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The Briefcase project is a new educational tool to teach students about the important role of mineral raw materials.

About us

The Briefcase project is a new educational tool that uses hands-on learning strategies to teach students about the important role of mineral raw materials in everyday life and how our choices concerning these materials can shape the world. Through innovative learning experiences, students engage directly with the raw materials they are learning about, improving retention of the content and challenging them to consider their place as European and global citizens. You are invited to join hundreds of people already using this engaging learning tool. We encourage you to learn more about the project or read about the versatile ways to utilise both the physical and digital tools.

Company size
11-50 employees



  • Our game in the Sciences Fair of Gerena thanks to Cobre Las Cruces - First Quantum Minerals 😍

    Fantástica y ajetreada mañana hoy en la Feria de Las Ciencias que organiza el Instituto de Gerena, en la que ha participado Cobre Las Cruces. Los chicos y chicas han jugado con la versión online de la #maletadelosminerales de RISBriefcase, han aprendido con Ana Esther Pérez Aguilar sobre minerales y fósiles (flipando con el diente de Megalodón que encontramos en la mina), y han sido miner@s por un día, eso sí, con todos los equipos de protección y seguridad que les ha enseñado Juan Carlos Baquero Úbeda. Gracias a la vicedirectora María Ángeles Navarro y a todo el equipo del IES Gerena, y enhorabuena por el éxito de la Feria. El año que viene volvemos seguro! #cobrelascruces #comunidad #minería

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  • We presented the benefits of the traditional mining and how it contributes to the sustainable development of local communities.

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    Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales para la Minería

    #MineríaArtesanal: más que un sustento, un motor de desarrollo ⛏🌍 En muchas partes del mundo, la minería artesanal y en pequeña escala es tan importante ‼️ como la gran minería, especialmente en términos de #empleo e #impactoeconómico local 💸. Sin embargo, persisten #mitos y prejuicios 😡 que la confunden con la #mineríailegal, obstaculizando su formalización y su reconocimiento como actividad legítima 🔝 💡 ¿Sabías que la minería artesanal emplea a casi 4️⃣5️⃣ millones de personas en todo el mundo? 💡 ¿Y que representa el 9️⃣0️⃣% de la fuerza laboral en la minería del #oro? La realidad es que, bien #regulada y #apoyada 🙌🏻, esta actividad puede ser una herramienta clave 🎯 para reducir la #pobreza 📉, fortalecer comunidades y contribuir a la #sostenibilidad ♻️ De hecho, organismos como la #ONU y el #BancoMundial reconocen su potencial para el desarrollo 📊 En el #artículo de esta semana, Lidia Gullón Corral, coordinadora del proyecto RISBriefcase apoyado por el EIT RawMaterials, y nuestra presidenta, Lucía Camporro Calero, abordan este tema tan interesante y de #actualidad ☝🏻 ✅ La diferencia entre minería artesanal y minería ilegal. ✅ Los desafíos y oportunidades del sector. ✅ Su papel en el suministro global de minerales estratégicos. ✅ Cómo puede alinearse con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (#ODS). Es momento de cambiar la narrativa y entender que la minería artesanal no solo es una fuente ⛲ de #ingresos para millones, sino también una pieza fundamental en la #transición hacia una #economía MÁS #justa y #sostenible ♻️🤑 #QuestionForGroup❓: ¿vosotros qué opináis? Os leemos 👀 Hoy, con la minería artesanal, Lidia Gullón y nuestra Lucía, la #MineríaesMÁS

  • Dear #RISBriefcase community, What an incredible six-year journey it has been! From The Briefcase to 3DBriefcase and finally RISBriefcase, we’ve had the honor of working with amazing partners, creating impactful thematic briefcases, and delivering inspiring workshops. Our last project, RISBriefcase, brought together incredible minds who shared their ideas, visions, and passion for change. Your support has meant everything to us! 💙 As a little »thank-you«, we’ve prepared a special video from our final project meeting in Banja Luka 🇧🇦. Dive into the highlights, final presentations, and heartfelt messages from our consortium. Don’t miss it! 🎥 Thank you for being part of this journey! 🙌 #risbriefcase #briefcase #EITRawMaterials #stemeducation #STEM

    Risbriefcase final meeting & final promo event


  • ✨ Mining and Education: A Key Partnership for the Future ✨ The Fundacion Gómez Pardo had the honor of participating in the event "Stories of Women's Contribution to Industry and Mining in Andalusia", coordinated by #JuntadeAndalucía. Our #ProjectCoordinator Lidia Gullón Corral shared her experience in the Spanish mining sector, highlighting the crucial role of women in the industry and the challenges we still need to overcome to achieve greater equality. 💡 These events not only promote women's participation in mining but also help bring the sector closer to society and professionals from other industries. 📢 Along these lines, the #Briefcase project reinforces these actions through an innovative methodology that allows children to discover a surprising reality: everything around us comes from a mine. 🔍 Through interactive experiences, young learners not only understand the mineral-object relationship but also realize that mining is an excellent career path for their future. 🎮 Do you want to try our game and explore the world of minerals? 👉 www.thebriefcasegame.eu #SustainableMining #Education #Minerals #MiningIndustry #Equality #STEM #Briefcase

  • From the project, we are delighted 😀 to see how #miningeducation is experienced with such enthusiasm in the classrooms 🏫   The #BriefcaseWorkshop at CEIP Catalina de Palacios not only allowed children 🧒🏻 to learn about minerals, but also provided them with the opportunity to experiment practically and have fun with their own hands 🙌   Thanks to Minería es Más, SEPIOLSA, and Women In Mining and Industry Spain for their collaboration with the project and for making this possible 😊

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    Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales para la Minería

    Volvemos a las aulas de #primaria 📚😍 con MÁS actividades para seguir acercando nuestra #familiaminera a los mas peques 👶🏻   El pasado viernes por la tarde, estuvimos en el CEIP Catalina de Palacios 🏫, #Esquivias, con los cada vez más clásicos 😜 #talleresdeminerales en colaboración 🤝🏻 con SEPIOLSA, Women In Mining & Industry Spain y Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos - ANEFA, y con el apoyo del proyecto RISBriefcase 📚 Otra jornada #educativa que capturó la atención ‼️ de #niños y #profesores al instante 👦 Durante los talleres, los niños disfrutaron de una gran variedad de #actividades: descubrieron los #minerales que tenemos dentro de nuestros #teléfonos 📱 y demás dispositivos #electrónicos, estuvieron curioseando con diferentes muestras, aprendiendo a identificar minerales por sus propiedades: #dureza, #magnetismo, #brillometálico ✨... Hasta un #actividad especialmente dedicado a la #sepiolita 🐈 ya que el colegio está al lado de una de las canteras de nuestros amigos de SEPIOLSA. No se creían que la #camadegato saliese de ahí ⛏️🤣 Evidentemente, no faltó la actividad estrella: el #bateo de oro 🌟 Los niños simularon el proceso de extracción en un río 💧como #vaqueros del Lejano Oeste🤠 Batea en mano, aprendieron a separar pequeñas escamas de "oro" de otros materiales (lo hemos hecho con #pirita, somos pobres 🤑), llevándose su propio "tesoro" a casa 🏠 Pero antes de eso, por si fuera poco, terminamos la tarde con un #juegointeractivo 🕹️ para relacionar minerales con productos cotidianos 🤩 Además de divertido, también resultó una forma efectiva de mostrar 🔍 cómo los #minerales son esenciales en nuestra sociedad 🔝 Y entendieron cómo la #minería está MÁS conectada 🧩 con nuestra #vidadiaria de lo que a menudo pensamos 🤔💭 La experiencia, combinó educación y entretenimiento, reforzando la conexión entre los #recursosnaturales 💧y los objetos que usamos cotidianamente ⚙️🛠️ Gracias al CEIP Catalina de Palacios por apostar por la educación en minería entre los más pequeños 👧🏽🧑🏼 Hoy, con vosotros, la #MineríaesMÁS

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    🌍✨ Earth to Lab Workshop ✨🌊 The RISBriefcase team from Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci joined the Festival stvaralaštva (Festival of Creativity) at the Catholic School Centre in Banja Luka! 🎉 This year’s theme? The importance of water for life and Earth’s resources. 💧🌿 Their workshop aimed to: 🔬 Introduce high school students to the fascinating worlds of chemistry and #mineral science. 🌍 Promote sustainable mining and chemical industries that prioritize protecting water resources. 💡 Highlights: 👉 UNIBL’s team member Tatjana captivated students with a presentation on how mineral raw materials impact their daily lives in surprising ways. 🪨✨ 👉 UNIBL’s team member Nikolina wowed everyone with exciting chemical experiments using inorganic ores, sparking curiosity and creativity. 🧪🔥 👉 Best part? Students jumped in and got hands-on with the experiments themselves! 👩🔬🧑🔬 It was a day filled with learning, exploration, and inspiration. 🌟 #briefcase #risbriefcase #handsonlearning #rawmaterials #EITRawMaterials

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  • 🎉✨ "Mineral Chemistry for Beginners" Workshop Recap! ✨🎉 The Bosnian RISBriefcase team from the Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci hosted an amazing, all-day workshop at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Banja Luka for over 100 enthusiastic pupils from Elementary School "Aleksa Šantić." 🏫✨ 🌟 Workshop Highlights: 🔬 Pupils explored the fascinating world of mining, minerals, and ores. 💡 They discovered how these natural treasures play a vital role as raw materials in the chemical industry and in our everyday lives. 🌍 Most importantly, they learned minerals aren't "just rocks" – they’re the secret ingredients behind almost everything we use or play with! The energy was incredible – the pupils were curious, engaged, and eager to learn. Many expressed an interest in revisiting the faculty, with some even dreaming up their own backyard mining projects! 🏞️⛏️ It’s safe to say this experience sparked a lifelong curiosity about nature and natural resources. 🌱🌟 👏 A big thank you to everyone who made this workshop a success! Here's to inspiring the next generation of scientists and explorers. 💙👩🔬👨🔬 #risbriefcase #briefcase #handsonlearning #EITRawMaterials

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  • 🍰 A year is like a puzzle - no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, each piece fits together to create a meaningful whole. 🤝 Together, we have created a wonderful Briefcase legacy, which has been and still will be fulfilling in something we believe in and cherish. It not only serves its purpose but also makes a difference in our perspective on mineral raw materials. 🎆 Happy New Year and Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey. #risbriefcase #briefcase #handsonlearning #STEM #rawmaterials #minerals #eitrawmater

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  • 👷🏻♀️ Jump over the Leather Skin 👷🏻♂️ Today, the partners of the #RISBriefcase project are attending one of the most important ceremonies for mining engineers in #Prijedor: the Jump over the Leather Skin ⚒️ This long-standing tradition dates back to a time when the jump symbolized proving one’s worth. Now, #Mining Engineers celebrates their graduation by jumping over it. Our project coordinator, Lidia Gullón Corral delivered an inspiring message to these new professionals 🗣️: 1️⃣ Continue learning and embrace travel opportunities. 2️⃣ Cultivate curiosity. 3️⃣ Be proactive and empathetic. 4️⃣ Develop a personal growth strategy. 5️⃣ Fail and rise again, again and again. A heartfelt thanks to our local partner, the #UNIBL, for this fantastic opportunity. 🎉 Congratulations to all graduates! We are excited to collaborate with you in the future 🤝 #MiningTraditions #EngineeringGraduation #Education #MiningForTheFuture #Collaboration

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    Everything comes to an end… or not? 💪🏻 Today, the #FinalMeeting of the #RISBriefcase project 💼 is taking place at the University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina). This project, cofunded by EIT RawMaterials has been an absolute success: ✔️ 12 #TaskPartners have joined forces, creating a network to raise awareness across Europe. ✔️ More than 100 #Briefcases in different formats have been developed to address the diverse needs of society. ✔️ Over 20,000 children have participated in our #Workshops over the past years. We are closing the project administratively, but the foundations have been laid to ensure the continuity of these impactful activities of this project. #Innovation #Education #Sustainability #Collaboration #MiningForTheFuture

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