Yes, you read that right. #EnergyLab is now officially Golazo Energy! From now on, we are taking a bold step forward as a part of the vibrant Golazo network. Not to worry, our mission remains unchanged: to energise you, your company, and society towards greater wellbeing. 👊 All businesses operating within the Golazo Group will adopt a new name under the Golazo banner: Golazo Events, Golazo Brands, Golazo Media, Golazo Talent and Golazo Energy. By combining our strengths and expertise we can offer you an even better experience. Across all divisions, we share one overarching goal: to make everyone healthier and happier. So it’s only logical to regroup all activities and businesses into intertwined entities across all countries. More than ever, we are one Golazo…🙌 Ready to boost your (team’s) energy? Discover our mission on our brand new website (link in comments). #GolazoEnergy #EnergisedEmployeesEmpowerCompanies
About us
Energy Lab has evolved into Golazo Energy! Don’t worry, we are still on the same mission: we want to move people, organisations and society so they can thrive. And now we’re joining forces with the Golazo network to offer you even more knowledge, better integrations and an overall better experience. Golazo Energy is the all-round holistic partner for your company's corporate wellbeing. We believe that your people are the beating heart of your organisation. Energised employees are the key to strong, high-performing companies, where anything is possible. It’s not just about physical health. It’s about happiness, motivation, purpose, reducing brain fog, building trustful and safe relationships, a healthier sleeping pattern, … We look at the bigger picture, because true wellbeing can only be achieved by approaching it holistically. This results in healthy, thriving companies: attractive employers where people are able to flourish and achieve fantastic results in a sustainable and durable way. Ready to energise your employees and empower your company? Let’s unlock your potential! 🚀
- Website
External link for Golazo Energy
- Industry
- Wellness and Fitness Services
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Paal-Beringen
- Type
- Public Company
- Founded
- 2009
- Specialties
- corporate wellbeing, energy management, corporate health, energy, vitality, health coaching, coaching, sport tests, nutrition advice, sport apps, and sport platforms
Corporate Wellness Software
KeepMoving moves people with virtual challenges organised by their employer, brand, city or any other organization. We offer a web solution with standard plug-and-play challenges or fully customised branded challenges that engages participants through playful gamification, worth-winning rewards and inspiring content to promote a healthy lifestyle. Because a healthy body works.
Employees at Golazo Energy
Klaas De Waele
Product Manager
Nicolas Pignatelli
Client manager at Good | Marketing Director at Golazo Energy
Dominique Monami
World Top 10 tennis player 🎾 II Olympic Medalist🥉II Inspirational Keynote Speaker II Executive coach 🧠II Vice president Olympic committee II…
Josefien De Bock
Freelance journalist, (eind)redacteur & copywriter bij Text Fairy
With ‘My Food Print’, Chantal van der Brempt emphasises the importance of healthy food for overall wellbeing and performance. This mission stems from her own personal experience. 20 years ago, Chantal’s mother passed away from cancer, a painful event that led her to explore various non-medical therapies and ultimately focus on the transformative power of food. She discovered firsthand that small, sustainable changes in eating habits can have a great impact on energy levels, stress management, and performance. 👊 🫐 Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated—small, consistent changes lead to long-term results. Discover more about the workshop here: #Keynote #MyFoodPrint #ChantalVanDerBrempt #GolazoEnergy
❓ Hoe draagt de Start 2 Run- en Hardlopen met Evy-app bij aan blessurepreventie voor beginnende lopers? Ontdek het tijdens het Sportmedisch Congres Rotterdam, waar Thijs Dekiere (Operations Lead Sportlabo’s Golazo Energy & loopcoach) en Eline Van Lembergen (Marketing Communications Manager Golazo Energy) een interactieve sessie geven over hoe blessurepreventie geïntegreerd is in deze app. Ze tonen hoe slimme innovaties – zoals veilige loopsnelheidsadviezen en doordachte trainingsschema’s – de kans op blessures verkleinen en lopers helpen duurzaam op te bouwen. En dat is nodig, want maar liefst 26% van de beginnende lopers valt uit door blessures. Benieuwd hoe ze lopers stap voor stap begeleiden naar die eerste 5 km? Kom langs op hun sessie en ontdek het zelf! 📅 10 april van 10.50 tot 11.25 📍 Sportmedisch Congres Rotterdam @ Meent 110, 3011 AA, Rotterdam 🙋♀️ Voor wie? Iedereen met interesse in sport en de medische kant van sportevenementen, beleidsmedewerkers en evenementorganisatoren 🔗 Schrijf je in via #HardlopenMetEvy #Start2Run #BlessurevrijHardlopen #SportmedischCongres #Running Sportinnovator
Wat kunnen HR professionals leren van de manier waarop sportcoaches hun teams naar de overwinning leiden? Die vraag beantwoordt Aline Fobe als gast op de ZigZag HR podcast. Een team leiden op de werkvloer heeft namelijk veel gemeen met het coachen van een sportteam 🤝, al zijn er ook enkele belangrijke verschillen! Aline blikt terug op haar ervaring als nationale hockeyspeelster bij de Red Panthers. 🏑 Ze benadrukt het belang van intrinsieke motivatie en werken met een duidelijke ‘purpose’. Daarnaast bespreekt ze de verschillen tussen het leiden van teams op het werk en op het veld. Benieuwd hoe je deze inzichten kan toepassen op het leiderschap? Ontdek er alles over in deze podcastsnippet! #GolazoEnergy #ZigZagHR #Podcast #Leiderschap
Who run the world!? Girls! 🏃♀️💃 Tomorrow is International Women’s Day, and that’s the perfect occasion to celebrate the incredible women around us! Our team is full of strong and inspiring women who make a difference every day with their talent and dedication. While we appreciate them all year round, International Women’s Day is the perfect moment to put them in the spotlight! Our female colleagues play an essential role in our team and the organisation’s success. Their energy, positivity and enthusiasm create an uplifting and supportive atmosphere, both mentally and physically. Besides that, they also make sure we take a walking break to recharge during the day! Who are the inspiring women in your life? Give them a shoutout in the comments! 💌 #InternationalWomensDay #WomenOfGolazo #GolazoEnergy Elise Eeckhout Rachel Decuyper Lisa Van der Beke Dagmar Bruylandt Eline Van Lembergen Jana Bogaert Aline Fobe Aagje Vanwalleghem Manon Limouzin Marie-Amélie Callebaut Siegrid De Ridder Jana De Weer Katrien Van Roy Meike Rogiers Evelyne Coppens Sarah Braet Evelien Maes Louise Macken Jolien Lewyllie Anouk Doore
🏁 We zijn net zo enthousiast over de start van Mediafin Moves als de sportieve medewerkers die onlangs deelnamen aan de kick-off! 🚶 Dit wellbeing programma stimuleert medewerkers van Mediafin om actiever en gezonder te leven. Drie maanden lang coachen we 15 ambassadeurs ter voorbereiding op de 42 km lange AG Belgian Coast Walk in mei. 🔎 Tijdens de kick-off dag draaide alles om een sterke start: onder begeleiding van onze Golazo Energy coaches (Aimé Adam, Bart De Clercq, Ruben D., Thijs Dekiere) ondergingen de deelnemers een biologische leeftijdstest. Deze bestond uit een VO2-max test, een DEXA body scan en fitheidstesten, om zo hun fysieke startpunt te bepalen. Daarna volgde een eerste core training, en kregen ze inzicht in effectieve trainingsprincipes die hen de komende maanden zullen helpen bij hun voorbereiding. 💪 Vanaf nu zullen ze, onder begeleiding van coach Anouk Doore, stap voor stap toewerken naar de tocht. Veel succes aan alle ambassadeurs – op naar de 42 km! #MediafinMoves #AGBelgianCoastWalk #WellbeingAtWork #GolazoEnergy #CoachedByGolazo Lennert Callens Simon Van Cleynenbreugel Dagmar Bruylandt
💙 Leaders who care about their people build teams that care about their work. 💬 Wellbeing in the workplace starts at the top. As a leader, the way you approach health, work-life balance and stress management directly influences your team. By leading by example, you can create a culture where wellbeing is a priority. This can start with setting healthy boundaries or fostering open conversations about stress and mental health. Want to lead by example? Check out our tips below! ⬇️ How do you integrate wellbeing in your leadership? Let us know in the comments! #HealthyWorkplaceEnvironment #LeadingByExample #GolazoEnergy #WorkplaceWellbeing
‘Fear is the ultimate illusion holding us back each day’ That’s what Sebastien Bellin learned firsthand. As a professional basketball player, his world was shaken when he was injured in the 2016 Brussels Airport attacks. What followed was unimaginable adversity – due to a severe hip wound, he risked losing both of his legs. Instead of giving in to fear, he saw this as a second chance at life and rebuilt himself – both mentally and physically. In his powerful keynote, Sebastien shares his journey from the brink of death to a life filled with passion and purpose. He challenges us to: 💪 overcome the barriers of fear 💪 maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity 💪 see obstacles as stepping stones to success Discover more about Sebastien Bellin’s keynote here: #GolazoEnergy #Keynote #SebastienBellin
🙌 Anything is possible but it often requires dedication, a lot of hard work, and the right support! That’s exactly what we focus on with our Anything Is Possible programme. Through this initiative, we coach employees to push their limits and achieve ambitious goals – whether it’s a half marathon, a ¼ triathlon or a tough climb to the top of the Mont Ventoux. We provide the motivation, tools and coaching needed to succeed. 💪 Just like we’re coaching Elsabe, who’s part of the 2025 Ambassador training programme at Sofico. She’s currently training for a marathon and documenting her journey – an inspiring story that shows the impact of a strong support system. 🤓 Read all about Elsabe’s story: Curious to find out more about the Anything Is Possible programme? More info here: #GolazoEnergy #CoachedByGolazo #AnythingIsPossible #Sofico
💪 Pushing yourself on a sporting level while contributing to a good cause - that’s exactly what the 59 employees of Colosseum Dental Group are doing! 🏔️ Through the Move4Good project, they are working towards a shared goal: climbing Alpe d’Huez by bike or trail run! To kick it off, they completed an intensive three-day programme including medical screenings, shoe analyses, endurance tests, and personal coaching. They trained in cycling, spinning, and trail running while also receiving expert insights on training principles, mental strength, and nutrition. 🌍 Additionally, other CDG employees across multiple countries are moving together to reach a collective goal of 1.25 million kilometres. If the goal is reached, CDG will donate to four different charities. 🚴 We wish all the participants the best of luck in these inspiring challenges! 🏃 👇 Watch the aftermovie of the kick-off below! Robin Decottignies Dagmar Bruylandt Jana De Weer Ruben Crop Bart De Clercq Dietmar Ledegen #Move4Good #CoachedByGolazoEnergy #ColosseumDental #GolazoEnergy