Do curso: Inglês para Negócios: Ligações Telefônicas

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Como lidar com as interrupções

Como lidar com as interrupções

- [Instructor] Dealing with interruptions. It's not uncommon for phone calls to be interrupted for one reason or another, whether it's another incoming call, a noise disruption or another person coming into the room demanding attention, it's important to know how to deal with interruptions to your phone calls. Be sure to check the exercise files for more details on managing interruptions. If your call is interrupted by a technical problem, such as a temporary poor connection that causes you to miss information, once the sound is back to normal, you can use one of these phrases. I'm sorry, you broke up for a minute there. Sorry, there was a problem with the connection for a minute. Sorry, the sound stopped working for a few seconds. I'm sorry, I lost you for a minute there. Sorry, there was some interference on the line just then. Then, confirm that you can hear each other again. Ask a question like, can you hear me now? Or How is the connection now? Or, how is the sound now? Then pick…
