Uni-one Food Group Inc.

Uni-one Food Group Inc.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

Delta, British Columbia 9 followers

Food wholesaler, logistics, supply chain

About us

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Company size
51-200 employees
Delta, British Columbia


Employees at Uni-one Food Group Inc.


  • Industry Innovator Uni-one Secures $10M to Expand Food Supply Chain Tech Across Canada, U.S. A Vancouver-born startup innovating food supply chains with a technology-based platform has raised financing to expand its offering across North America. Uni-one announced this week that it has secured $10 million in a Series A round from Celtic House Asia Partners, Red River Investments, Banyan Pacific Capital, and others. The round values the company at $60 million. The Canadian company aims to provide a one-stop digital shop for restaurants, grocers, and wholesalers alike. Uni-one’s online app, which is powered by a proprietary intelligence system, allows users to browse products, place orders, and track trends. “Restaurants and grocers in North America must manage hundreds of suppliers every day . . . it’s even worse for franchises,” CEO Neil Gu told the Vancouver Tech Journal. “Despite massive leaps in tech, North America’s food supply chain industry has been slow to adopt them, which I believe is due to outdated mindsets and complacency.” The B.C. company has earmarked the Series A capital for market expansion and strategic mergers and acquisitions (Uni-one has already completed four acquisitions with more planned) as it works toward “critical milestones,” including reaching all Canadian provinces and cities through its distribution network as well as penetrating the U.S. market. Uni-one was founded in 2017 by Gu alongside fellow Simon Fraser University graduates Kevin Men and Jun Wang. Since then, the firm has raised more than $20 million and now boasts over 100,000 square feet of warehousing space in Canada. Today, the rapidly growing company services more than 15,000 annual deliveries, working with over 100 brands including notable chains such as H-Mart, T&T Supermarket, and Loblaws. As Uni-one grows, the company continues to bolster its team with local talent, according to Gu, both on the tech side and across their warehouses and sales departments.

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  • 合一食品集团(英文名:UNI-ONE,以下简称“合一食品”)于近期完成1000万加元(约5000万人民币)的A轮融资,本轮投资方有凯尔特亚洲创投和红河投资公司。本轮资金将用于公司在加拿大和美国的扩张,推动包括收购、市场巩固和扩张,以及加强供应链基础设施等在内的多项公司发展重点。 合一食品成立于2017年,总部位于温哥华,主要为北美餐饮企业和超市提供以科技为核心的高效食品分销网络。A轮融资完成后,公司估值达到6000万加元,年营收已突破1亿加元。 合一食品创始Neil Gu提到:“目前,北美的食品分销仍然依赖过时且低效的系统,而亚洲的食品分销商在效率和技术上已经遥遥领先。合一食品开发了自主的智能供应链系统,将采购、仓储管理、物流调度和订单处理整合在一起,提供线上平台化的服务,目标是彻底改变北美的食品分销速率。” 加拿大拥有进出口产品分销的天然优势,该国拥有众多水港,在港口可用性、基础设施和可达性方面处于领先地位。地理位置和物流支持创造了从全球各地进口产品分销的环境。加拿大是新鲜、冷藏和冷冻肉类(尤其是牛肉产品)、猪肉以及海鲜产品的主要出口国,由于本国气候寒冷,大部分水果和蔬菜依赖进口,本地产量相对有限。 合一食品计划通过对食品供应链全链路的数字化、信息化改造,让食品分销前端产品的销售变得更为透明,客户能够在供应链平台中直接看到产品价格等其他情况。并能为客户保留采购的历史数据,方便其分析食品销售的数据情况。 “我们团队整体比较年轻化,注重对客户。相比传统的供应商,我们会注重挖掘到国内‘新奇’的食材,帮助客户进行快速的食品迭代。”Neil Gu表示。 合一食品的策略是首先专注于目前传统供应链供应商未能充分覆盖的少数族裔食品市场。通过对少数族裔饮食文化和食材的深入理解和高效的运营管理模式,该公司计划逐步扩展到更广泛的主流食品市场。 Neil Gu认为,加拿大主流餐饮市场已经有稳定且强大的供应链体系,但对于亚洲餐饮以及多元文化餐饮企业的覆盖不够,该市场拥有8亿到10亿美金的市场份额,这是合一食品能够突破的切入点。 目前,合一食品已覆盖加拿大主要省份和城市,餐饮活跃客户达3500家、超市客户约达500家,客户群体涵盖了多数出海加拿大的中国连锁餐饮企业。 过去几年里,合一食品已经在加拿大完成四次战略收购,今年计划再完成三次。通过在中西部建立新的分销中心和在东海岸设立肉类和鱼类加工厂。 本轮融资将帮助合一食品达成两个重要目标。首先,公司将能够将其分销服务扩展到加拿大的所有省份和城市,确保在每个地区都有全面的配送网络覆盖。其次,公司将进入美国市场,凭借先进的供应链和战略合作伙伴关系,争取美国食品分销市场的份额。 合一食品管理层和投资者认为,餐饮业和食品供应链的持续重组为行业整合和扩展提供了一个独特的机会。通过收购和整合现有的供应链网络,企业正努力成为北美食品行业的领先服务提供商。 团队方面,合一食品创始人Neil Gu曾作为一名特许金融分析师(CFA)。在帝国商业银行和汇丰银行从事企业银行业务。他创立该公司的初衷是希望用科技改进北美传统的食品供应链模式。 投资人观点: 凯尔特创投管理合伙人大卫·阿德雷(David Adderley):合一食品正在通过其基于云技术的一站式食品供应链平台,颠覆加拿大传统的食品供应链行业,自从凯尔特在2023年首次投资以来,企业的年化营收增长率翻了一番,同时保持盈利。 凯尔特创投管理合伙人托马斯·瓦里斯(Tomas Valis):北美的食品批发和餐饮服务市场正处于创新的风口,通过利用最新的云计算和物流技术,并整合传统的批发和食品服务企业,这是一个简化传统食品供应链的机会。凭借合一食品对食品批发和服务市场的深入了解,在电子商务物流和仓库管理方面的丰富运营经验,以及强大的云技术开发能力,使他们在实现这一愿景方面独具优势。

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