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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-LA Global Challenges

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-LA Global Challenges


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🌎 FGV Centre for Global Law 🇪🇺 Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-LA Global Challenges, with the support of Erasmus+

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The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-LA Global Challenges focuses on the contribution of the EU for fostering a comparative study on Global Governance and related subjects, taking into account the context and specific demands from the Global South. It envisages joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in Brazil and worldwide in order to share knowledge, develop partnership and joint activities on issues of global governance and beyond. It brings together leading experts of Humanities and Social Sciences, promoting interdisciplinary teaching and research activities. The Centre’s activities, staff and guests are structured around three main core dimensions in order to contribute to the global governance debate in South America: (1) Global Regulation, (2) Global Litigation, and (3) Human Rights and Democracy.

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2-10 funcionários
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Direito Internacional, International Law, Global Governance, Global Regulation, Global Litigation, Human Rights e Democracy


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    Praia de Botafogo 190

    Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 22250-145, BR

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Funcionários da Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-LA Global Challenges


  • On March 19, 2025, the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, in partnership with the FGV Centre for Global Law, was honored to welcome Professor Marilda Rosado de Sá Ribeiro, Professor of Private International Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro-UERJ. Professor Marilda's class was divided into two parts. In the first, she presented Global Energy Governance as the intersection of environmental concerns, climate change, energy security, and economic development. Professor Marilda focused the discussion on the role of the oil and gas industry in the energy transition.   The second part of Professor Marilda's lecture addressed the challenges of the energy transition, highlighting fragmentation as a threat to both sustainable development and the energy transition itself. She emphasized that renewable energy regulation is often addressed through isolated, country-specific policies. Additionally, Professor Marilda discussed the role of the BRICS in the energy transition and the cooperation between the BRICS countries to promote a renewable agenda and advocate for international participation.   We sincerely thank Professor Marilda Rosado for an engaging and enriching session on this fundamental topic.

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  • A professora Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, coordenadora do Centro de Pesquisa em Direito Global (CPDG) e do Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet da FGV Direito Rio, apresentou os resultados do projeto ‘La participation et les narrations des États du Sud lors de l'avis consultatif du TIDM sur le changement climatique’, financiado pelo 4º Edital de Mobilidade Internacional FAPERJ-França. O estudo foi realizado em colaboração entre o CPDG da FGV e o IREDIES (Université Paris 1) (Institut de recherche em droit international et européen da Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), em particular o professor de Direito Internacional Jean-Marc Sorel, com apoio da FAPERJ e da Embaixada da França no Brasil, no âmbito da chamada de projetos número 09/2024. Além da professora, o evento contou com apresentações de outros professores pesquisadores contemplados pela chamada FAPERJ/Embaixada da França, bem como Sophie Jacquel, conselheira adjunta de Cooperação e Ação Cultural da Embaixada da França no Brasil, Caroline Alves, Presidente da FAPERJ, Eliete Bouskela, Diretora Científica da FAPERJ, Cristiane Salles, Diretora do CIRT da Servier do Brasil, Ana Beatriz Ramadas e Laura Soares, ambas da FAPERJ. O evento ‘Conexões Rio-França’, ocorrido no último dia 17 de março na BiblioMaison – Biblioteca da França no Rio de Janeiro, marcou a assinatura e lançamento oficial da chamada 2025 da FAPERJ/Embaixada da França. O evento foi transmito ao vivo no YouTube e está disponível no seguinte link:

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  • Ver perfil de Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida

    Professora de Direito Internacional e Diretora do Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet da FGV - FGV Centre of Excellence on EU-South America Global Governance, financiado pela Comissão Europeia (Programa Erasmus+).

    The Sociedade Latino- Americana de Direito Internacional-SLADI (Latin American Society of International Law-LASIL) Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals is pleased to invite submissions for an online pre-conference workshop on ‘Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals’ (June 25, 2025).    For a full outline of the call, including detailed submission guidelines and workshop themes, please refer to the following link:   To apply, please send your abstract (max. 300 words) and CV (max. 2 pages) directly to The deadline for submissions is April 30th.   The organizing committee is composed of Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida (Chair of the SLADI/LASIL Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals, Director of the FGV Centre for Global Law), who is also the workshop’s convenor, Professor Justina Uriburu (University of Manchester), Professor Jean-Marc Sorel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Professor Mikael Rask Madsen Madsen (iCourts, University of Copenhagen), Lucas V. (FGV Centre for Global Law) and Vitor Furtado De Melo (FGV Centre for Global Law).   The event is supported by the Centre for Global Law and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EU-LA Global Challenges (co-funded by the European Union), both from FGV Rio Law, the Institut de recherche en droit international et européen de la Sorbonne (IREDIES (Université Paris 1)) and the Manchester International Law Centre (University of Manchester). We look forward to your submissions!

  • On March 12, 2025, the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, in partnership with the FGV Centre for Global Law, was honored to welcome Professor Brian McGarry, Assistant Professor of Public International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University.   Professor McGarry's class was divided into two parts. In the first, he presented the controversies surrounding third-party intervention in contentious cases at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), highlighting the differences between Articles 62 and 63 of the Court’s Statute and the diverse perspectives associated with their application.   The second part of Professor McGarry's lecture addressed the practical application of interventions in the cases of The Gambia v. Myanmar, Ukraine v. Russia, and South Africa v. Israel. The discussion emphasized the challenges arising from the use of intervention articles and the lack of a clear definition, in the ICJ's case law, of the criteria for their application, specially regarding intervention as a party.   We sincerely thank Professor Brian McGarry for an engaging and enriching session on this fundamental topic.

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  • From 24 to 26 February 2025, Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, director of the Centre for Global Law and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excelence (co-funded by the European Union), participated in the 3rd Annual Conference of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Joint PhD Network GEM-DIAMOND, held at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, organized by Professor Antoine Vauchez and and coordinated by Professor Ramona Coman and Dr. Frederik Ponjaert, from the Institute for European Studies, ULB (IEE-ULB).   Similar to previous annual conferences held in Brussels (2023) and Rome (2024), the meeting in Paris was dedicated to all the pillars of the GEM-DIAMOND project – from management and evaluation to more substantive discussions of the preliminary research findings of the 16 PhD researchers. On the occasion, Professor Almeida had the opportunity to engage with PhD researchers on their innovative projects, particularly with her PhD student, Benedetta Arrighini.   The event included Supervisory Board Meetings involving all GEM-DIAMOND institutional representatives, followed by a hybrid meeting of the International Advisory Board and keynote talks by Professor Ségolène Barbou des Places (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) on the topic of “The EU, Migration, and the Rule of Law: An Ambitious Relationship” and by Professor Vincent Gayon (Dauphine Université de Paris) on “Post-Democracy and/or Epistemocracy: Reflections based on a socio-historical study of the OECD and the EU”. The conference’s last day was devoted to “the role of (online) intellectual platforms in today’s academic landscape as well as public debate”, with the participation of Grégory Rayko (The Conversation France) and Catherine A. (VoxEurope).   Warm thanks to Professor Antoine Vauchez and his team for hosting this remarkable gathering, providing a space for intellectual exchange and academic cooperation. I am also grateful to the GEM-DIAMOND family for the opportunity of engaging in fruitful discussions with colleagues from partner universities and PhD co-supervisors, including Universiteit van Amsterdam, Luiss Guido Carli University, Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, SciencePo, ULB, University of Copenhagen, Université Laval, University of Warwick, Waseda University, and Université de Genève.   The keynotes, panel presentations and group discussions certainly provided fertile ground for a stimulating exchange on the challenges of liberal democracy today and the dissensus surrounding it.

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  • Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, director of FGV Centre for Global Law and of FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, co-funded by the European Union, was awarded a grant to work as a post-doctoral visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (MPIL) in February 2025. A decade after her first research stay at MPIL in 2014 — when she worked on the edited volume Latin America and the International Court of Justice: Contributions to International Law with Prof. Jean-Marc Sorel (Paris 1) — Professor Paula revisited the institute to work on her current research project conducted at the FGV Centre for Global Law, entitled "LATIN TALES: Latin American States’ Narratives before International Courts and Tribunals." During her time at MPIL, she had the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions and stimulating exchanges on research projects conducted by leading scholars in the field. She has also presented her work on "Narrativas y estrategias de América Latina ante los Tribunales Internacionales" at the 317th Ibero-American Colloquium, organized by Dr. Mariela Morales. Prof. Paula expresses her gratitude to Prof. Armin von Bogdandy, director of the MPIL, and to Dr. Mariela Morales for their warm hospitality and academic engagement.

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  • On February 26, 2025, the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, in partnership with the FGV Centre for Global Law, had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Juliana Loss de Andrade, Executive Director of the FGV Mediation and Arbitration Chamber. Her lecture, Conflict Negotiation and Mediation in International Disputes, was divided into two parts. In the first, Professor Loss introduced different schools of mediation and their approaches, with a particular focus on the Harvard Negotiation School and its Elements of Principled Negotiation. In the second part, students were divided into pairs for a mediation simulation, applying the concepts discussed to the case Oriental Silk International Company and Elisabeth Creations Limited. We sincerely thank Professor Juliana Loss for an engaging and enriching session on this fundamental topic.

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  • On February 20, 2025, the FGV Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, in partnership with the FGV Centre for Global Law, welcomed Professor Fabiane Verçosa. She is a distinguished lawyer and lecturer for Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law courses in the LL.M. Program, as well as a professor in the undergraduate law program at FGV Rio Law. Professor Verçosa’s lecture focused on the topic 'Third Party Funding in International Arbitration'. In the first part of the presentation, she provided an in-depth overview of key aspects of International Arbitration, explaining its fundamental principles and how the arbitration process is developed. In the second part, Professor Verçosa delved into the concept of Third Party Funding in Arbitration. She explored its characteristics and developments, illustrating with concrete case studies. Additionally, she provided an international theoretical framework, drawing connections to practices in Brazil, Sweden, and England. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Professor Fabiane Verçosa for sharing her expertise on this highly relevant and timely subject.

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  • The blog article "Foreign Legal Policy in Practice: Assessing Global South Narratives in ITLOS Advisory Proceedings on Climate Change", authored by Professor Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, Director of the Centre for Global Law and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, along with the researchers Valentine Tissot Pinheiro and Vitor Furtado De Melo, has just been published on Opinio Juris. This piece is part of LATIN TALES, a broader mixed-method research project exploring the intersection of legal and political dynamics. The study examines how states leverage international law to advance political interests on critical global issues before international courts and tribunals (ICTs). By analyzing narratives, the research uncovers the political and strategic motivations embedded in the legal arguments presented by states before ICTs. Read the full article here:

  • FGV Rio Law's Centre for Global Law (CPDG) is pleased to announce that its platform 'Monitoring the Regulatory Impact of the European Union's new regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) in Brazil', developed in partnership with Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS), has just launched its newsletter! Now you can receive weekly updates on the EUDR, information on events and our latest publications. This edition highlights include our new report on the EU-Mercosur agreement and two press articles published in Estadão and Jota. To sign up, please follow the link Also, we kindly remind that contributions can be submitted to our platform:   The platform is the result of CPDG's research project ‘Monitoring the Regulatory Impact of the European Union's new regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) in Brazil’, developed in partnership with Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS), and aims to comprehensively analyse the challenges and impacts of the EUDR in Brazil.

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