This is yaboojin’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 6
  2. wishlist 12
  3. following 20
  1. my gratitude for all your love
    by tifu
    sleepless (tifu remix) sleepless (tifu remix)
  2. Everlasting Arson
    by ZenithLights
  3. drum drum drum
    by tfwamirite
  4. Lucky! EP
    by ii★chi
  5. konata's club music!!
    by tfwamirite
  6. R-Evolution Of The Bass
    by Raver Blaster AKA Ravah Blastah Kun
    UltraSpellingCore (Original Mix) UltraSpellingCore (Original Mix)

gifts given

yaboojin has given 1 gift.
  1. I stole anime openings and taped amen breaks on them
    by GulloHack