It took me about 43 years to figure out what my superpower is. How about you? Do you have one? How did it reveal itself to you? What is it?
I thought I was too smart for organizing. Turns out, it's my superpower. 💪 Growing up, I loved organizing. You could often find me on bended knee in a kitchen (any kitchen), with my head and hands out of sight busily reworking a lower cupboard, or quietly rearranging your pantry. But back then, organizing wasn’t considered “career material.” People told me I was destined for something bigger, more challenging. So, I listened. What did I know? I excelled academically, initially set my sights on becoming a cardiologist, and then later followed progressively strategic corporate leadership paths. Despite enjoying tremendous career challenges and growth, achieving success on my evolving terms, receiving generous accolades, and having a résumé I am damn proud of, *something* was always missing. I was good at many things, so opportunities abound, but little satisfied me intrinsically. And what I *did* enjoy? No clear career paths. My natural inclination for organization was consistently recognized, praised, and leveraged throughout my career but always with this underlying clerical (i.e. limiting) connotation. Or it was looked upon as a Stacie-ism. I remember a time in my mid-20s when my roommates and I had an issue with our (psychotic) landlord. I initiated a filing with the Landlord and Tenant Board, documented, dated, and detailed *everything* that I neatly housed in a red file folder. While my roommates road-tripped across Canada, I bravely and confidently pled our case (yes…we won). These roommates - also at the time some of my besties - thought the red file folder, while impressive, was "so cute". For me, though, staying organized was second nature—and in this particular instance...necessary and obvious. My world changed when I discovered - not too long ago - that professional organizing is an actual industry, as I accidentally and serendipitously stumbled upon it. It was humbling. I assumed my natural talent was all I needed, but I quickly realized organizing professionally required far more. I had so much learning ahead, and that thrilled me. I dove headfirst, absorbing everything I could about the nuances of the industry and the client needs that created its growing demand. I was pleasantly surprised to find that not only could I parlay my corporate leadership skills into this new career, but that it was absolutely necessary. It is actually what most differentiates my company from the others. Seven years later, I’m not just an the owner/operator of an organizing business. I’m an industry problem-solver, innovator, thought leader, and aspiring disruptor. Organizing isn’t “cute.” It's transformative. Many clients will tell you our services have been life-changing. Others will swear we saved their lives. Have you discovered your superpower yet? Sometimes, it's hiding where you least expect. I'd love to hear your story. Iulia Stratan Victoria Desiri Stephanie Chong, C.Tech Vanessa Bravo Rachel Schwartzman Michael Cooper