of Verumex Visidrome
    by Gnome
  11. Reign of the Anticrust
    by Pizza Death
  12. Chaos to the Realm
    by Owlbear
  13. Remnants of War
    by Tineidae & Sole Massif
  14. Sorgeberget
    by Trollslottet
  15. Shadowlorn
    by Mountain Realm
  16. Sweet Cobra split 7"
    by Get Rad
  17. The Age of the Machine Entities
    by Observers
  18. The Age of the Machine Entities
    by Observers
  19. The Age of the Machine Entities
    by Observers
  20. The Bell Of Doom
    by Under The Sun