Did you know that BNP Paribas Factoring is a trusted partner for local and international corporates in Spain? In this video, hear from Nieves González Ferreiro, Adela Alvarez Zafra and Leyre Sotres Landache on how BNP Paribas Factoring in Spain can be your financial partner, irrespective of the size of your business. #BNPParibas #Factoring #Spain #WCM
About us
BNP Paribas Factoring has fully fledged factoring businesses in 15 countries: France, Belgium, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark, Poland, The Netherlands, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal and Ivory Coast. Besides these, we also serve other countries without physical presence. BNP Paribas Factoring serves with wide range of client-oriented solutions in Domestic, Cross-Border and International (Import / Export) Factoring market. For Corporate clients, our network offers tailor-made solutions enabling high-quality cross border services with a single point of contact, harmonized reporting and the same format of contract in European countries where BNP Paribas Factoring operates.
- Website
External link for BNP Paribas Factoring
- Industry
- Financial Services
- Company size
- 1,001-5,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Brussels
- Type
- Privately Held
- Specialties
- Working capital solutions, invoice finance, Cross-Border Solutions, Credit Insurance, factoring, collection, import export factoring, receivables management, invoice discounting, and working capital optimization
Rue Royale 60-68
Brussels, 1000, BE
Employees at BNP Paribas Factoring
BNP Paribas Factoring reposted this
PL | ENG Jesteśmy liderem polskiego rynku faktoringowego! 📊 Z dumą informujemy, że zgodnie z najnowszymi danymi Polski Związek Faktorów BNP Paribas Faktoring Sp. z o.o. utrzymał pozycję lidera polskiego rynku faktoringowego przez cały 2024 rok! 🥳 🟢 Dziękujemy naszym Klientom za zaufanie. Cieszymy się, że możemy być Waszym partnerem i wspierać rozwój Waszych biznesów. 🟢 Dziękujemy również wszystkim pracownikom BNP Paribas Faktoring. To Wasze zaangażowanie i profesjonalizm pozwalają nam wspólnie osiągać tak dobre wyniki. Nasze obroty po IV kwartale 2024 roku wyniosły 88 883 mln PLN, co oznacza wzrost o 6% względem roku ubiegłego. Pozwoliło nam to zdobyć pierwsze miejsce w rankingu polskich firm faktoringowych. To dla nas powód do dumy i potwierdzenie, że dostarczamy najlepsze rozwiązania faktoringowe na rynku 💪 --------------------------- We are the leader of Polish factoring market! 📊 We are proud to announce that according to the latest data from the Polish Factors Association, BNP Paribas Faktoring Sp. z o.o. maintained its position as the leader of the Polish factoring market throughout 2024!🥳 🟢 We would like to thank our Clients for their trust. We are more than happy to be your partner and support the development of your businesses. 🟢 We would also like to thank all employees of BNP Paribas Faktoring. It is your commitment and professionalism that allow us to achieve such good results. Our turnover after Q4 2024 amounted to PLN 88,883 mln, which means an increase of 6% compared to the previous year. With this result we took first place in the ranging od Polish factoring companies. We are very proud of this score, which is also a confirmation that we provide the best factoring solutions on the market 💪 #BNPParibasFaktoring #Faktoring #PZF #Lider #Sukces
As 2024 draws to a close, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our clients and partners for their trust and support. A huge thank you goes out to our colleagues worldwide for their dedication and hard work. Thank you to all our followers for joining us on this journey. Wishing you all a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year! 🌟
At BNP Paribas Factoring, we're passionate about helping businesses like Beyers Koffie achieve their goals. 🚀 Through our partnership and tailored stock financing solutions, Beyers Koffie can optimise its inventory management and respond to customer demand with agility. By providing flexible and tailored financial solutions, we enable our clients to focus on what they do best: delivering high-quality products and services to their customers. Watch Cory Bush's full testimonial video to learn more about how we're supporting Beyers Koffie's growth and success, both locally and internationally. #BNPParibas #Factoring
Hoe blijft een familiebedrijf als Beyers Koffie groeien in een competitieve markt? Dankzij onze samenwerking en gerichte stockfinanciering kan Beyers Koffie zijn voorraden optimaal beheren en flexibel inspelen op de vraag van klanten. Bij BNP Paribas Fortis Factor geloven we dat financiële oplossingen de sleutel zijn tot strategische groei. Voor Beyers Koffie betekent dit dat ze kunnen focussen op wat belangrijk is: kwaliteitskoffie leveren en hun merk verder ontwikkelen, zonder zich zorgen te maken over werkkapitaal. Cory Bush was eerder dit jaar ook een van de sprekers op ons jaarlijkse seminarie in oktober, waar hij zijn verhaal deelde. Daarnaast kun je nu zijn volledige getuigenis bekijken in de video waarin hij vertelt hoe onze samenwerking Beyers Koffie ondersteunt om lokaal én internationaal te scoren. Meer weten over factoring? 👉 https://lnkd.in/eP6wgice #bnppff #factoring #getuigenis
Did you know that more than ever, #WorkingCapital is the lifeblood of any successful business? In our latest video, Mel N. Yucel-Coruz, Head of Factoring and Senior Working Capital Advisor, The Netherlands, shares expert insights on the importance of working capital, how it has evolved over time, and what trends are shaping the Dutch market. From the role of #technology in #WorkingCapitalManagement to expert advice on fostering a culture of #FinancialAgility, Mel covers it all. BNP Paribas Factoring is fully equipped to support your working capital needs and help your business thrive. Watch the video to learn more. #BNPParibas #WCM BNP Paribas Cash Management & Trade Solutions BNP Paribas The Netherlands
This morning, BNP Paribas published its third-quarter 2024 results. These results are very good and driven by the business performance of all the operating divisions. The group has demonstrated its capacity to grow while continuing to manage risks and resources thoroughly. The group confirms its 2024 trajectory and remains focused on continuing its long-term development, notably with the planned acquisition of AXA IM. BNP Paribas benefits from key strengths in continuing its trajectory, including the diversified and integrated model which limits its dependence on any one business or geographical region. Read more: https://bnpp.lk/3Q24 #BNPPResults
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Today, we held our Extended Executive Committee meeting at the BNP Paribas campus at Louveciennes in France. I'm thrilled that we were able to meet physically and share our impressive results and ambitious growth plans. Our agenda covered a range of crucial topics, as well as our ‘Factoring Towards Future’ programme that is of great importance to us as a leader in #factoring but also to me personally. Many thanks to Su Yang for giving us a highly interesting update on AI developments and to Jean-Luc Proutat, who provided us with an economic update and outlook. This gathering also presented an excellent opportunity to give the floor to our young experts, who shared their insights on strategic areas for factoring, including our multi-local and pan-European offerings, as well as enhancing the attractiveness of our sector. I'd like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all those involved in these working groups. Your dedication and your input were truly commendable. A sincere thank you to all of today's speakers, and special appreciation to Charles-Henry Braun and Pierre-Olivier Maes (BNP Paribas Factoring ) for organising this fantastic event. We have some very good reasons to be confident of the future! #ProudlyFactoring #BNPParibas #BNPParibasFactoring
BNP Paribas Factoring reposted this
I'm delighted to see our Factoring team come together to welcome new colleagues and share our vision for the future. Last week, we hosted our bi-annual "Newcomers Day" in Brussels, bringing together recent joiners and those taking on new roles from across our Factoring entities. As we continue to drive growth and innovation in the Factoring space, it's essential that our teams have a deep understanding of our strategy and approach. Our Factoring Competence Center (GFCC) in Brussels and Paris is at the heart of this effort, and I'm proud of the work we're doing to push the boundaries of "One Factoring". I'm excited to see the impact that our new colleagues will make as they embark on their Factoring journey. With a strong network of peers and shared commitment to excellence, I have no doubt that they will thrive in their new roles and help us achieve our ambitions. A warm welcome to all our new colleagues, and thank you to the team for making the event such a success ! Many thanks to Johan Schepers, Pierre-Olivier Maes, Charles-Henry Braun, Camille Baugin, BNP Paribas Factoring #workingcapital #BNPParibas #BNPParibasfactoring
#Belgium is known for many things – but 💡 did you know this wonderful country is also a leader in factoring? In fact, BNP Paribas Fortis Factor has recently updated its market share to 42%, solidifying its position as a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes in Belgium and beyond. Our commitment to #innovation and flexibility is driven by the trust and partnership of our clients, whom we support in a range of industries, from manufacturing to services. By taking the time to understand their unique needs and goals, we're able to tailor our #factoring solutions to help them achieve success. Here’s Ignace DE KEYSER, head of large & international corporate clients, sharing more about our approach and the value we bring to our clients. Visit factor.bnpparibasfortis.be for more information. #BNPParibas