Monday, September 27, 2021

Micropatches for the "File Extension" URL Scheme (CVE-2021-40444)



by Mitja Kolsek, the 0patch Team

September 2021 Windows Updates brought a fix for CVE-2021-40444, a critical vulnerability in Windows that allowed a malicious Office document to download a remote executable file and execute it locally upon opening such document. This vulnerability was found under exploitation in the wild.


The Vulnerability

Unfortunately, CVE-2021-40444 does not cover just one flaw but two; this can lead to some confusion:

  1. Path traversal in CAB file extraction: The exploit was utilizing this flaw to place a malicious executable file in a known location instead of a randomly-named subfolder, where it would originally be extracted.

  2. "File extension" URL scheme: For some reason, Windows ShellExecute function, a very complex function capable of launching local applications in various ways including via URLs, supported an undocumented URL scheme mapped to registered file extensions on the computer. The exploit was utilizing this "feature" to launch the previously downloaded executable file with the Control Panel application and have it executed via URL ".cpl:../../../../../Temp/championship.cpl". In this case, ".cpl" was considered a URL scheme, and since .cpl extension is associated with control.exe, this app would get launched and given the provided path as an argument.

The second flaw is the more critical one, as there may exist various other ways to get a malicious file on user's computer (e.g., via the Downloads folder) and still exploit this second flaw to execute such file.


Microsoft's Patch

What Microsoft's patch did was add a check before calling ShellExecute on the provided URL to block URL schemes beginning with a non-alphanumeric character - blocking schemes beginning with a dot such as ".cpl" -, and further limiting the allowed set of characters for the remaining string.

Note that ShellExecute function itself was not patched, and you can still launch a DLL via the Control Panel app by clicking the Windows Start button and typing in a ".cpl:/..." URL. Effectively, therefore, support for the "File extension" URL scheme was not eliminated across entire Windows, just made inaccessible from applications utilizing Internet Explorer components for opening URLs. Hopefully remotely delivered content can't find some other way towards ShellExecute that bypasses this new security check.

Our Micropatch

Microsoft's update fixed both flaws, but we decided to only patch the "File extension" URL scheme flaw until someone demonstrates the first flaw to be exploitable by itself.

The "File extension" URL scheme flaw was actually present in two places, in mshtml.dll (reachable from Office documents) and in ieframe.dll (reachable from Internet Explorer), so we had to patch both these executables.

Since an official vendor fix is available, it was our goal to provide patches for affected Windows versions that we have "security-adopted", as they're not receiving official vendor patches anymore. Among these, our tests have shown that only Windows 10 v1803 and v1809 were affected; the File Extension URL scheme "feature" was apparently added in Windows 8.1.

We expect many Windows 10 v1903 machines out there may also be affected, so we decided to port the micropatch to this version as well.

Our CVE-2021-40444 micropatches are therefore available for: 

  1. Windows 10 v1803 32bit or 64bit (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support)
  2. Windows 10 v1809 32bit or 64bit (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support) 
  3. Windows 10 v1903 32bit or 64bit (updated with December 2020 Updates - latest before end of support) 

Below is a video of our patch in action. Notice that with 0patch disabled, Calculator is launched both upon opening the Word document and upon previewing the RTF document in Windows Explorer Preview. In both cases, Process Monitor shows that control.exe gets launched, which loads the "malicious" executable, in our case spawning Calculator. With 0patch enabled, control.exe does not get launched, and therefore neither does Calculator.

In line with our guidelines, these patches require a PRO license. To obtain them and have them applied on your computer(s) along with other micropatches included with a PRO license, create an account in 0patch Central, install 0patch Agent and register it to your account, then purchase 0patch PRO.
For a free trial, contact
Note that no computer restart is needed for installing the agent or applying/un-applying any 0patch micropatches.

We'd like to thank Will Dormann for an in-depth public analysis of this vulnerability, which helped us create a micropatch and protect our users.

To learn more about 0patch, please visit our Help Center.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Micropatching MSHTML Remote Code Execution Issue (CVE-2021-33742)



by Mitja Kolsek, the 0patch Team

June 2021 Windows Updates brought a fix for CVE-2021-33742, a remote code execution in the MSHTML component, exploitable via Microsoft browsers and potentially other applications using this component, e.g. via a malicious Microsoft Word document. Discovery of this issue was attributed to Clément Lecigne of Google’s Threat Analysis Group, while Google's security researcher Maddie Stone wrote a detailed analysis. A short proof-of-concept (see Maddie's article) that causes access violation in the browser was written by Ivan Fratric of Google Project Zero.

Our tests showed that out of the Windows versions that we have "security adopted", we were only able to reproduce the vulnerability on Windows 10 v1803 and v1809, so these were the ones we wanted to create a micropatch for.

After reproducing the vulnerability, we looked at Microsoft's patch to see if we could do something similar for the two affected Windows 10 versions that haven't received the official vendor fix.



As seen on the above image, Microsoft has just added a check to see if the user-influenced value (size of TextData element) that caused memory corruption was greater than 0x1FFFFFFF. If so, it triggers an assertion and effectively crashes the process without trying to resolve the situation. This is a bit unusual as it implies that either (a) Microsoft found it extremely difficult to fix this issue at some root level, issue a JavaScript exception and keep the process running, or (b) they wanted to get this over with quickly because Internet Explorer is hardly supported anymore and MSHTML, while still being used by other applications such as Microsoft Word, is not a critical component for their most important customers.

Be it as it may, our micropatch does the same as looking for a better fix could take us down a rabbit hole for a long time. However, it also records an "Exploit Blocked" event to the local 0patch log so an attack will leave a trace.

Source code of our micropatch:

MODULE_PATH "..\Affected_Modules\mshtml.dll_11.0.17134.2208_32bit_Win10v1803-u202105\mshtml.dll"
VULN_ID 7139
    PATCHLET_OFFSET 0x4498d0
    PIT mshtml!0x75e4f0
    ;0x75e4f0 -> Release_Assert
        mov eax, ebx            ;Get the size of the string       
        cmp eax, 2000000h       ;Check if the string is shorter than 0x2000000
        jl NOEXPLOIT            ;If it's shorter, continue
        call PIT_ExploitBlocked ;If not shorter, show the popup
        setl cl                 ;flag that controls the behavior of Release_Assert function.
                                ;If it's 0, the function does nothing.
        call PIT_0x75e4f0       ;Call Release_Assert



And the video of our patch in action. Note that in contrast to a typical micropatch that prevents the process from crashing, this micropatch - doing exactly the same as Microsoft's fix - lets the process crash in a controlled, unexploitable way in case an overly long string is encountered.

This micropatch was written for: 

  1. Windows 10 v1809 (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support) 
  2. Windows 10 v1803 (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support)


To obtain the micropatch and have it applied on your computer(s) along with other micropatches included with a PRO license, create an account in 0patch Central, install 0patch Agent and register it to your account. Note that no computer restart is needed for installing the agent or applying/un-applying any 0patch micropatch. For a 0patch trial, contact

We'd like to thank Clément Lecigne, Maddie Stone and Ivan Fratric of Google for finding this issue and sharing details, which allowed us to create a micropatch and protect our users.

To learn more about 0patch, please visit our Help Center.



Friday, August 6, 2021

Free Micropatches for "PetitPotam" (CVE-2021-36942)


by Mitja Kolsek, the 0patch Team

Update 8/11/2021-A: August 2021 Windows Updates brought a fix for PetitPotam, which, in contrast to our patch that fixes an impersonation issue and keeps EfsRpcOpenFileRaw request functional, disables the EfsRpcOpenFileRaw request. CVE-2021-36942 was assigned to this vulnerability. More details below in the Microsoft's Patch section.

Update 8/11/2021-B: Neither Microsoft's August fix nor our micropatch seem to have covered all PetitPotam affected code. Both fixed the anonymous attack vector but we're investigating additional authenticated paths now and looking for the best way to patch that too. The most effective PetitPotam mitigation currently remains this RPC filter on all Domain Controllers, although it may be an overly broad measure and could break something, so proceed with caution.  

Update 8/19/2021: After further analysis of additional PetitPotam attack vectors, we created additional micropatches that block all these vectors. Today's PetitPotam patches are written for executables from August 2021 Windows Updates, which means you have to have these updates installed (i.e., fully updated Windows as of this writing) in order to have them applied. 

Update 9/15/2021: September 2021 Windows Updates did not bring any changes regarding the new PetitPotam attack vectors, so our micropatches remain free.

Update 12/21/2021: Microsoft provided an official fix for this issue on December 14, which addresses the remaining attack vectors. Our associated micropatches thus ceased being free and now require a PRO license.

Update 6/27/2022: While Microsoft only fixed the anonymous attack vector, we decided to also address the authenticated attack vector. We therefore ported our patches for this issue to current versions of supported Windows platforms. Given that Microsoft does not plan to patch authenticated credentials relaying issues, these patches are now available only to PRO and Enterprise accounts.

Update 6/3/2024: It came to our attention that PetitPotam can also be exploited against Windows Workstations, not just Servers. We therefore issued patches for all security-adopted as well as still-supported Windows versions, which we'll keep porting to relevant DLLs as they get updated.

Wow, we're busy these days. Just yesterday we issued micropatches for the "Malicious Printer Driver" 0day, and today we're fixing a critical remote code execution issue that allows an anonymous attacker to take over a Windows Domain Controller: the infamous "PetitPotam" bug.

PetitPotam was discovered by security researcher topotam, who published their proof-of-concept on Github on July 20, 2021. There is no official vendor patch for it at the time of this writing; in fact, Microsoft's support article implies they do not consider this a vulnerability but rather a mis-configuration, and provides some generic mitigations that do not address the root issue.

As usually, CERT/CC vulnerability note by Will Dormann nicely explains the vulnerability and an exploit chain leading to a complete domain takeover. The main problem is that any user - even anonymous - can force a domain controller to send NTLM credentials of its computer account to attacker's server, where these can be received and then relayed to another service in the domain to make a malicious privileged request.



We took a look at what goes on in the code when an EfsRpcOpenFileRaw request is received by the server. It is function  EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel in efslsaext.dll that processes this request. This function has most of its code enclosed in an impersonation block between a call to RpcImpersonateClient and a call to RpcRevertToSelf. Code inside this block is being executed under the identity of the requesting entity (in our case, attacker), while code outside executes as Local System, i.e., the computer account.

Unfortunately, function EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel, outside the impersonation block, makes a call to EfsGetLocalFileName, which tries to open the attacker-supplied UNC path. By doing so, it sends local computer's NTLM credentials inside the SMB request to the remote network share. If the attacker is waiting on the other end, they get these credentials.

Let's take a look at relevant parts of function EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel:

Beginning of function EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel, with the call to EfsGetLocalFilename being called without impersonation

Continuation of function EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel

Note that only this call to EfsGetLocalFileName is non-impersonated, while core EFSRPC functionality executes under requester's identity. This means that anonymous or unprivileged user cannot remotely execute EFSRPC functions such as reading or creating arbitrary network files.



Our micropatch extends the impersonation block such that it now encloses the previously un-impersonated call to EfsGetLocalFileName; as a result, the SMB request which this function triggers contains attacker's NTLM credentials instead of computer account's. Therefore, in case of an anonymous request the attacker gets credentials of the ANONYMOUS LOGON user (which are of no use), and if they use credentials of a Windows domain user, the acquired NTLM credentials will be of that same user (which they already have).

The patch contains two patchlets, one starting impersonation by calling RpcImpersonateClient,  and another stopping impersonation by calling RpcRevertToSelf.

MODULE_PATH "..\Affected_Modules\efslsaext.dll_10.0.17763.1075_64bit_WinSrv2019-u202107\efslsaext.dll"
VULN_ID 7174

    PIT rpcrt4!0x53370,efslsaext!0x288c
    ;0x53370 -> RpcImpersonateClient
    ;0x288c -> Error block
    code_start    ;Injected at the top of the block containing
                   EfsRpcGetLocalFileName, in the EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel
        mov rcx, 0        ;Set rcx for RpcImpersonateClient to 0, so it
                           impersonates the current client
        call PIT_0x53370  ;Call RpcImpersonateClient
        mov rbx, rax      ;Move the result to rbx, so it can be used for error
                           reporting in case of failure   
        cmp rax, 0        ;Check if impersonation failed
        jne PIT_0x288c    ;If failed, jump to error block

    PIT rpcrt4!0x563b0
    ;0x563b0 -> RpcReverToSelf
    code_start  ;Injected at the top of the block right after the
                 RpcRevertToSelf call, in the EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel function
        call PIT_0x563b0    ;Call RpcRevertToSelf to stop impersonating



Let's look at the difference between running the PetitPotam tool against a fully updated Windows Server without and with 0patch.

Without 0patch

Let's see which user executes the call to EfsGetLocalFileName:


As expected, it's Local System. And the PetitPotam tool, chained with Active Directory Certificate Server produces domain controller's certificate:


With 0patch

Let's see which user executes the call to EfsGetLocalFileName this time:


Good, it's the Anonymous Logon user, which is useless to the attacker. Consequently, the PetitPotam attack doesn't work anymore:


Patch Availability

This micropatch was written for:


  1. Windows Server 2019 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  2. Windows Server 2016 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  3. Windows Server 2012 R2 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  4. Windows Server 2008 R2 (updated with January 2020 Updates, no Extended Security Updates) 


Our tests indicate that Windows Server 2012 (non R2), Windows Server 2008 (non R2) and Windows Server 2003 are not affected by this issue.

Micropatches for this vulnerability are, as always, automatically downloaded and applied to all affected computers (unless your policy prevents that), and will be free until Microsoft has issued an official fix. If you want to use them, create a free account at 0patch Central, then install and register 0patch Agent from Everything else will happen automatically. No computer reboots will be needed.

Compatibility note: Some Windows 10 and Server systems exhibit occasional timeouts in the Software Protection Platform Service (sppsvc.exe) on a system running 0patch Agent. This looks like a bug in Windows Code Integrity mitigation that prevents a 0patch component to be injected in the service (which is okay) but sometimes also does a lot of seemingly meaningless processing that causes process startup to time out. As a result, various licensing-related errors can occur. The issue, should it occur, can be resolved by excluding sppsvc.exe from 0patch injection as described in this article.

Update 8/19/2021: Microsoft's August 2021 updates brought a functionally similar fix as our micropatch, but since other attack vectors were subsequently discovered, we have issued additional micropatches that apply on top of August 2021 Windows executables. In order to use them, you have to have August 2021 Windows Updates applied. In addition, we have found Windows Server 2012 to be affected to these additional vectors and have also covered this Windows version with our new micropatches.

[Update 8/11/2021: added section Microsoft's Patch]

Microsoft's Patch

August 2021 Windows Updates brought Microsoft's official fix for this issue. The associated documentation states: "The EFS API OpenEncryptedFileRaw(A/W), often used in backup software, continues to work in all versions of Windows (local and remote), except when backing up to or from a system running Windows Server 2008 SP2. OpenEncryptedFileRaw will no longer work on Windows Server 2008 SP2. Note: If you are unable to use backup software on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 and later, after installing the updates that address this CVE, contact the manufacturer of your backup software for updates and support."

 Let's take a look at this fix.


Microsoft's fix is in the same function as our micropatch ( EfsRpcOpenFileRaw_Downlevel in efslsaext.dll), but it sabotages the function so it doesn't work anymore. We actually also sometimes sabotage an entire function if it seems that could affect such a small amount of users that the benefits would outweigh the risk. In fact, we were initially inclined to do it here too as we were unable to find any backup product or mechanism that would be using this function - but then decided to rather fix the obvious bug we had noticed, and keep the function "alive".

Note that Microsoft's fix also includes a hidden undocumented feature: instead of outright sabotaging OpenEncryptedFileRaw, the fix checks an undocumented registry value AllowOpenRawDL (DWORD) under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EFS; if this value exists and is equal to 1, OpenEncryptedFileRaw works as before. Therefore, if Microsoft's fix broke your backup, you can disable it using this value, but doing so will make you vulnerable to the PetitPotam attack.

We find this Microsoft's fix to be appropriate and therefore do not plan to port our PetitPotam micropatch to the August 2021 version of efslsaext.dll unless 0patch users come complaining the fix broke their backup. We also invite any Windows users whose backup got broken by August 2021 Windows Update to contact us at

Update 8/11/2021: Neither Microsoft's August fix nor our micropatch seem to have covered all PetitPotam affected code. Both fixed the anonymous attack vector but we're investigating additional authenticated paths now and looking for the best way to patch that too. 

Update 8/19/2021: Our new micropatches released today address these additional attack vectors.



We'd like to thank topotam for sharing details about this vulnerability, and Will Dormann, Benjamin Delpy and Kevin Beaumont for sharing lots of useful insights and context that helped us understand this vulnerability and create this micropatch to protect users.

Please revisit this blog post for updates or follow 0patch on Twitter.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Free Micropatches for Malicious Printer Driver Issue (CVE-2021-36958)



by Mitja Kolsek, the 0patch Team

[Update 9/15/2021: September 2021 Windows Updates fixed this vulnerability in effectively the same way our micropatch did. The issue was assigned CVE-2021-36958]

[Update 8/11/2021: August 2021 Windows Updates did not fix this vulnerability. We're therefore porting our micropatch to the August versions of executables.]


With PrintNightmare vulnerability still echoing (and still without a complete official fix, in our view), another printing-related issue was found by security researcher Benjamin Delpy that allows a local unprivileged user on a Windows machine to execute arbitrary code as System by installing a malicious printer driver.

In essence, the attacker sets up a printer with a modified driver on a machine they control, and then installs this printer using Point and Print on another Windows computer, gaining full control of said computer. While generally considered a local privilege escalation, this issue could also be used in conjunction with some social engineering to get a remote attacker's code executed on user's machine.

The issue is nicely described in this CERT/CC vulnerability note written by Will Dormann. While Windows have been requiring printer driver packages installed via Point and Print to be signed by a trusted source since 2016, Benjamin discovered that additional executable files can be included in such installation outside the signed package, and these would then be automatically loaded (and their code executed) by the Print Spooler service running as System.

How To Fix This?

In contrast to, say, memory corruption bugs or numeric overflows, this is not a trivial issue to fix; adding signature requirement to queue-specific files would require a lot of code and would be incompatible with the "micro" in micropatching. Disabling the transfer of queue-specific files could do the trick, but might result in confused users when installed printers would suddenly behave differently than before without any notification or warning.

We therefore decided to implement the group policy-based workaround as a micropatch, blocking Point and Print printer driver installation from untrusted servers. This workaround employs Group Policy settings: the "Only use Package Point and Print" first requires every printer driver is in form of a signed package, while the "Package Point and print - Approved servers" limits the set of servers from which printer driver packages are allowed to be installed.

These settings are configurable via registry. Our patch modifies function DoesPolicyAllowPrinterConnectionsToServer in win32spl.dll such that it believes that PackagePointAndPrintOnly and PackagePointAndPrintServerList values exist and are set to 1, which enables both policies and keeps the list of approved servers empty.

Of course, if one has not previously configured Point and Print-related group policy settings, our patch breaks Point and Print driver installation because no servers are approved. On the other hand, on computers which already have these policies enabled, our patch has no effect. The reasoning behind our approach was that many Windows users and admins don't even know they're affected by this issue and just having 0patch installed will automatically resolve this vulnerability for them.

Our micropatch has four tiny patchlets:

MODULE_PATH "..\Affected_Modules\win32spl.dll_10.0.19041.746_32bit_Win10-2004-u202107\win32spl.dll"
VULN_ID 7172
        mov eax, 0   ; we say that registry key PackagePointAndPrint exists
       add esp, 0Ch ; align stack pointer
        mov eax, 0            ; we say
that value PackagePointAndPrintOnly exists
        add esp, 18h          ; align stack pointer
        mov dword[ebp-2Ch], 1 ; value of PackagePointAndPrintOnly is 1
        mov eax, 0   ; we say that registry key PackagePointAndPrint exists
       add esp, 0Ch ; align stack pointer
        mov eax, 0            ; we say that value PackagePointAndPrintServerList exists
        add esp, 18h          ; align stack pointer
        mov dword[ebp-2Ch], 1 ; value of PackagePointAndPrintServerList is 1



And the video of our patch in action:

This micropatch was written for:


  1. Windows Server 2019 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  2. Windows Server 2016 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  3. Windows Server 2012 R2 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  4. Windows Server 2012 (updated with July 2021 Updates)
  5. Windows Server 2008 R2 (updated with January 2020 Updates, no Extended Security Updates) 
  6. Windows Server 2008 R2 (updated with January 2021 Updates, first year of Extended Security Updates only) 
  7. Windows Server 2008 R2 (updated with July 2021 Updates, second year of Extended Security Updates) 
  8. Windows 10 v21H1 (updated with July Updates)
  9. Windows 10 v20H2 (updated with July Updates)
  10. Windows 10 v2004 (updated with July Updates) 
  11. Windows 10 v1909 (updated with July Updates) 
  12. Windows 10 v1903 (updated with December 2020 Updates - latest before end of support)
  13. Windows 10 v1809 (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support) 
  14. Windows 10 v1803 (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support)
  15. Windows 10 v1709 (updated with October 2020 Updates - latest before end of support)
  16. Windows 7 (updated with January 2020 Updates, no Extended Security Updates)
  17. Windows 7 (updated with January 2021 Updates, first year of Extended Security Updates only)
  18. Windows 7 (updated with July 2021 Updates, second year of Extended Security Updates)

Micropatches for this vulnerability will be free until Microsoft has issued an official fix. If you want to use them, create a free account at 0patch Central, then install and register 0patch Agent from Everything else will happen automatically. No computer reboots will be needed.

Compatibility note: Some Windows 10 and Server systems exhibit occasional timeouts in the Software Protection Platform Service (sppsvc.exe) on a system running 0patch Agent. This looks like a bug in Windows Code Integrity mitigation that prevents a 0patch component to be injected in the service (which is okay) but sometimes also does a lot of seemingly meaningless processing that causes process startup to time out. As a result, various licensing-related errors can occur. The issue, should it occur, can be resolved by excluding sppsvc.exe from 0patch injection as described in this article.


What to do if the patch breaks printing?

If printing in your network utilizes Point and Print, our patch can cause problems such as users being unable to print to their printers or even seeing them on a network share. If this happens, we recommend adding servers hosting your printers to the approved server list as follows:

  1. Launch mmc.exe as administrator
  2. Select File -> Add/Remove Snap-in
  3. Add "Group Policy Object Editor"
  4. Under Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Printers, open the "Package Point and print - Approved servers" policy
  5. Enable the policy, click the "Show" button, and add the servers your printers are on to the list



We'd like to thank Benjamin Delpy for sharing details about this vulnerability, and Will Dormann and Kevin Beaumont for sharing lots of useful insights and context that helped us create this micropatch and protect 0patch users.

Please revisit this blog post for updates or follow 0patch on Twitter.





Monday, July 12, 2021

0patch Agent released


Today we released a new version of 0patch Agent that fixes some issues reported by users or detected internally by our team. We always recommend keeping 0patch Agent updated to the latest version, as we only support the last couple of versions; not updating for a long time could lead to new patches no longer being downloaded and agent not being able to sync to the server properly. 

Enterprise users can update their agents centrally via 0patch Central; if their policies mandate automatic updating for individual groups, agents in such groups will get updated automatically.

Non-enterprise users will have to update 0patch Agents manually by logging in to computers with 0patch Agent and pressing "GET LATEST VERSION" in 0patch Console. We're still offering a free upgrade to Enterprise so any PRO user can request Enterprise features by contacting

The latest 0patch Agent is always downloadable from

Release Notes

  • "Hash caching" was introduced to significantly reduce the amount of CPU and disk I/O operations when calculating cryptographic hashes of executable modules as these are loaded in running processes. Before, hash calculation was causing performance problems for some users on Citrix and Terminal Servers.
  • Huge log files are a thing of the past. We have implemented a mechanism to keep log sizes limited, with these limits configurable via registry.
  • 0patch Agent used to have the default Windows API behavior when it comes to using SSL/TLS versions, which was causing problems for users requiring TLS 1.1 or 1.2 on older Windows systems and required manual configuration. The new agent supports TLS 1.1 and 1.2 even on older systems such as Windows 7 or  Server 2008 R2 by default.
  • 0patch Console no longer crashes if launched while another instance of 0patch Console is already running. Now, launching a second 0patch Console puts the already running console in the foreground.
  • 0patch Console's registration form had "SIGN UP FOR A FREE ACCOUNT" and "FORGOT PASSWORD" links swapped. This has been corrected.
  • With 0patch FREE, some notifications occasionally failed to get closed and were left hovering indefinitely, making it impossible for users to reach the screen area behind them. This has been corrected.


An enormous THANK YOU to all users who have been reporting technical issues to our support team, some of you investing a lot of time in investigating problems and searching for solutions or workarounds. You helped us make our product better for everyone!

WARNING: We have users reporting that various anti-virus products seem to detect the new agent as malicious and block its installation or execution. Specifically, Kaspersky detects the MSI installer package as malicious (preventing installation and update), while Avast and AVG detect 0patchServicex64.exe as malicious (preventing proper functioning of the agent). We recommend marking these as false positives, restoring quarantined files and making an exception for these files if affected.




Friday, July 2, 2021

Free Micropatches for PrintNightmare Vulnerability (CVE-2021-34527)

by Mitja Kolsek, the 0patch Team

Update 8/11/2021: August 2021 Windows Updates brought a fix for PrintNightmare that has the same default effect as our micropatch, although with a different implementation; therefore our micropatch is no longer free but available with a 0patch PRO license.

Update 7/16/2021: We've ported and issued our PrintNightmare patches for Windows computers that have July 2021 Windows Updates installed (which we do recommend). Our patches prevent exploitation of PrintNightmare even if computer settings render Microsoft's patch ineffective, as described by Will Dormann's diagram. These patches remain free for now.

Update 7/15/2021: July Patch Tuesday patches included the same PrintNightmare fix as the July 6 out-of-band Windows Update, with Microsoft stating that it properly resolves the vulnerability. As this diagram shows, two configuration options that aren't inherently security-related can make the system vulnerable to at least local - but likely also remote - attack, so we're going to port our patches to at least July Windows Updates while we continue to assess the situation. Since July Windows Updates also brought fixes for various other vulnerabilities, we recommend applying them to keep your computers fully up-to-date.

Update 7/7/2021: Microsoft has issued an out-of-band update for the PrintNightmare vulnerability, but the next day this update was found to be ineffective for both local and remote attack vectors. The update does, however, modify localspl.dll on the computer, which means that our existing patches stop getting applied to this module if the update is installed. In other words, if you used 0patch to protect your computers against PrintNightmare, applying the July 6 update from Microsoft makes you vulnerable again. Since we expect Microsoft to issue another modification to localspl.dll next week on Patch Tuesday, we decided not to port our patches to the July 6 version of localspl.dll but rather wait and see what happens next week. Consequently, we recommend NOT INSTALLING the July 6 Windows update if you're using 0patch.

Update 7/5/2021: Security researcher cube0x0 discovered another attack vector for this vulnerability, which significantly expands the set of affected machines. While the original attack vector was Print System Remote Protocol [MS-RPRN], the same attack delivered via Print System Asynchronous Remote Protocol [MS-PAR] does not require Windows server to be a domain controller, or Windows 10 machine to have UAC User Account Control disabled or PointAndPrint NoWarningNoElevationOnInstall enabled. Note that our patches for Servers 2019, 2016, 2012 R2 and 2008 R2 issued on 7/2/2021 are effective against this new attack vector and don't need to be updated.


June 2021 Windows Updates brought a fix for a vulnerability CVE-2021-1675 originally titled "Windows Print Spooler Local Code Execution Vulnerability". As usual, Microsoft's advisory provided very little information about the vulnerability, and very few probably noticed that about two weeks later, the advisory was updated to change "Local Code Execution" to "Remote Code Execution".

This CVE ID would probably remain one of the boring ones without a surprise publication of a proof-of-concept for a remote code execution vulnerability called PrintNightmare, indicating that it was  CVE-2021-1675. Security researchers Zhiniang Peng and Xuefeng Li, who published this POC, believed that their vulnerability was already fixed by Microsoft, and saw other researchers slowly leaking details, so they decided to publish their work as well.

It turned out that PrintNightmare was not, in fact, CVE-2021-1675 - and the published details and POC were for a yet unpatched vulnerability that turned out to allow remote code execution on all Windows Servers from version 2019 back to at least version 2008, especially if they were configured as domain controllers.

The security community went scrambling to clear the confusion, identify conditions for exploitability, and find workarounds in absence of an official fix from Microsoft. Meanwhile, PrintNightmare started getting actively exploited, Microsoft has confirmed it to be a separate vulnerability to CVE-2021-1675, assigned it CVE-2021-34527, and recommended that affected users either disable the Print Spooler service or disable inbound remote printing.

In addition to Microsoft's recommendations, workarounds gathered from the community included removing Authenticated Users from the "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access" group, and setting permissions on print spooler folders to prevent the attack.

All these mitigations can have unwanted and unexpected side effects that can break functionalities in production (1, 2, 3), some including those unrelated to printing.

Patching the Nightmare


Long story short, our team at 0patch has analyzed the vulnerability and created micropatches for different affected Windows versions, starting with those most critical and most widely used:

  1. Windows Server 2019 (updated with June 2021 Updates)
  2. Windows Server 2016 (updated with June 2021 Updates)
  3. Windows Server 2012 R2 (updated with June 2021 Updates)
  4. Windows Server 2008 R2 (updated with January 2020 Updates, no Extended Security Updates) 
  5. Windows 10 v21H1 (updated with June 2021 Updates)
  6. Windows 10 v20H2 (updated with June 2021 Updates)
  7. Windows 10 v2004 (updated with June 2021 Updates) 
  8. Windows 10 v1909 (updated with June 2021 Updates) 
  9. Windows 10 v1903 (updated with December 2020 Updates - latest before end of support)
  10. Windows 10 v1809 (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support)
  11. Windows 10 v1803 (updated with May 2021 Updates - latest before end of support)
  12. Windows 10 v1709 (updated with October 2020 Updates - latest before end of support)
  13. Windows 7 (updated with January 2020 Updates, no Extended Security Updates) 


[Note: Additional patches will be released as needed based on exploitability on different Windows platforms.]

Our micropatches prevent the APD_INSTALL_WARNED_DRIVER flag in dwFileCopyFlags of function AddPrinterDriverEx from bypassing the object access check, which allowed the attack to succeed. We believe that "install warned drivers" functionality is not a very often used one, and breaking it in exchange for securing Windows machines from trivial remote exploitation is a good trade-off.

Our PrintNightmare patch only contains one single instruction, setting the rbx register to 1 and thus forcing the execution towards the code block that performs said object access check.

MODULE_PATH "..\Affected_Modules\localspl.dll_10.0.19041.1052_64bit_Win10-20H2-u202106\localspl.dll"
VULN_ID 7153

        mov ebx, 1       


Or as we see it in IDA Pro (green code block is injected by 0patch, grey is the original code that had to be moved in order to inject a jmp instruction in its place to jump to the patch).


See our micropatch in action:

Micropatches for PrintNightmare will be free until Microsoft has issued an official fix. If you want to use them, create a free account at 0patch Central, then install and register 0patch Agent from Everything else will happen automatically. No computer reboots will be needed.

Compatibility note: Some Windows 10 and Server systems exhibit occasional timeouts in the Software Protection Platform Service (sppsvc.exe) on a system running 0patch Agent. This looks like a bug in Windows Code Integrity mitigation that prevents a 0patch component to be injected in the service (which is okay) but sometimes also does a lot of seemingly meaningless processing that causes process startup to time out. As a result, various licensing-related errors can occur. The issue, should it occur, can be resolved by excluding sppsvc.exe from 0patch injection as described in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which Windows versions are affected by PrintNightmare?

Answer updated 7/15/2021: We believe Will Dormann's PrintNightmare diagram most accurately describes the conditions under which PrintNightmare is exploitable, and this applies to all Windows versions at least back to Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2.

We have previously thought that domain-joined computers were not vulnerable but this was likely because by joining a domain, firewall rules were set up that blocked remote exploitation until one started sharing a folder or a printer.


Q: How about Windows systems without June 2021 Windows Updates?

We believe that without June 2021 Windows Updates, all supported Windows systems, i.e., all servers from 2008 R2 up and all workstations from Windows 7 and up, are affected.

Q: What will happen with these micropatches when Microsoft issues their own fix for PrintNightmare?

[Update 7/15/2021: We recommend everyone continues applying regular Windows Updates, including specifically the July Patch Tuesday update.]

First off, we absolutely usually recommend you do install all available security updates from original vendors [Update 7/8/2021: For the first time ever we do NOT recommend installing the July 6 update if you're using 0patch. See the top of the article for more information].When Microsoft fixes PrintNightmare, their update will almost certainly replace localspl.dll, where the vulnerability resides, and where our micropatches are getting applied. Applying the update will therefore modify the cryptographic hash of this file, and 0patch will stop applying our micropatches to it. You won't have to do anything in 0patch (such as disabling a micropatch), this will all happen automatically by 0patch design.

When the official fix is available, our micropatches will stop being free, and will fall under the 0patch PRO license. This means that if you wish to continue using them (and many other micropatches that the PRO license includes), you will have to purchase the appropriate amount of licenses.

[Update 7/8/2021: We do not consider Microsoft's July 6 out-of-band updates to be a proper fix, so we're keeping our PrintNightmare patches free until they issue a correct fix.]

Q: I have installed 0patch but the PrintNightmare patch is not applied. Why?

The Print Spooler service doesn't initially load localspl.dll when you start it, so it's probably not loaded yet. When it's needed (e.g., when installing a new printer, probably also when you print, and certainly if you launch a PrintNightmare proof-of-concept or exploit against it), localspl.dll gets loaded, and patched by 0patch.

To be sure you have the correct version of localspl.dll, launch 0patch Console and open the PATCHES -> RELEVANT PATCHES tab. At least one PrintNightmare patch should be listed there.

Q: We have a lot of affected computers. How can we prepare for the next Windows 0day?

Obviously deploying 0patch in an enterprise production environment on a Friday afternoon is not something most organizations would find optimal. As with any enterprise software, we recommend testing 0patch with your existing software on a group of testing computers before deploying across your network. Please contact for setting up a trial, and when the next 0day like this comes out, you'll be ready to just flip a switch in 0patch Central and go home for the weekend.


We'd like to thank Will Dormann of CERT/CC for behind-the-scenes technical discussion that helped us understand the issue and decide on the best way to patch it.

Please revisit this blog post for updates or follow 0patch on Twitter.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Micropatch for Another Remote Code Execution Issue in Internet Explorer (CVE-2021-31959)


by Mitja Kolsek, the 0patch Team

June 2021 Windows Updates brought a fix for another "Exploitation More Likely" memory corruption vulnerability in Scripting Engine (CVE-2021-26419) discovered by Ivan Fratric of Google Project Zero, very similar to this vulnerability discovered also discovered by Ivan and patched in May.

Ivan published details and a proof-of-concept three days ago and we took these to reproduce the vulnerability in our lab and create a micropatch for it.

Since Microsoft's patch was available, we reviewed it and found their patch for it in function ByteCodeGenerator::EmitScopeObjectInit, which Ivan also identified as the source of the flaw. An initialization loop was added to this function to initialize all members of the PropertyID array.

Our micropatch is logically identical to Microsoft's:

MODULE_PATH "..\Affected_Modules\jscript9.dll_11.00.9600.19867_32bit\jscript9.dll"
VULN_ID 7138
    PATCHLET_OFFSET 0x10d189
    PIT jscript9.dll!0x10cf2d
    ; jscript9.dll!0x10cf2d -> SaveToPropIdArray
        mov ecx, [ebp-0ch]  ;
get linked list
        mov eax, [ecx+0x28] ;
        mov esi, [eax+0x30] ;
        test esi, esi       ; is there more of PropertyID array?
        jz END              ; if everything is initialized, jmp to
                            ; label END, else go into loop.

        mov ecx, [esi+20h]
        lea eax, [ebp-20h]  ; get struct Js::PropertyIdArray *
        push eax            ; struct Js::PropertyIdArray *
        push ebx            ; struct Symbol *
        mov edx, edi        ; struct FuncInfo *
        call PIT_0x10cf2d   ; call SaveToPropIdArray
        mov esi, [esi+18h]  ; next element in linked list
        jmp LOOP


See the micropatch in action:

We'd like to thank  Ivan Fratric for sharing their analysis and POC, which allowed us to create this micropatch for Windows users without official security updates. We also encourage security researchers to privately share their analyses with us for micropatching.
This micropatch is immediately available to all 0patch users with a PRO license, and is already downloaded and applied on all online 0patch-protected Windows versions we've security-adopted:
  1. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 without Extended Security Updates, 
  2. Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 with year 1 of Extended Security Updates.
  3. Windows 10 v1803
  4. Windows 10 v1809

To obtain the micropatch and have it applied on your computer(s) along with other micropatches included with a PRO license, create an account in 0patch Central, install 0patch Agent and register it to your account. Note that no computer restart is needed for installing the agent or applying/un-applying any 0patch micropatch. 

By the way, if your organization has Windows 10 v1803, Windows 10 v1809 or Office 2010 installations that stopped receiving security updates, and would like to continue using them, it could be useful to know we've security-adopted these for at least 12 months. To save time and money, and step into the age of reboot-less security patching, contact

To learn more about 0patch, please visit our Help Center

