BSA ARCHITECTURE hat dies direkt geteilt
On tour! It was a pleasure to have this incredible team of Swiss architects and interior designers in our facilities in Barcelona. There was time for everything: to witness how we manufacture our products, to learn about the power and benefits of play and above all, to play and share. Thank you Batiplus SA for sharing this experience with us. And thanks to artgtech sa architectes, Joane Chopard Architectes, whynot architecture, Andrea Pelati Architecte Sa, Brönnimann & Gottreux Architectes SA, CCHE Lausanne, RDR architectes, Linea Lombardo SA, Esposito + Javet Architectes Associés Sa, Bergamote Concept, RK Interiors SÀRL, Formlab Architectes, BSA ARCHITECTURE, CAROLINE BRODARD, Audemars Piguet, Scavone Design House, Studio Julia Christ and @J'aimepas les dimanches for your time and joy. #intenseliving #theartofplay