

  • My impressions of Ann of Green Gables

    ( One scene of the movie Ann of Green Gable) I am glad that I can fulfill my promise with one of the dear readers of my blog. I promised ...

  • Why is China so provocative?

    (Chinese Navy Survey Ship Intrudes into Japanese Territorial Waters) China have often intruded into Japanese waters and airspace. I just ...

  • Artificial grass

    It is getting hard for us to mow the grass in the garden though it is not so large. So we are thinking of using artificial grass. But the...

  • A pleasant discovery

    While I was reading a certain book yesterday, I found the book which I had wanted to read again. I forgot its title and author’ name. Now...

  • I like Taiwan.

    Since TSMC was established in Kumamoto, the exchanges of the two countries have been active. Not only the workers but also students and t...

  • Crisis is over.

    The typhoon has gone now. We stayed at home without evacuation last night. The wind wasn’t so strong. Someone must have done a miracle. W...

  • At most alert!

    It seems most certain that the typhoon will pass over our city. The evacuation recommendation has been issued to our city. We couldn’t de...

  • High school student from Kumamoto won a championship in Igo.

    It’s just marvelous. A student from Kumamoto won a championship in the national high school Igo tournament. I remember that I once partic...

  • Evacuate or not?

    A big typhoon is coming near. It looks to cross all Japan. Does it have a grudge against Japan? My old house is vulnerable to a strong wi...

  • Persons living in memory

    When I was reading a book yesterday, I met with a nostalgic scene. The author described his memory when he played baseball with his frien...

  • Cashless settlement

    They announced that the cashless settlement in Japan has reached almost 40 %. I usually use cash except using a cash card from time to ti...

  • It is a sweet memory.

    I found a rare picture in today’s newspaper. This is a picture when the Olympics were held In Sydney. I was studying at a university in S...

  • Was it necessary to kill children?

    Have you ever heard the children’s evacuation ( gakudo-Sokai)? The children had to move to safer places when the war was severe. The ship...

  • Cows suffer from summer heat.

    Not only human beings but also cows are suffering from summer heat. They say that cows are more sensible for heat than human beings. The ...

  • TSMC effects?

    The population of Koshi city has exceeded 65,000. And the effects of TSMC have been spreading gradually? Many local governments are worry...

  • Alain Delon has passed away.

    アランドロン「太陽がいっぱい」で出会った新しい映画と音楽の世界 アランドロン「太陽がいっぱい」で出会った新しい映画と音楽の世界 French movie star legend, Alain Delon has passed away. He was 88 years ol...

  • A tooth came out.

    One of my false teeth has broken when I was eating Nan for curry. I am afraid that I will have to go to the dentist’s for some time. My r...

  • Daikanbo

    I dropped by Daikanbo on my way back from camping yesterday. Mt. Aso is said to be the biggest on scale as a caldera in the world. Accord...

  • Went camping.

    We have just come back from camping. Our son took us for camping. My wife doesn’t like to sleep in a tent, so we rent a lodge. It was com...

  • I still remember.

    I still remember the day when the 2nd World War ended. We heard the announcement of the Emperor on the radio. The rumor went on. All men ...

  • Our son has come home

    Our son came home last night and surprised us. He didn’t say that he would beforehand. Anyway we are glad to see him, especially my wife ...

  • Have you ever fallen from the bed?

    I fell from the bed last night. I hurt my forehead and shed blood a little, but it seems ok. I often fall from the bed. When I stayed at ...

  • Do you like cooking?

    It’s a long time since men’s cooking classes were popular. This is good for men and women. Especially for wives. But I’m sorry to say tha...

  • Mountain Day

    It was Mountain Day yesterday. I often climbed Kuratake when I was young. It is 1,118 meters high and suitable to climb. I like nature, s...

  • Obon returning rush has begun

    Children and grandchildren are coming back to hometown to see their parents and grandparents. This is really good to see. I have two chil...

  • Former Japanese soldiers detained in Siberia

    Do you know the historical fact that the former Soviet Union broke Japan-USSR Neutrality Pact and detained many former Japanese soldiers ...

  • Earthquake, thunder, fire, father.

    We had a big earthquake yesterday. It was Magnitude 4 in my area. First I was frightened by an earthquake warming on the smartphone. Then...

  • National high school baseball tournament has begun.

    National high school baseball tournament began yesterday. The representative of Kumamoto prefecture is Kumamoto-Kogyo. This school has be...

  • Higotai is in full bloom.

    Have you ever seen this flower? It is called Higotai. It grows in Ubuyama village in Aso. The color is azure blue. Several years ago I we...

  • Senior youth reborn

    It was a big day for me today. I made a speech before about 20 old people at the community center. I studied at Australian university at ...

  • Everyday is Sunday.

    It’s been a long time since I became ‘Everyday is Sunday’. I have a memory when I was still working regularly. On my way to work, I often...

  • Self-torture

    There are some people who torture themselves. I just don’t understand why they do so. They must be sick. To tell the truth, I am one of t...

  • Unbelievable!

    Look at the man in the picture. Can you guess how old he is? He was recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest male surfer at the...

  • Shadowing and Oral reading

    The time for my English studying is getting shorter and shorter as I get older. But I still continue Shadowing and Oral reading. Both of ...

  • Night cap

    Do you have a night cap? Never, sometimes, often, always. Which do you belong to? I am afraid that I have recently had a night cap often....

  • What shall I do?

    Taking a walk for half an hour everyday is my practice. But because of this long spell of hot days, I have not taken for more than a week...

  • My dream has gone!

    My dream of getting the full mark, 990 points on TOEIC test has gone. Even my highest score didn’t go over 900 points. It was when I was ...

  • I wish I could climb mountains again!

    I loved mountain climbing and camping when I was young. I have many memories. One of them is that I still remember being asked by other c...

  • Shopping refugees

    Have you ever heard the word ‘shopping refugees’? Yes, it refers to those old people who have trouble to shop foods and living necessitie...

  • Escaped from the heat of Japan

    Baguio Cathedral (It’s summer in Japan.) I escaped from the heat of Japan to Baguio in the Philippines. It was already 4 or 5 years ago j...

  • A construction has begun.

    A large vegetable field in front of my house is being converted into a nursery school. I hear that it will open next April. Until then th...

  • Can I survive this heat?

    The temperature around 35 degrees continues everyday. They forecast 37 degrees in my area today. I wonder if I can survive this heat. My ...

  • Blood vessel age

    Have you ever heard of ‘blood vessel age’ ? This is a standard of blood vessel strength. I went to a hospital and took its examination ye...

  • From Heaven to Hell

    A gymnastic athlete cancelled her competition on the Olympics because of smoking and drinking. There remains some sympathy for her, but i...

  • To buy, or not to buy, that is the question.

    It has recently been hard for me to hear clearly. I often fail to hear others say. My wife tells me to buy a hearing aid. But I feel relu...

  • Extraordinary low blood pressure

    I am a type of a man with low blood pressure. So I feel sluggish from time to time when I have a low blood pressure. But it was terrible ...

  • Over tourism 観光公害

    The number of overseas tourists to Japan has hit the record high. Of course this is a good thing because Japanese economy will be benefit...

  • You will be killed?

    How many kinds of medicine do you take everyday? I take four and one supplement now. I used to take six before. We often hear the asserti...

  • What will today’s results be?

    I’m going to play Igo at the community center nearby today. I usually play it through the internet. But I go out to play on the first and...

  • Karaoke again.

    I am sorry to talk about karaoke again. A couple of days ago I noticed an interesting thing about karaoke. I usually sing karaoke on the ...

  • Failed again !

    I failed again in continuing online English lessons. This is really an unpleasant aftertaste because my motto is ‘continuing is power’. O...

  • Harite, Tsuppari, Nodowa

    Nagoya sumo matches began yesterday. I like watching sumo, but I am not so interested as before. Why? Because Shodai, my local wrestler a...

  • Frequent urination

    Do you know what will happen when the elderly gather? Yes, they begin to boast of their grandchildren. I have two grandchildren, but I’m ...

  • Nobody to talk with.

    There are many people who have few persons to talk with after retirement. I am one of them. I am often surprised that my wife is the only...

  • Soaring travel expenses

    I am sure that everyone who wants to travel notices this. Travel expenses have risen high since the corona pandemic. Even it has subsided...

  • Getting hard to go out.

    I intended to go to karaoke last night. But I didn’t after all. I really wanted to. However, my body didn’t allow me to go out. I felt sl...

  • The Beatles

    the beatles I once travelled in the Uk. I went to Manchester where the instructor are from. I confused this place with Liverpool where th...

  • What shall I do?

    Can you guess what kind is this big tree? Yes, this is a plum tree. It has reddish pink blossoms. It is about 50 years old. When it bloom...

  • I lived in Tokyo during the war.

    i lived in tokyo during the war. I lived in Tokyo during the 2nd world war. When the war was severe, Tokyo became dangerous. So we childr...

  • Went to the library.

    I went to the library this morning. These are books I borrowed. As you see, my favorites are usually travelogues, essays, religious books...

  • How old am I ?

    how old am i? Every instructor seems wondering how old I am. I look so old that she or he may wonder why such an old man as me takes onli...

  • Gardening

    I am not interested in gardening. This is not exactly what I mean. I have a back pain and just feel troublesome in gardening. I like to s...

  • How long have I been learning English?

    how long have i been learning english? I am old, so she must be wondering why I learn English. We began to learn English when we were in ...

  • Clear sky

    Yesterday we had a clear sky for the first time after long rainy days. Can you see the highest mountain in the back? That is Kinbozan. On...

  • Mexico

    mexico Today’s instructor is from the USA and lives in Mexico now. She is teaching English there and loves living there. They are having ...

  • Dance party

    Dance party Another hobby of mine is a social dance. Yesterday I went to a dance party at the bar. They hold a party once a month. I regu...

  • Cambodia

    cambodia Today’s instructor is from the UK and lives in Cambodia now. What is it like? It’s a rainy season now and lasts about 5 months. ...

  • Igo championship

    I was awakened now from a long nap. I drank three glasses of wine on my lunch. Do I drink wine during the day? Yes, sometimes. But it’s s...

  • Taiwan semiconductor company

    tiwan semiconductor company Today’s main topic: Taiwan semiconductor company has come to Kumamoto. It seems to be prosperous.

  • The best place to live in.

    It is often said that our city is one of the best cities to live in Japan. But I don’t feel that way at all. On the contrary, there is on...

  • Cyprus

    cyprus Today’s main topics: Why do you like living in Cyprus? Good weather Low living cost Ancient constructions My dream is taking a cru...

  • Shopping

    I wanted to go shopping, but I gave up going because it was raining. I usually go shopping by bicycle now because I abandoned my driver’s...

  • What do you think of this feeling?

    One of my hobbies is playing igo. Now I play it mostly on the internet. When I win, I am glad, but when I lose, I get mad at myself. The ...

  • Canceling of a trip

    My wife and I were planning the four nights and five days’ trip in the area of Kamikochi, using a ferry boat from Kyushu to Osaka and a b...

  • Why do you learn English?

    2024年6月22日 The main topics today: Self introduction Why do you learn English? One of my hobbies is igo. I once stayed with British family...

  • Karaoke

    It’s rainy today. It is good because it’s cool. I’ve been addicted to karaoke lately. I’m not a good singer, but I can enjoy singing. And...

  • It is hot today.

    The rainy season just began a couple of days ago, but it has cleared up and hot today. I wonder what it will be tomorrow.

  • トルコ


  • 英語の誤り


  • アメリカ大統領選挙


  • 日本で何をしますか。


  • イギリスでホ-ムステイ


  • 外国語を学ぶ必要はあるのか。


  • 英語教師としての私の経歴


  • どうしてドイツに住んでいるのですか。


  • 日本の少子化の理由


  • 日本人はなぜ長生きするのか。


  • あなたの英語を褒められたらどう応えますか


  • タイのジャングル


  • ダンスパーティー


  • 散歩

    今、散歩から帰ってきた。 以前は、ウオーキングと言っていたが、歩き方からして散歩の方がよくなってきた。 わずか3キロくらいで、以前は30分くらいで歩いていたが、今は4、50分はかかる。 また、体の調子によっては途中までしか行かない時もある。 今日がそうだった。 2、3日前か...

  • Blog is good for preventing dementia.

    When I was reading a book, I fount in it that blog is good for preventing dementia. So I would like to resume this blog. There are so man...

  • 第7日目 (2022年10月26日) 高松観光

    昨日で巡礼は終わり今日は小豆島から高松に渡り、1日高松見物することにした。 まず、宿を確保しようと思い、駅の近くのホテルを予約しようとしたら、ちょっと高すぎた。 そこで、別の宿を探そうと思い、外に出かかったとき、一人の女性が近づいてきて、自分がホテルを探してあげましょうと言...

  • 第6日目 (2022年10月25日) 札所7カ所、観光地なし

    今日で巡礼は終わった。巡礼できたお寺は30カ所足らずだった。 それでも、私は満足している。病気、怪我もせず全ての日程をこなした。 今後残された人生に、少なからず自信を与えてくれたものと思う。 明日は高松に渡って、そこで1泊し観光して熊本に帰ろうと思う。 国民宿舎 小豆島 こ...

  • 第5日目 (2022年10月24日) 札所 6カ所、観光地なし

    今日は札所廻りだけだった。 一体お遍路に出る人たちはどんな人たちなのだろうか。 やはり、何か病気を含めてある悩みを抱え、それを解決したいと思っている人が一番多いのではないだろうか。 あるいは自分探しをするためだという人もいる。 私はというと、宗教心がそんなにあるわけではなく...

  • 第4日目 (2022年10月23日) 札所 2カ所、観光地 3カ所

    今日は、まず寒霞渓へ観光に行こうと思って、 昨晩泊まったホテルの方にどう行ったらいいか尋ねたら、 福田港の停留所まで車で送ってくださった。 おかげさまで、スムーズに寒霞渓にたどり着き、美しい景色を楽しむことができた。 次は、24の瞳映画村観光である。 今の若い人たちはこの映...

  • 第3日目 (2022年10月22日) 札所 8カ所、観光地1カ所

    昨日は牛の頭に当たるところを一周した。 今日はその背中にあたる長い長い道中である。 緩やかに登る舗装道路を歩いていた。直射日光は容赦なく照りつけ、疲労困ぱいしほとんど倒れそうだった。 その時だった。ほとんど奇跡に思える神の、いや仏の恵みがあったのだ。 1台の車が私の横に止ま...

  • 第2日目(2022年10月21日) 札所5カ所、観光地3カ所

    今日は巡礼の第1日目。 今回は、観光もかねるので陣笠、金剛杖、白装束は身につけませんでした。 小豆島の地図を見ますと、全体が牛の形をしています。 今日はその頭の部分をまわります。残念ながら予定していた最後の2カ所が廻れませんでした。 しかし、今日1日よく歩けたものと思います...

  • 第1日目 (2022年10月20日)いざ出発!

    四国巡礼は2度している。 1度目は60歳の時でほぼ1400kmを歩いた。 2度目は70歳の時で自転車で廻った。下りはいいが、上りは地獄だった。 3度目を80歳の時に計画していたが、いろいろの事情で実現できなかかった。 今となってはもはや体力がない。 したがって、スケールダウ...

  • Syodo-Shima 88 temple pilgrimage

    Do you know Shodo-shima 88 temple pilgrimage? I have had Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage twice at the ages of 60 and 70. And I intended to h...




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