Do you know about the work we do??
Do You Know Who We Are?? Little Ray's Exhibitions is a small part of the Little Ray's organization. The true heart of our organization is within the FARE - Foundation For Animal Rescue And Education non-profit side of our organization. Little Ray's is actually the largest exotic animal rescue in Canada. Each year we take in exotic animals that are rescued, abandoned, confiscated, or just in need of a new home. We spend a lot of our time, resources, and funding finding better homes for the animals in our care at zoos, aquariums, conservation programs, or rescues across North America. Did you know that Little Ray's has made multiple moves to the U.S. with up to 50 crocodilians in each trip to bring them to facilities where they can live a more natural life. These are crocs mostly from our rescue and other zoos and rescues that have been looking for better homes across Canada. This was done with pretty much all of our funding, along with our supporters generous donations over the years and a few key sponsorships. We are starting to thrive again, even after covid, and we want to thank all of the people and other organizations that have believed in us and helped us along the way! Little Ray's is changing fast, but our mission is still the same! To inspire conservation through education. #littlerays #littleraysexhibitions #exhibits #exhibit #rescue #ottawa #animals #zoo #zoos #aquarium #aquariums #museum #museums #sciencecenters #sciencecenter #sciencecentre #caza #aza #casc #aam #astc #iaapa #2024 #conservation #inspire #inspiration #nonprofit