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Montreal, Québec 1,438 followers provides high-resolution climate data to help decision makers build a more resilient Canada.

About us is a climate data portal produced collaboratively by the country’s leading climate organizations and supported, in part, by the Government of Canada. The goal of this portal is to support decision makers across a broad spectrum of sectors and locations by providing the most up to date climate data in easy to use formats and visualizations. is supported by the Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS) of Environment and Climate Change Canada as part of its efforts to provide Canadians with easy access to climate related data and to help increase their resilience to climate change. * Please find our Terms of use at:

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Montreal, Québec
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    🌪️Read our latest article on Hurricanes and Climate Change in Atlantic Canada 🌍 As global temperatures rise, so too does the potential for more intense hurricanes in Atlantic Canada. Learn about how climate change is impacting these powerful storms and what it means for communities in the region. 🌧️🌊 🔍 Key points: • Increased hurricane severity driven by warmer sea surface temperatures • Amplification of storm surge and coastal flooding due to rising sea levels • More intense rainfall events leading to greater inland flooding 🚨 The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Outlook indicates higher-than-average sea temperatures, increasing the likelihood of major storms this season. 🌿 Communities are adapting with new infrastructure, updated building codes, and nature-based solutions. Discover how places like Saint John, NB, and Mahone Bay, NS, are preparing for future challenges. Explore more in the full article: #ClimateChange #Hurricanes #AtlanticCanada #GetClimateSmart

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    🌪️Lisez notre dernier article sur les ouragans et les changements climatiques au Canada atlantique 🌍 L'augmentation des températures mondiales s'accompagne d'un risque d'ouragans plus intenses dans le Canada atlantique. Découvrez comment les changements climatiques ont un impact sur ces puissantes tempêtes et ce que cela signifie pour les communautés de la région. 🌧️🌊 🔍 Points clés: • Augmentation de la sévérité des ouragans en raison du réchauffement des températures de surface de la mer • Amplification des ondes de tempête et des inondations côtières en raison de l'élévation du niveau de la mer • Desprécipitations plus intenses entraînant des inondations plus importantes à l'intérieur des terres 🚨 Perspectives des ouragans dans l’Atlantique pour 2024 indique des températures de la mer plus élevées que la moyenne, augmentant la probabilité de tempêtes majeures cette saison. 🌿 Les communautés s'adaptent avec de nouvelles infrastructures, des codes de construction mis à jour et des solutions basées sur la nature. Découvrez comment des endroits comme Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, et Mahone Bay, en Nouvelle-Écosse, se préparent à relever les défis à venir. Pour en savoir plus, consultez l'article complet : #changementsclimatiques #ouragans #atlantique

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    📆 WEBINAIRE À VENIR : Joignez-vous à nous le 19 septembre à 14 h (HE) pour un webinaire sur l’exploitation des données climatiques en vue de renforcer les activités d’adaptation de votre municipalité. Obtenez des conseils pratiques pour accroître la résilience de votre collectivité et favoriser une prise de décision éclairée. Idéal pour le personnel municipal travaillant sur des initiatives liées au climat, ce webinaire offre des outils pour faciliter la réussite de vos projets. Réservez votre place dès maintenant!

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    📆 UPCOMING WEBINAR: Join us on September 19 at 2 PM ET for a webinar on leveraging climate data to strengthen your municipality’s adaptation activities. Gain practical insights to enhance community resilience and support informed decision-making. Ideal for municipal staff working on climate, this session offers tools to help your projects succeed. Register today to secure your spot!

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    Did you know? Across Canada, regional climate organizations offer locally relevant information to help communities increase their resilience to climate change. Find which climate organization can help you based on where you are located... 📍 In #AtlanticCanada, connect with CLIMAtlantic   📍In #Quebec, get in touch with Ouranos  📍In the #GreatLakes Basin and #Ontario, reach out to the Ontario Resource Centre for Climate Adaptation (ORCCA - CRACO) 📍Across #Manitoba, #Saskatchewan, and #Alberta, contact ClimateWest  📍In the #Pacific and #Yukon Region, visit the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium website (   📍And is available to support decision makers across a broad spectrum of sectors and locations These climate organizations are here to help you find the climate information you need, understand what it means, and make climate-smart decisions when planning for the future.  #ClimateData #ClimateInformation  

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    Comment le changement climatique affecte-t-il la santé dans votre région ? Cet article récent de la CBC (en anglais seulement – « Les maladies transmises par les tiques sont en hausse au Canada. Les efforts de surveillance et de sensibilisation sont-ils à la hauteur ? » ) souligne le lien entre le réchauffement des températures et l'augmentation des maladies à transmission vectorielle, telles que les maladies transmises par les tiques. La hausse des températures annuelles « offre aux tiques davantage de journées chaudes qui leur permet de circuler bien au-delà de leurs habitats historiques ». Les changements climatiques en sont le principal moteur », a déclaré M. Coatsworth, ajoutant que l'augmentation de l'aire de répartition des tiques signifie que ces diverses menaces pour la santé apparaissent désormais chez un plus grand nombre d'espèces animales et dans les zones urbaines et les centres-villes. Une fois que ces agents pathogènes sont plus largement répandus, ils atteignent plus facilement la population humaine ». Des informations sur la hausse des températures à travers le Canada sont disponibles sur et peuvent être utilisées pour comprendre le potentiel de propagation de vecteurs de maladies dépendants de la température. Pour en savoir plus, consultez cette étude de cas sur la maladie de Lyme en Ontario :

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    How is climate change affecting health in your region? This recent CBC article ("Tick-spread illnesses are on the rise in Canada. Are surveillance, awareness efforts keeping up? | CBC News") points to the link between warming temperatures and an increase in vector-borne diseases, such as tick-spread illnesses. Rising annual temperatures “are providing ticks more warm days that allow them to circulate far beyond their historic habitats. ‘Climate change is the main driver,’ Coatsworth said, noting that the increased range of ticks means these various health threats are now appearing in more animal species and urban, downtown areas. ‘And once those pathogens get to a higher level, they kind of spill over naturally into the human population.’” Information on rising temperatures across Canada is available on and can be used to understand the potential for spread of temperature-dependent disease vectors. Take a look at this case study on Lyme Disease in Ontario for more on this topic:

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    Les données climatiques en action : exemples tirés de la carte des actions en adaptation Région de Durham : Préparation proactive à la résilience face aux inondations 🌧️💧 La région Durham Region (The Regional Municipality of Durham) établit une nouvelle norme en matière de préparation aux inondations avec le projet Flood Ready Durham. En collaboration avec plusieurs organisations de protection de la nature et des équipes de consultants, la région tire parti du financement du National Disaster Mitigation Program pour améliorer l'évaluation des risques d'inondation et la préparation aux situations d'urgence. Cette initiative proactive vise à améliorer la résilience des infrastructures et à sensibiliser le public aux risques d'inondation et aux stratégies de préparation. L'utilisation d'outils avancés de modélisation climatique et d'évaluation des risques, semblables à ceux disponibles sur, a permis à Durham d'adapter son approche aux divers besoins de sa population croissante. En se concentrant sur la vulnérabilité sociale et en intégrant les données sur les inondations dans la planification régionale, Durham ne se contente pas de réagir aux menaces climatiques, mais construit un avenir durable et résistant aux inondations. Découvrez les stratégies qui transforment la préparation aux inondations à Durham :

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    Climate Data in Action: examples from the Map of Adaptation Actions Durham Region: Proactively Preparing for Flood Resilience 🌧️💧 The Durham Region (The Regional Municipality of Durham) is setting a new standard in flood preparedness with the Flood Ready Durham project. Collaborating with multiple Conservation Authorities and consulting teams, the Region is leveraging National Disaster Mitigation Program funding to enhance flood risk assessments and emergency readiness. This proactive initiative is aimed at improving infrastructure resilience and raising public awareness about flood risks and preparedness strategies. The use of advanced climate modeling and risk assessment tools, akin to those available through, has enabled Durham to tailor its approach to the diverse needs of its growing population. By focusing on social vulnerability and integrating flood data into regional planning, Durham is not just reacting to climate threats but is building a sustainable, flood-resilient future. Explore the strategies that are transforming flood preparedness in Durham: #FloodReady #ClimateResilience

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    Climate Change Specialist at GEI Consultants, Practice Area Lead is on a roll lately! From new fire weather data, future building design value summaries and more refined historical climate datasets, the platform provides a user-friendly and comprehensive suite of climate information. Understanding how the climate is anticipated to change, and what those changes mean for the built and natural environment allows us to better adapt and create more resilient systems. There are many tools and resources freely available to support resiliency building efforts. Climate adaptation is essential and cannot wait. As I like to say, climate change considerations can be and SHOULD BE integrated into all projects. #climatechange #adaptation #resiliency

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    1,438 followers has just updated its platform with the latest 2023 AHCCD temperature data. This dataset is valuable for anyone interested in studying historical climate trends. The AHCCD consists of climate station data that have been adjusted to account for non-climatic factors, which can influence the recorded data but are unrelated to the weather conditions that actually took place. For example, climate data records can be affected by changes in recording instruments, observing procedures, station relocation, or alterations in the surrounding environment (e.g., tree growth creating shade). These non-climatic changes are detected and adjustments are made using statistical procedures to reduce their influence on the data. Additionally, some data are corrected for measurement techniques that are known to possibly lead to underestimates or overestimates. In addition, data from nearby stations are sometimes combined to create longer time series. Ready to explore the new data? Download them now on If you want to learn more about the AHCCD data, we suggest reading this article. In it, you’ll find links to research papers and technical documents.

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