Friday is the final day to submit your comments to our drafts on Climate-related Disclosures and Tangible Natural Resources.
Build a sustainable future with us 🌱
Significant resources and substantial investments are needed to address climate and transition to a low-carbon future. Public sector finances alone will not provide the resources needed to address this challenge.
Capital markets play a vital role in public sector financing and will be needed to help fill the funding gap—but investors need reliable information to do so. To maintain access to and unlock new funding sources, governments will need to provide robust climate-related information.
IPSASB SRS ED 1, Climate-related Disclosures proposes disclosure requirements for governments and public sector entities to report on (i) the climate-related risks and opportunities to its own operations and (ii) climate-related public policy programs and their outcomes.
Share your comments on IPSASB SRS ED 1, Climate-related Disclosures:
Shape the future of public sector natural resources reporting 🫎
Natural resources—such as minerals, water, and forests—play a crucial role in economies worldwide. However, governments often lack clear guidance on how to account for these resources, impacting transparency and decision-making.
Exposure Draft (ED) 92, Tangible Natural Resources proposes new accounting requirements to improve how public sector entities recognize, measure, and disclose these vital resources. Clear, high-quality reporting will enhance accountability and support sustainable management for future generations.
Share your feedback on ED 92: