Big thanks to YES Employment Services for hosting the Recruitment and Retention Conference today! 🌟 It was an engaging and insightful session, and we truly appreciated the opportunity to connect, learn, and discuss key strategies with industry leaders. We were fortunate to hear from these incredible speakers: Crystal Olson (EmployNext) on the IES Presentation. Deanne Gagnon on Community Sustainability. Charla Robinson’s update on The State of Business. Maria Karimi's session on The Future of Work & Inclusion. Stacy Platt’s insights on Immigration in the Workforce. Gary Christian’s comprehensive Labour Market Overview. A special thank you to Tracy Laffin for facilitating the entire event flawlessly and a shoutout to the Italian Cultural Centre for the amazing event venue and food. The panel discussion was another highlight, offering practical solutions and answers to all our questions, which emphasized the power of community collaboration. 🙌 We’re grateful to YES Employment Services for organizing such a productive conference and for fostering the type of community connection we truly believe in. These conversations help us all grow and support each other in tackling recruitment and retention challenges. We’re proud to be part of this journey and excited to collaborate on initiatives that continue building a stronger community. #CommunityCollaboration #YESEmployment #RecruitmentAndRetention #NorthernPeakHR #Networking #CommunityGrowth