ICCA Consortium

ICCA Consortium

Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Association supporting the global movement for #IndigenousPeoples' and local communities' collective #TerritoriesOfLife.


The ICCA Consortium (www.iccaconsortium.org) is a global, membership-based organization that promotes appropriate recognition and support for territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs—territories of life) at the local, national, regional, and global levels. The Consortium is rooted in the movement for equity in conservation and directly linked to the grassroots through its organizational Members (Indigenous peoples’, community-based and civil society organizations) and individual Honorary members.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
11–50 Beschäftigte
indigenous, localcommunity, conservation, culture, capacitybuilding und internationalpolicy


Beschäftigte von ICCA Consortium


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    El Salvador, exigimos la liberación de José Iván Arévalo Gómez Nos comunicamos con ustedes para informarles sobre la situación del compañero José Iván Arévalo Gómez, defensor de los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en El Salvador, miembro de la Red de Territrorios de Vida de El Salvador, quien la madrugada del 29 de agosto fue "arbitrariamente" arrestado, en el marco del estado de excepción instaurado en El Salvador. Hacemos un llamado a los movimientos Indígenas a nivel nacional e internacional, a las organizaciones sociales y a la comunidad internacional para que den seguimiento y apoyo hasta lograr la libertad definitiva de nuestro hermano José Iván Gómez Arévalo y de muchas otras personas Indígenas y defensores de derechos humanos detenidos en el marco del régimen de excepción en El Salvador. Texto íntegro del comunicado emitido por la Red de Territorios de Vida de El Salvador, Movimiento de Víctimas Afectadas por el Cambio Climático y Corporaciones (MOVIAC) y Consorcio TICCA 🔗 https://lnkd.in/gzt_944F

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    1.215 Follower:innen

    We condemn the arbitrary detention of José Iván Arévalo Gómez, defender of the rights of Indigenous Peoples in El Salvador, and demand his immediate release. El Movimiento de Víctimas Afectadas por el Cambio Climático, MOVIAC, y La Red de Territorios de Vida TICCA El Salvador, lanzan alerta internacional por la detención de JOSÉ IVÁN ARÉVALO GÓMEZ.   El 29 de agosto de 2024, fue detenido el reconocido defensor de derechos humanos y de la madre tierra, JOSÉ IVÁN ARÉVALO GÓMEZ, joven líder de 35 años del pueblo Náhuat, esposo, padre de familia y compañero en la defensa del territorio. La Red Territorios de Vida TICCA Latinoamérica, hacemos eco de esta alerta y denunciamos ante la comunidad internacional su detención.   Vemos con suma preocupación la instrumentalización del Decreto 803, que impone un estado de excepción, bajo la excusa de atacar la criminalidad, sin embargo, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil de El Salvador están denunciando de forma reiterada la persecución y criminalización de las personas defensoras de derechos humanos y de los territorios indígenas, vulnerando aún más los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, que están amparados por acuerdos internacionales como el Convenio 169 de la OIT.   A la vez que condenamos la violación a los derechos humanos de miembros de las organizaciones sociales, exigimos al Gobierno de El Salvador el debido proceso, la liberación inmediata, la reparación del daño y la garantía de no repetición, a favor de José Iván Arévalo Gómez y de las personas lideres y defensores que se encuentran privados de la libertad por este motivo.   Los Pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales que somos territorios de vida de la Red TICCA Latinoamérica nos mantendremos vigilantes para que se garantice la vida y la integridad física y moral de nuestro compañero indígena y demás defensores detenidos.   Latinoamérica, 2 de septiembre de 2024

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    On the lesser-known side of Kaziranga National Park—one of India's most militarized conservation spaces, Indigenous communities fight for their land in the face of a ruthless takeover by luxury resorts 📺 https://lnkd.in/dakJZnBC

    Gold Rush — A Struggle for Kaziranga | Ruella Rahman Khound| Maktoob Originals


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    Unternehmensseite von Rights and Resources Initiative anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢 At least 50 civil society organizations and human rights defenders in Tanzania have published a statement on the state of human rights in Ngorongoro District affecting +110,000 residents. More than 40,000 people have been peacefully protesting in #Tanzania for more than a week seeking a halt to the evictions and recent actions impacting healthcare, education, voting rights, and more in their communities. #LandRightsNow Read their recommendations and please share widely 👇🏽 https://lnkd.in/gmyW44-2

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    Luis Guillermo Izquierdo Mora, President of the ICCA Consortium's Council, at the "TRɄA World summit on traditional knowledge related to biodiversity" in Bogota, Colombia. Mr. Izquierdo Mora delivered an address in a panel that discussed conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity by Indigenous Peoples and local communities and direct access to funding.

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    Profil von Holly Jonas anzeigen, Grafik

    International lawyer, non-profit leader & freelance journalist

    The 2024 Equator Prize winners are here!! Join me in celebrating these amazing communities and organisations, including ICCA Consortium Member MBLA Morocco 🎉 🤔 What is the Equator Prize? Organised by UNDP's Equator Initiative, the Prize is typically awarded every other year and recognises "outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity", contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. 🌍 The Moroccan Biodiversity and Livelihoods Association (MBLA) is one of this year's 11 recipients (the only one from North Africa!). Founded in 2014, MBLA helps safeguard the natural and cultural heritage of Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains while promoting rural communities' sustainable livelihoods. 🌾 They have a particular focus on the preservation and revitalisation of local seed systems for agricultural resilience, including through initiatives like Community Seed Banks and seed fairs. They also mobilised rapidly to provide emergency response to communities affected by the devastating earthquake in September 2023. MBLA’s approach weaves together diverse knowledge systems and practices to support community-driven conservation and strengthen resilience in the face of great change. Kudos to Soufiane M'sou, Rachid AITBABAHMAD and the rest of the MBLA team and all their community partners! MBLA and their fellow 2024 Equator Prize winners join a prestigious network of 285 locally-led initiatives from 94 countries that have received this honour since 2002. ---- If you would like to learn more about MBLA and support their work, check out the links in the first comment below. * All images courtesy of MBLA #indigenouspeoplesday #livelihoods #culture #morocco #maroc #africanleadership #equatorprize #sdgs

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    1.215 Follower:innen

    Indigenous communities in #Sarawak, #Malaysia, left in the dark about hydropower proposal The managing director of the Sarawak-based NGO SAVE Rivers, Celine Lim, says her community relies on the Tutoh River for food and for transport, so the announcement “definitely threw the community into a frenzy because no one knew of this plan before the announcement.” Before Lim helped gather a 650-person petition for more information, she says the letters communities wrote and sent to representatives were ignored. To listen to the entire conversation, please visit this link 🔗 https://lnkd.in/geE4TnTR

    Indigenous communities in Sarawak left in the dark about hydropower proposal

    Indigenous communities in Sarawak left in the dark about hydropower proposal


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    Profil von Holly Jonas anzeigen, Grafik

    International lawyer, non-profit leader & freelance journalist

    Join me in welcoming two of our newest team members in the ICCA Consortium's Secretariat! 🎉 Asami Segundo (Ikalahan-Kalanguya) is the new lead for our Southeast Asia regional coordination team, hosted by our Member NTFP-EP Asia in the Philippines. Asami is an Indigenous youth leader, participatory community mapping and GIS specialist, and a founding member of the International Indigenous Youth Forum on Climate Change. Paul Saing'eu (Maasai) is the new lead for our East Africa regional coordination team, hosted by our Member UCRT in Tanzania. Paul is a pastoralist, a strong advocate for mental health and psychological support, and a leader in advancing human rights and land rights and defending territories of life. Asami and Paul, I'm thrilled you have joined the team and will be cheering you on! I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Asami's and Paul's predecessors, Amy Maling and Emmanuel Sulle, for their many years of service in our Secretariat, and for supporting the search and transition/handover processes with patience and care. It has been a pleasure working with you both and I'm sending you my very best with your new roles. #indigenouspeoples #leadership #teams #transitions

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