Blizzard Ventures

Blizzard Ventures


Accelerating ScaleUp & StartUp & 🦄 in their sales, ecosystem and operational effectiveness and efficiency


Accelerating ScaleUp / StartUp / 🦄 Sales, ecosystem and operational effectiveness and efficiency by ensuring product market fit, value proposition and business model design Early Stage Investments

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    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    Quantum Computing: Beyond the Hype, Toward Real Impact 🔍 Quantum computing is getting attention—and for good reason. Governments, tech giants, and banks are investing heavily in this technology, which has the potential to revolutionize industries by solving complex problems conventional computers can’t. But let's separate the hype from reality: ↳ Code Cracking: Quantum computers could crack current encryption methods in seconds, which has huge implications for cybersecurity. However, the race is on to develop quantum-safe encryption protocols that would remain secure even in a quantum era, ensuring that our data stays protected against future threats. ↳ Quantum Chemistry: They promise breakthroughs in drug discovery, new materials, and energy solutions by accurately simulating molecular interactions. ↳ Finance: Quantum computing could transform financial modeling, from optimizing portfolios to predicting market trends with unprecedented speed and accuracy. ↳ Logistics: Solving complex logistical challenges like the traveling salesman problem could make supply chains more efficient and reduce environmental impact. ⚠️ Challenges Ahead: While quantum computers hold immense potential, it’s important to note that we’re still far from making them commercially viable. The complex challenges in error control and scaling mean we might not see impactful applications within the next decade, according to Sabine Hossenfelder, a renowned physicist and science communicator. 🎥 Check out the full video by Sabine Hossenfelder: 🔗 At Beyond Transformation Group LLC, Patrick Comboeuf and I accelerate businesses' pragmatic digital transformation towards an AI-centric world. At Blizzard Ventures, we ensure your scale-up’s product-market fit, building sales and partner ecosystem strategy, and driving go-to-market execution. 🚀 Book Time with me for an initial conversation on how we can bring your business forward: 🔗 #AI4Business #QuantumComputing #DigitalTransformation

    Quantum Computers Could Solve These Problems

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    🚀 Discover how AI-driven video technology is reshaping global communication—check out Thomas Winter's insights on HeyGen and Synthesia.

    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    Imagine having the power to scale personalized communication across languages and time zones with a few clicks. This isn’t just a glimpse into the future—it’s happening right now with AI-driven video technology. AI-powered video creation is breaking new ground, enabling businesses to create highly realistic, multilingual avatars that can deliver messages with a human touch, regardless of audience or language. I’ve been exploring this space with both HeyGen and Synthesia, and what I’ve found is nothing short of transformative. Both platforms allow you to create personal avatars, making them ideal tools for customer engagement. However, HeyGen stands out by offering a free personal avatar option, which lets you start experimenting without any upfront costs—a perfect way for businesses to explore the potential of AI avatars. Beyond that, HeyGen is actively seeking to differentiate itself by focusing on interactive avatars that can function as agents. These avatars are not just static representations; they can engage with users in real-time, providing a dynamic and responsive experience. This opens up exciting possibilities for customer service, virtual sales agents, and training scenarios. Synthesia, on the other hand, requires payment from the start for personal avatars but brings its own set of strengths to the table. Their platform is rapidly iterating on creating avatars that express emotions with remarkable realism. Imagine a video where your digital spokesperson isn’t just delivering information but doing so with the right tone, facial expressions, and emotional nuance. This level of sophistication could redefine how we approach internal communication, customer support, and personalized marketing. The real game changer here is the underlying AI technology that makes these platforms so powerful. It’s not just about replacing human effort but amplifying it. In a world where personalization is crucial, these tools give businesses the ability to scale authenticity in ways we’ve never seen before. Curious about what AI-driven video technology can do for your business? Don’t just take my word for it—sign up for a free account with HeyGen or explore Synthesia’s offerings and see the difference for yourself. At Beyond Transformation Group LLC, we specialize in helping businesses integrate cutting-edge AI technologies to unlock new levels of efficiency and engagement. Let’s discuss how these tools can fit into your strategy and drive your business forward in this AI-centric world. Book Time with me for an initial conversation on how we can bring your business forward 🔗 🔗 🔗 #AI4Business #AI4Pragmatists #DigitalTransformation #AI #BusinessGrowth

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    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    Are we becoming "extremely online" zombies? 🧟♂️💻 To be extremely online is to post and view what’s online as incredibly important, even at the risk of misunderstanding it as representative of the entire world. It’s when our digital habits seep into our awareness, identity, and behaviors, even when we’re offline. But here’s the thing—this hyper-focus on what “Twitter says” or what’s trending online can cause us to overestimate the importance of these voices. We start to believe that what we see on our screens is the pulse of the real world. The truth? It often isn’t. Most people aren’t participating in the latest online frenzy. They’re living their lives, making decisions based on a much broader set of inputs. This realization led me to ask: How much does real-time news really matter when forming well-rounded opinions? For me, the answer is clear: In most situations, it doesn’t. That’s why I’ve drastically reduced my daily news diet. Instead of chasing every headline, I’m focusing on deeper, more thoughtful journalism. The The Economist has become a staple for me, offering a global perspective with a clear distinction between reporting and opinion. I particularly value their audio edition and variety of topic podcasts, which allow me to stay informed even during a busy day. I also highly recommend Ian Bremmer’s newsletter, Stay Informed with Ian Bremmer, which helps make sense of global news with a balanced approach. Check it out here: 🔗 Let’s challenge ourselves to: 1 Step back from the online frenzy 2 Seek diverse, well-researched sources 3 Take time to form balanced opinions What’s your take? How do you maintain perspective in our "extremely online" world? #DigitalBalance #CriticalThinking #LeadershipInsights At Beyond Transformation Group, we help businesses navigate the digital landscape without losing sight of real-world impact. Interested in a pragmatic approach to digital transformation? Let's chat. Book time with me for an initial conversation on how we can bring your business forward: 🔗

  • Blizzard Ventures hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    🚨 The AI CapEx avalanche weaponizes capital. 🚨   Do You Have to Join the Arms Race to Win? Tech giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, and Google are set to spend $200 billion on CapEx this year—double what the U.S. government allocates to homeland security. Nearly all of this investment is going into AI and cloud infrastructure. As Scott Galloway noted in the latest Prof G Markets podcast 🎧: , this isn’t just business as usual; it’s a strategic move that turns capital into a competitive weapon. With access to cheaper capital than most, these tech behemoths are doubling down on AI, creating a moat that few can cross. Capital has always been a strategic asset, but in the AI era, it's becoming the main battleground. If you can outspend, you can out-innovate—or at least prevent others from catching up. But what does this mean for smaller companies and startups? Could they follow Apple’s approach, avoiding the AI arms race? Instead of sinking billions into AI infrastructure, could they leverage existing Large Language Model (LLM) providers, much like how cloud computing democratized scalable tech? Apple is already doing this with "Apple Intelligence," integrating AI without joining the CapEx frenzy. Or is this a zero-sum game where the concentration of innovation and capital stifles the startup ecosystem? Consider the less-than-exciting Microsoft 365 Bookings page or Google Calendar’s appointment scheduling, which survive because they’re bundled into larger suites. In contrast, feature-rich, paid apps like Calendly with appealing UX stand out. The same goes for Microsoft's embedded Planner app compared to Trello by Atlassian. The latter offers a more sophisticated interface, but the former gains traction through its inclusion in M365. As we stand on the brink of this AI-driven future, the big question is: Will LLMs level the playing field, or will they further entrench the dominance of the few? --- At Beyond Transformation Group, we accelerate established businesses' digital transformation toward an AI-centric world. We also offer digital immersion tours to Silicon Valley and Singapore for firsthand insights into this evolving landscape. For those scaling up, Blizzard Ventures can accelerate your go-to-market success by ensuring product-market fit (PMF) and driving strategic sales and partner ecosystem execution. And for startups looking to solidify their financial footing, FS Partners Scale Up Desk helps elevate your financial fitness and governance, accelerating your path to frictionless growth. Book time with me to explore how we can accelerate your success: 🚀 #AI #CapEx #TechStrategy #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #BusinessLeadership #AIForBusiness



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    As a startup or scale up ... avoid such a debacle. It is very likely preventable.

    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    When Your Smart Home Gets a Paywall: myStrom AG's Subscription Surprise Just when I thought my smart home setup was complete, MyStrom decides to throw a curveball. On June 16th, I received an email about a significant shift in their service model—features that were once included in my purchase are now locked behind new subscription tiers. Today, an article in IT Reseller confirmed my inital concern: this change is a last-ditch effort to keep the company afloat until 2025 per CEO Tom Kienle. It seems MyStrom has a fundamental flaw in the economics of their business model. Key Points: • New Subscriptions: "MyStrom Plus" (CHF 3.50/year) and "MyStrom Pro" (CHF 11.90/year) • Features Affected: Power Actions, Temperature Actions, alarms, vacation mode, and Sonos integration. • The CEO’s Admission: "Without this, we'd be bankrupt by early 2025." As someone who’s seen the tech industry from all angles, I understand the financial squeeze—especially when you’re operating on a razor-thin margin. But as a consumer? I’m not exactly thrilled. What They Did Right (trying to find the positive here): • Transparency: Credit for being upfront about their situation. • Transition Period: Offering trials for existing users is a nice touch, but it feels more like a band-aid. What Missed the Mark: • Mid-Game Rule Change: This feels like bait-and-switch. Shifting the goalposts erodes customer trust. • Paywalling Basic Features: Locking fundamental features behind a subscription is a risky move. Lessons for Tech Leaders and Startups: • Sustainable Revenue Models: Ensure your business model supports ongoing costs from the outset. • Early Communication: Build trust through consistent, transparent communication. • Value Loyalty: Consider grandfathering existing users to maintain goodwill. The smart home industry is at a critical juncture. Balancing innovation, customer experience, and financial sustainability is no small feat, but it’s one that companies must navigate carefully. If you need guidance to avoid such pitfalls, I'm happy to help. With my expertise in strategy, business model design, and collaborations to ensure financial fitness for scale-up companies, I can help your business grow sustainably and keep customers satisfied. What’s your take? Is this a necessary evil or a misstep in customer relations? Let’s discuss the future of smart home economics. #SmartHome #TechStrategy #CustomerExperience #BusinessEthics #BusinessGrowth

    MyStrom macht zahlreiche Funktionen kostenpflichtig

    MyStrom macht zahlreiche Funktionen kostenpflichtig

  • Blizzard Ventures hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    🚀 Exploring the Metaverse in 2024: More Than Just Hype? 🚀 It's easy to get cynical about the metaverse after falling into the trough of disillusionment. But let's pause for a reality check: if you've played Fortnite, Roblox, or Call of Duty, you're already active in the metaverse. And here's a kicker – if you've been in a Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, or Webex meeting, you're in it too. This realization hit me as I revisited Matthew Ball's insights, two years after reading his groundbreaking book. His recent interview on the Prof G podcast with Scott Galloway offers a compelling update: 📍 Metaverse defined: "A 3D shared and live version of the internet." 🌐 State of play in 2024: We're seeing continued progress in constituent parts Focus has shifted from VR to broader applications Key players like Epic Games and Nvidia are driving innovation 💡 Potential: Reshaping how we interact with digital spaces Transforming industries from healthcare to entertainment Potential to update internet protocols and infrastructure Ball's perspective reminds us that while the hype cycle has ebbed, the underlying technologies and concepts continue to evolve. The metaverse isn't just about VR headsets; it's about creating a more immersive, interconnected digital world. As leaders, we need to stay informed about these developments. They have the potential to reshape how we work, communicate, and create value in the coming years. At Beyond Transformation Group LLC , we're excited to explore the opportunities of the metaverse and other AI 4 Business technologies with you We're here to help you navigate this evolving landscape and leverage its potential for your business. What's your take on the metaverse's evolution? Are you seeing its impact in your industry? #Metaverse #DigitalTransformation #FutureOfTech #AI4Business

    Matthew Ball - Is It Time to Remember the Metaverse? | Prof G Conversations

  • Blizzard Ventures hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    Game-Changing AI for Business: HeyGen's Interactive Avatars Redefine Video Creation #AI4B   Multilingual AI Videos: A Game-Changer for Global Business Communication #AI4B Just watched HeyGen's impressive demo: a Turkish sharpshooter's speech seamlessly translated and delivered in English. This showcases the power of AI in breaking language barriers.   Key implications for businesses: 1. Instant, high-quality video translations 2. Global reach without language constraints 3. Cost-effective content localization   The race between platforms like HeyGen and Synthesia is pushing the boundaries of what's possible: * HeyGen: Interactive Avatars + LLM/Zapier integration 🔗 🔗 * Synthesia: Expressive and lifelike personal avatars 🔗   Watch expressive avatars in action: 🔗    These advancements are not just technological marvels; they're practical tools that can significantly impact your business operations and customer interactions. Curious about implementing AI video solutions in your business?   Let's connect and explore how this technology can drive your digital transformation.   #AIforBusiness #DigitalTransformation #VideoAI   Thoughts on the future of AI-driven video content? Share below!

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    🇹🇷 Turkish sharpshooter Yusuf Dikeç responds to the humorous posts about his viral Olympic moment. We've translated his reactions from Turkish to English for all the international followers to enjoy. Original post:

  • Blizzard Ventures hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thomas Winter ⛄☁️ anzeigen, Grafik

    AI for Business | Start-up & Scale-up PMF, GTM & Sales Accelerator | Digital Transformation Leader: Business Models, Value Proposition, Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency

    💡 Insight into the Future of AI Tools in the Workplace I came across an article where a CIO mentioned canceling their Microsoft Copilot subscription due to a perceived lack of value. While it's easy to see why some might view this as simply doubling the cost of an M365 subscription, I believe that's not the right conversation to be having. Microsoft has a special issue to solve, as companies feel they already pay for the Office suite (now M365) and might not see Copilot as a separate product despite new functionality. A challenge ChatGPT or Claude doesn't have... The real questions are: ❓Does an AI tool that costs approximately $1.50 per employee per working day, deliver a net positive impact on productivity? ❗For most knowledge workers, the answer is an overwhelming YES. ❓Is it better to go with Copilot and its native integration into M365 Office suite, which seems to work really well in summarizing Teams meetings and email for now. Or will the the same investment into ChatGPT or Claude, which are often praised for their answer quality, deliver better results. ❗Not a clear answer: I'm going back and forth. So far I'm staying with ChatGPT, even as I find the M365 integration a huge leg up. ❌But here's the crux: It's not just about the tool itself; it's about how we use it. The key to unlocking the full potential of AI in the workplace lies in proper training and user adoption. Too often, the tech enthusiasts throw sophisticated tools at non-technical users and expect them to figure it out on their own — reminiscent of what we've seen with Dropbox/OneDrive, Teams/Slack, and other tools in the past. This approach inevitably leads to user frustration and, ultimately, abandonment of valuable resources. 🔎Let’s shift the conversation from justifying costs to ensuring that we’re equipping our teams with the knowledge and support they need to leverage these tools effectively. It's about getting user adoption right and ensuring that the value of these tools—including the cost of adoption—is fully realized. 🎯 👉 Let's focus on how we can educate and empower our organizations to maximize the return on AI investments. We're happy to help you with this challenge Beyond Transformation Group LLC, Blizzard Ventures, FS Partners - The CFO Company, let's connect. Patrick Comboeuf, Simon Frei. #AI@work #AI #Microsoft #CoPilot #GenAI #OpenAI #ChatGPT #Claude #Anthropic Read the full article here: Business Insider

    A CIO cancelled a Microsoft AI deal. The reason why should worry the entire tech industry.

    A CIO cancelled a Microsoft AI deal. The reason why should worry the entire tech industry.

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