Oxfam in Bangladesh

Oxfam in Bangladesh

Non-profit Organizations

Oxfam is a world-wide development organization that mobilizes the power of people against poverty.

আমাদের সম্পর্কে

Oxfam’s involvement in Bangladesh began in 1970, assisting the then cyclone victims, and supporting the people of Bangladesh during the 1971 Liberation War. Oxfam was one of only three organizations honored as a Friend of the Bangladesh Liberation War in 2012. Our goal is to create a vibrant and equitable society across Bangladesh, where women and men are empowered, jointly exercising leadership and good governance toward building resilient communities. We work with a wide range of partners that include civil society organizations, NGOs, media organizations, foreign and local universities, private sector companies, along with different levels of government. To have a significant impact on poverty and inequality, we recognize that by working with international and local civil society organizations, we can increase impact at scale and bring about transformative social change. Influencing is a core part of how Oxfam and its partners work to achieve change at all levels. We take leverage from our development interventions and try innovative solutions and models to achieve lasting impact. We build the capacity of different stakeholders and mobilize people to make their voices heard. Guided by our evidence-based research, we campaign for strategic policy and practice change.

Non-profit Organizations
কোম্পানির আকার
201-500 কর্মচারী
সদর দপ্তর


এ কর্মচারী Oxfam in Bangladesh


  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    #BangladeshFloods: Nearly 6 Million Affected; Over 70 Lives Lost; Homes, Infrastructure, and Sanitation Destroyed; Livelihoods Devastated. Oxfam has been providing humanitarian support since the floods began, but the scale of the disaster and the needs are immense. We urge you to step forward and support the affected communities. Donate here: https://cutt.ly/DeEmYa2d All contributions will go directly to those in need.

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 – 𝐎𝐱𝐟𝐚𝐦 Hosne Ara Begum, a 38-year-old Feni district resident, recounted her harrowing experience: "The toilets were underwater, and we had no privacy. We had to use a saree (cloth) to cover and defecate on the roof. We've been sick, but there's no other option. This flood has taken everything from us." Oxfam’s recent needs assessment survey across Fulgazi, Feni Sadar, Senbag, and Kobirhat areas in Feni and Noakhali, the hardest-hit districts, showed that nearly all shelters were submerged and 48% were destroyed. All of the sanitation facilities in the areas studied have been entirely damaged. Oxfam in Bangladesh's Country Director Ashish Damle said: “The water and sanitation infrastructure in those districts have almost entirely collapsed. Floods have washed away agricultural and industrial chemicals as well as people’s waste, which have severely contaminated the water, putting millions of people already struggling at a very high risk of waterborne disease outbreak.” Read more: https://lnkd.in/dN4ZNkt8 You can donate to support communities: https://lnkd.in/gVxhibHy Oxfam Canada Oxfam International Oxfam Australia Oxfam Novib

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    '𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐡' 𝐛𝐲 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐞 The Daily Star has published this article focusing on #BamgladeshFloods. In the Op-ed, Oxfam in Bangladesh's Country Director shares his journey to the flood-affected communities, unseen realities, youth volunteerism, Oxfam response, needs and future works. "The journey from Dhaka to this remote area was emotionally charged and an extraordinary experience that led me to reflect on the many dimensions of humanitarian response." You can donate for flood affected communities: https://lnkd.in/gVxhibHy 📜 Read more 👇🏽

    The unseen toll of floods in Bangladesh

    The unseen toll of floods in Bangladesh


  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    অনুদান পাঠাতে ও বিস্তারিত জানুন এই লিঙ্কে- https://lnkd.in/e-W_sPvw পানি বিশুদ্ধকরণ ট্যাবলেট ব্যবহারের নিয়মঃ বন্যার পানি নেমে যাওয়ার সাথে সাথে ফুটে উঠছে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত এলাকাগুলোর ক্ষতচিহ্ন। এসময় একদিকে বিশুদ্ধ খাবার পানির অভাব, অন্যদিকে টিউবওয়েলগুলো দূষিত ও ব্যবহারের অযোগ্য হয়ে পড়ায় ডায়রিয়া, কলেরা ও টাইফয়েডের মতো পানিবাহিত রোগবালাইতে আক্রান্ত হওয়ার ঝুঁকি বাড়ে। তাই এই সময়ে পানি বিশুদ্ধ করে পান করা প্রয়োজন। চলুন ভিডিওতে দেখে নিই, কীভাবে খুব সহজেই আমরা বিশুদ্ধকরণ ট্যাবলেট ব্যবহার করতে পারি।

  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    To donate or learn more, click this link: https://lnkd.in/gVxhibHy "If it hadn't rained, we would have died of thirst." During the first few days of the flood, Javed Ali (50), a marginal farmer from Noakhali, Bangladesh and his family struggled with a severe shortage of fresh drinking water. With no external help, they had to survive without food for two days. "The flood water swept in suddenly. You can't imagine its force! My tin house felt like it would break apart and float away," Javed Ali recalled. "My wife and I managed to climb onto a MACHA (makeshift platform) inside the house. We had nothing to eat, not even water. The electricity was already gone. We couldn't call anyone for help—who would come? Everyone was in the same situation. There was no drinking water. Allah saved us when it rained the next day. I swam out and collected some rainwater to drink, keeping us alive." Rescuers took Javed Ali and his wife to a shelter two days later. While they were safe, they couldn't save their home. When they returned after the floodwaters receded, they found their house had collapsed and many of their belongings had been washed away. They lost their poultry and cattle, and the crops in their fields were destroyed and submerged. Having lost everything, Javed Ali is now facing a new crisis. He doesn't know how he will recover. This ongoing flash flood has directly affected 11 districts in Bangladesh, destroying nearly 1,63,000 water points, and leading to a severe shortage of safe drinking water in the affected areas. Additionally, marginal farmers like Javed Ali in 23 districts have suffered extensive losses. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the total crop damage across various districts amounts to approximately BDT. 3,346 crores. Oxfam in Bangladesh continues emergency support in flood-affected areas, providing safe drinking water, food and other essential support. You can also help advance these efforts. Your support can make a difference for those affected by the floods. #bangladesh #bangladeshflood #flood #flooding #oxfam #floodinbangladesh

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    Bangladesh floods have affected millions and Oxfam has been on the ground since the flood started, providing emergency support. "As someone who deeply cares about our homeland, I am heartbroken by the devastating floods in Bangladesh, which left millions in desperate need of shelter, food, and clean water. Now, more than ever, our support is crucial. I, as a British Bangladeshi, stand with Oxfam in their tireless efforts to provide humanitarian support to affected communities. I urge all Bangladeshi communities here in the UK to come together and donate. Together, we can help rebuild lives and restore hope." - Aziz ur Rahman, Patron, Oxfam GB You can be part of our flood response: https://lnkd.in/gX_R_GJb

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    Oxfam in Bangladesh has been working from the beginning to support flood-affected women like Hosne Ara. You can also stand by them. Donate here: https://lnkd.in/gVxhibHy 'Throughout the day, we held it in because we felt embarrassed, and at night, the women in our family had to use a saree for privacy on the roof to defecate.' Said Hosne Ara Begum (38), a resident of the flood-affected area in Chhagalnaiya Upazila, Feni. She is one of millions of marginalized women who have struggled during floods due to a broken sanitation system. Feni is one of the most affected by the recent flash flood in Bangladesh. The flood left Hosne Ara and her six-member family with no time to save their belongings. The entire area was submerged within two hours, with water levels rising over 10 feet on the first day. Due to a lack of time, they were forced to take shelter on the roof. For long, terrible two weeks, they remained on that roof, battling not just a shortage of fresh drinking water and food but also the dire issue of inadequate sanitation, which posed the greatest challenges, especially for the women. With the toilets submerged, Hosne Ara and the other women in her family had to manage their sanitation needs on the roof. "The men could somehow manage, but we women had no such options. We had to wait until night as the roof is open, and there were questions about women's dignity. We used a Saree (cloth) to create some privacy in the toilet in the same spot. Afterward, we cleaned up with the dirty floodwater. Many of us felt ill, but we had no other choice," recounted Hosne Ara. The floodwaters have started receding, but the latrines remain underwater, and the sanitation system has not improved. According to the needs assessment report of Oxfam in Bangladesh, 100 percent of toilets in Feni district are damaged as well as not functioning. Without proper sewage disposal, waste is mixed with the water, causing pollution and increasing the risk of waterborne and infectious diseases, with children and women like Hosne Ara being the most vulnerable. According to the Inter-cluster Coordination Group (ICCG) report, this is one of the most severe floods in the recent history of Bangladesh, which has directly affected nearly 5.8 million people, with about 3.1 million of them being women. Among them are nearly 79,000 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, who have been particularly impacted due to the lack of safe sanitation during the flood. Also, approximately 1,61,000 latrines have been destroyed. Your support is crucial for the women in Bangladesh. Oxfam Oxfam Novib Oxfam in Asia Oxfam International Oxfam in Bangladesh Oxfam America Oxfam Australia

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    "Tube wells and latrines in the area have been submerged due to the flood. The entire sanitation system has nearly collapsed. Without our combined effort, it will be incredibly challenging to rebuild these communities." This is just one of many stories emerging from the devastating flash floods in Bangladesh. Millions of people have been affected. Even as the water levels recede, the need for support towards rebuilding safe sanitation and water systems remains urgent. Now, more than ever, they need our help to restore their lives and communities. Donate Here: https://lnkd.in/gVxhibHy Oxfam Oxfam Novib Oxfam in Asia Oxfam International Oxfam in Bangladesh Oxfam America Oxfam Australia #BangladeshFloods #EasternFlashFloods #SupportCommunities #OxfamInAction #Noakhali #Feni #Oxfam #HumanitarianResponse

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • Oxfam in Bangladesh-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ১৬,৮৫৫ জন ফলোয়ার

    #BangladeshFloods: Conversation and Realities from the Ground In a deeply moving conversation, Oxfam's Country Director, Ashish Damle, speaks with Abdul Karim from Feni, whose home and livelihood have been devastated by the floods.   "The water is overwhelming this time," Karim says, recounting how he sought shelter on the roof as the waters surged. His small vegetable shop, his only income source, is gone, and now he needs to start from scratch.   Ashish reflects, "If organizations like ours don't stand by them, our existence is meaningless. We must unite all resources to support them—not just now, but for the long road ahead." Oxfam Oxfam Novib Oxfam in Asia Oxfam International Oxfam in Bangladesh Oxfam America Oxfam Australia

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