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We are looking for two PhD candidates within the field of microbial ecology and technology with keen interest and expertise in methanogenesis (PhD candidate 1) and sulphate reduction (PhD candidate 2) in anaerobic digestion!
CAPTURE is a research platform on circular economy that links above 300 researchers and above 100 companies. It is a one-stop-shop for industry and government and offers integrated solutions related to resource recovery, without being restrained by the boundaries of institutes and stakeholders. The key partners are Ghent University, VITO, the University of Antwerp and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. CAPTURE wants to deliver a disruptive contribution to the circular economy, focussing on three pipelines: water 'fit-for-use', CO2 to product, and plastics to resource. CAPTURE has three main pillars: 1. Clustering of expertise, infrastructure and stakeholders in thematic pipelines, developing solutions from waste to resource, to final application; 2. Acceleration of the introduction of knowledge and technologies towards industry and society; 3. Training of multidisciplinary professionals.
External link for CAPTURE
Frieda Saeysstraat
Ghent, Flanders 9000, BE
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We are looking for two PhD candidates within the field of microbial ecology and technology with keen interest and expertise in methanogenesis (PhD candidate 1) and sulphate reduction (PhD candidate 2) in anaerobic digestion!
🎓 Prof. Robert Nerenberg visits CAPTURE 🏢 Professor Robert Nerenberg of the University of Notre Dame (Illinois) visited the CAPTURE building today. Robert gave an inspiring talk on #biofilm formation and the unique microbial ecology of #MABR biofilms. But first, professor Willy Verstraete warmed up the audience with a thought-provoking keynote on how we should escape historical lock-ins in the waste treatment and bio-economy sectors. 🧠 💡 As a main takeaway, we learned that this time of crisis and transition may offer us a chance to: 🛠️ re-engineer how we deal with carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in our waste streams, and that understanding biofilm processes may just be the key to unlocking new waste management approaches. 🛠️ This visit was organized by Bohan Yu and prof. Eveline Volcke (BioCo Research group), and supported by CAPTURE. Inspiring pictures below 👇
EU calls for input on innovation & start-up/scale-up support. Very relevant for our network partners to explore!
Innovators, businesses, policy makers, universities and everyone interested, we want to hear from you! Contribute to the newly launched call for evidence and help us design the EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy to support startups and smaller companies grow in the Single Market and cut red tape. From today until 17 March, share your ideas, proposals and knowledge and contribute to designing a comprehensive strategy that will enable Europe’s startups and scaleups to thrive in Europe and compete globally. Following up on the Competitiveness Compass, the EU Startup and Scaleup Strategy will create an environment for young innovative startups to thrive. It will address the financing and other obstacles that prevent new companies from scaling up in Europe. The aim is to simplify the regulatory framework, to make it possible for innovative companies to benefit from a single set of rules across the Single Market, and to facilitate their access to finance and talent. Have your say here ➡️!c3V9jB #madeinEurope Henna Virkkunen Stéphane Séjourné Ekaterina Zaharieva European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Signe Ratso European Research Executive Agency (REA) European Research Council (ERC) Michael McGrath Maria Luisa Albuquerque European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Yesterday we proudly hosted a special edition of our #CAPTUREBusinessDay: a joint session for #water and #CO₂ Bringing together academics from our CO₂ and water pipelines with industry leaders from our business networks, we created a platform for impactful discussions. 🎯 What was the goal of the day? ✅ Strengthen connections between industry, researchers, and professionals in the CO₂ and water sectors. ✅ Explore innovative solutions for pressing sustainability challenges. ✅ Exchange knowledge and insights through breakout sessions and networking. With 3 moderators, 23 speakers on a diverse range of topics, the event was a true melting pot of ideas and expertise. ⁉️ So did we meet the goal of our day? ➡️ Yes, and exceeded, thanks to the interactive discussions and networking. Check the full program and list of speakers on our website (link in the comments below 👇 ) Hoek38 in Brussels proved to be the perfect setting, thanks for hosting us! 🔜 Stay tuned for our next events. #CAPTUREBusinessDay #Sustainability #Innovation #CO2Capture #WaterManagement #Collaboration
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Join us at Antwerp Maritime Academy for an exciting symposium on corrosion on #WorldCorrosionDay, 24 April 2025!
Corrosion never sleeps! So join us on World Corrosion Day – AMPP Benelux Event on April 24, 2025! #Corrosion never sleeps, and neither does #innovation! On April 24, 2025, AMPP Benelux Chapter invites you to an exclusive event dedicated to the latest advancements in corrosion prevention, inspection, and mitigation. Held at Antwerp Maritime Academy, this gathering will bring together industry experts, researchers, and professionals for an afternoon of insightful presentations, networking, and knowledge sharing. From cutting-edge technologies to real-world case studies, we’ll dive into the challenges and solutions shaping the future of corrosion management. Whether you're an engineer, inspector, or researcher, this is the perfect opportunity to stay ahead in the field. Save the date and stay tuned for more details! #AMPP #WorldCorrosionDay #AMPPBenelux #CorrosionPrevention #Corrosion #MICEurope #AntwerpCorrosionSeminar #MIC
🕸️ It’s network reinforcement day! 🕸️ With the idea that a #strategic #partnership can only grow if we actually work together, we set up a visit between CAPTURE and ARC CBBC today. It was an honor to welcome Hannah Thuijs and Esther Groeneveld. They highlighted shared research interests and presented future plans of ARC CBBC to the #CAPTURE_CO₂ members. Our discussions delved into platform needs, opportunities, and potential concrete pathways for collaborations. 💡 We wrapped up with concrete plans involving training initiatives and cross-border networking — exciting developments ahead, so stay tuned for updates. 🚀 Don’t forget to register for Catalysis Connected, our upcoming joint event in April. With Barbara Sowa (Pipeline Manager CO₂), Marjolein Vanoppen (Lead Strategic Partnerships), Elise Meerburg (Dissemination Manager) and Jan Arends (SPOC for SDR). 📸 Photos by: Tarek Ben Mohamed #Collaboration #Networking #Sustainability #CAPTURECO2 #Innovation
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🚀 Schrijf je nu in voor de CCU Pioneering Sessions! ♻️ De transitie naar een circulaire en koolstofarme economie vraagt om innovatieve oplossingen. Carbon Capture & Utilization (CCU) speelt hierin een sleutelrol. Maar hoe kunnen we deze technologieën effectief inzetten? Welke kansen bieden ze voor de chemie- en kunststofsector? 📍VAC Virginie Lovelinggebouw, Gent 📅 donderdag 13 maart 🤝 Wat kan je verwachten? ✅ Inzichten in het beleid en de impact van CCU op de circulaire economie ✅ Inspirerende praktijkverhalen uit de industrie ✅ De nieuwste technologische innovaties en concrete toepassingen ✅ Een interactief panelgesprek: Met of zonder CCU? ✅ Netwerkmogelijkheden met experts en sectorgenoten Het volledige programma vind je hier: 👋We kijken ernaar uit je te mogen verwelkomen op deze inspirerende dag! 🔗 Registreer voor dit gratis event: Dit event is een initiatief van OVAM, essenscia en Vlaanderen Circulair, in samenwerking met Catalisti, CAPTURE en VITO. Luk Umans Saskia Walraedt Ann Dierckx Floris Van Cauwelaert Stef Koelewijn Jan Arends Metin Bulut Vanbroekhoven Karolien Barbara Sowa #circulareconomy #chemie #kunststoffen #CCU
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📜 Call for poster abstracts & poster prize announcement 🏆 During the poster sessions on April 16th, we will be handing out a Best Poster Prize, sponsored by the journals Catalysis Science and Technology, Green Chemistry, and Chemical Society Reviews (Royal Society of Chemistry)! Our jury will select their preferred poster presentation among the contenders, and award the presenter of this poster not only be rewarded with the honour of receiving the Best Poster Prize, but also a prize of €300 to the benefit of their project. To participate in the poster sessions, submit your poster abstract before the closing on March 15th. Our selection committee will then confirm the accepted posters after reviewing the abstracts. You can submit your abstract when registering for the event: Make sure not to miss out on this opportunity! #catalysisconnected #catalysis #conference #circulareconomy #materialstransition #feedstocktransition #energytransition #chemistry #industry ARC CBBC | CAPTURE | MCEC Research Center | East China University of Science and Technology | ChemistryNL | SUNERGY - Fossil-free fuels and chemicals for a climate-neutral Europe Bert Weckhuysen Alessia Broccoli Barbara Sowa Elise Meerburg Hannah Thuijs Marijke Badings Nathan Coutard Jeroen Meijer
We had the pleasure to receive a delegation from KWR Water Research Institute at the CAPTURE headquarters. 🤝 KWR and CAPTURE recently engaged as strategic partners, and now came together to sign the contract formalising our relationship. Via this route, CAPTURE is also connected within the Watershare network. 🤝 We took the opportunity to bring some people together to share views on the goals and ambitions within our water-related activities. We both presented our research portfolio's with a state of the art, and the set-up of our further strategic collaboration. 🕸️ As we like to connect the dots in our network, we also invited the Antwerp Maritime Academy (AMA) to the table, one of our other strategic partners out of 4. This was a very enriching networking opportunity for all parties. 🎙️ The day was packed with academic discussions on various water topics, led by the following experts: 🫧 Corrosion (Geert Potters - AMA) 🫧 Concentrate streams (Emile Cornelissen - UGent/KWR) 🫧 Drinking water (Thomas Pluym - UGent) 🫧 Groundwater (Marijke Huysmans - VUB) 🫧 Sustainability (Marc Spiller - UAntwerp/VITO) 🫧 Nutrient recovery (Siegfried Vlaeminck - UAntwerp) 🫧 Micropollutants (Stijn Van Hulle - UGent) 🫧 Digital water (Saba Daneshgar - UGent/VITO) With the following star witnesses of the ceremony: Mariëlle van der Zouwen Gerard van den Berg, Dijkstra Idsart, Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, Francis Meerburg, Stijn Ronsse, Marjolein Vanoppen, Jan Arends, Wouter Vandenbruwaene and Willy Verstraete.
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Are you an engineer, keen on designing and operating reactor systems in the lab and at pilot scale? Are you interested to work in an international team ( ), in an exciting environment such as CAPTURE and within a European project (website coming ) where we produce and extract organics from agricultural side streams? If so, apply for our engineer position: A tip: when you apply, make sure you clearly indicate why this specific position is of interest to you and why you are a good fit. Note that in the coming weeks, we will post positions on different topics for a postdoc and a PhD student as well, all at Ghent University