Planetary boundaries* – in a vote is quite >UNICORN< even in Switzerland…**
Politicians here (and elsewhere) say: „This is too drastic for our economy.“ [1]
I think that’s not true at all!
I ask you one thing: „Have you realised how fast and disruptive digital economy was and still is?“ I would argue there were less risks for traditional companies to foresee (as it was secret innovation) than the multiple risks we clearly see in the ongoing and very fast destruction of our planetary system earth (as it is open-source shown by science since long).
So, I ask you one more thing: „Do you remember your first mobile phone and how fast that device turned your life upside down being also a translator, calculator, camera, calendar, music-recorder and editor and I don’t know what?“
And now, please use all your super-power to imagine how fast we can transform our economy into bio-circular-economical powerful firms that might kill some fossil-dinos while creating new jobs in their field – if we allow ourselves to understand one thing:
Not investing sufficient money and credit into this unique opportunity and urgently needed transformation means that generations to come will pay a much higher cost to clean up (and still won’t have future-fit businesses and economies). [2]
We can already see the increase of climate-related natural events and their insurance costs since 1980. [3,4] It’s sad to see at the same time a higher demand for more investments into the transformation while destructive fossil-giants still increase the exploitation of resources. [5,6]
Please see the difference between investment-into-future and lost-only-cost.
An meine deutschen Freunde:
Lasst uns die Volksabstimmung in der Schweiz zum Anlass nehmen, die Themensetzung der BTW 2025 neu zu justieren. Z.B: Ohne ein funktionierendes ökologisches System (von dem wir Menschen natürlicher Teil sind), können wir kein soziales System und Gemeinwesen stabilisieren (das wir mitunter gestalten können), welches wiederum Grundlage für ein rechtssicheres und langfristig funktionierendes – den Menschen dienliches – wirtschaftliches System ist.
So herum wird ein Schuh draus.
Bin gespannt auf eure Kommentare & Diskussion.
* „The planetary boundaries concept presents a set of nine planetary boundaries within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive for generations to come.“ [7]
** Swiss citizens can vote on the popular initiative "Environmental Responsibility Initiative" that calls for extending current environmental protection law by "responsible economic activities within our planetary boundaries“ on February 9th 2025. [1]
Sources: See comment.
Sasha Cisar, Manuel Ehlers, Katrin Wohlwend, Nicole Bardet, Countdown 2030, Palle Petersen, Hans-Christian Rufer, Jakob Schneider, Sustainable Development Solutions Network Switzerland SDSN, Carole Küng-Weber, Daniel Dubas, Kassem Taher Saleh, Cem Özdemir, Patrick Bottermann