#Mesolcina, #Maggia, #Bavona, #Lavizzara e ora anche la #ValleDiMuggio, la lista é lunga, i lavori immensi, ma possiamo aiutare. Fotografare case e infrastrutture danneggiate è fondamentale per una risposta efficace alle catastrofi. Queste immagini aiutano a valutare i danni, pianificare i soccorsi e allocare le risorse in modo efficiente. Documentare veicoli sommersi o danneggiati fornisce anche preziose informazioni aggiuntive. Con #QField Rapid Mapper, permettiamo ai cittadini volontari di contribuire a risposte di emergenza più rapide e coordinate, rispettando al contempo le persone coinvolte. Unisciti per fare la differenza! https://buff.ly/3xELGae P.S. È fondamentale rispettare la privacy evitando di fotografare targhe e di entrare negli edifici senza autorizzazione. #Mesolcina, #Maggia, #Bavona, #Lavizzara and now also #ValleDiMuggio, the list is long, the work immense, but we can help. Photographing damaged houses and infrastructure is vital for effective disaster response. These images help assess damage, plan rescues, and allocate resources efficiently. Documenting submerged or damaged vehicles also adds valuable insights. With QField Rapid Mapper, we empower volunteer citizens to contribute to quicker, coordinated emergency responses while respecting those affected. Join us in making a difference! https://buff.ly/3zyg1aS P.S. It's crucial to respect privacy by avoiding license plates and unauthorized entry into buildings. #swissgis #RapidMapping #open-source #Ticino #NaturalHazard #SwissTopo #EmergencyResponse #GeospatialInsights #Switzerland #fieldwork
OPENGIS.ch helps you set up your spatial data infrastructure based on seamlessly integrated desktop, web and mobile components. We support your team in planning, developing, deploying and running your infrastructure. Thanks to several senior geodata infrastructure experts, QGIS core developers and the makers of the mobile data acquisition solution QField, OPENGIS.ch has all it takes to make your project a success. OPENGIS.ch is known for its commitment to high-quality products and its continuous efforts to improve the open source ecosystem.
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- IT-Dienstleistungen und IT-Beratung
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- 11–50 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Laax, Schweiz - Suisse
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- Privatunternehmen
- Spezialgebiete
- GIS, QGIS, Android, Web development, Python, C++, PostGIS, Mobile GIS, django, docker, QField und flask
Software für geografische Informationssysteme (GIS)
With the QField ecosystem, you can streamline your fieldwork processes and improve productivity. Our products are designed to work together seamlessly, providing a complete solution for all your fieldwork needs. Whether you're collecting data in remote locations or managing large-scale projects, our tools have you covered.
Beschäftigte von OPENGIS.ch
Marco Bernasocchi
Helping clients implement opensource for the geospatial world · Founder & CEO at OPENGIS.ch LLC · QGIS.org Chair · OSGeo board member, full-stack…
Igor Kramer
Data Scientist/Senior System Engineer in Financial Industry offering DevOps, System Security and Analytical Services.
Lucie Nicolier
ingénieure en géomatique
Isabel Kiefer
Environmental Engineer
📢 GEOSummit Webinar: Wie mache ich mein Open-Source-Produkt zum Erfolg 🌐 Am nächsten Dienstagnachmittag, 29. Oktober 2024 um 15.30 Uhr haben wir ein spannendes Webinar im Rahmen der GEOSummit Webinare geplant! 🎉 Mit dabei eine hochkarätige Besetzung mit Natalie Huong, Beat Furger, Bernard Spichtig, Zsanett Medvei, Romedi Filli und Matthias Kuhn. Eine top Lineup mit langjähriger Erfahrung in Produktentwicklung, Open Source und natürlich Geo. Einige der zu behandelnden Themen werden sein: 🔹 Community Management 🔹 Agile Produktentwicklung 🔹 Lessons-Learnt Freut euch auf spannende Erfahrungsberichte, praxisnahe Tipps und inspirierende Diskussionen rund um die Herausforderungen und Chancen von Open-Source-Projekten und Produktentwicklung. 📅 Datum: Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2024 🕞 Uhrzeit: 15.30 Uhr Anmelden kann man sich unter https://lnkd.in/dKYJ-Rnq Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme und den gemeinsamen Austausch! 😊 #GEOSummit #Webinar #OpenSource #CommunityManagement #Produktentwicklung #GeoBranche #ErfolgMitOpenSource
Thanks, Emmanuel Ndofunsu. It was fun to follow this GIS Olympics, and we're incredibly proud that QField[Cloud] was in the finals against #QGIS. Without QGIS, there would be no QField, and without QField QGIS would certainly have less functionality. That's the #opensource magic 💚 #dataisoutside #fieldwork #swissgis
J’aide les géomaticiens à transformer leurs compétences grâce à mes formations #SIG #IA #Storytelling #DataViz
🛑 Stop !!! Arrêtez tout ! On a notre premier gagnant des JO des SIG ! Roulement de Tambour… 🥁 Mais avant, j’aimerais féliciter l’état d’esprit derrière QField OPENGIS.ch finaliste. Pour cela, je vais tout simplement les citer : « No matter the outcome, it's already the best final we could imagine 🤩 And the beauty of #opensource is that when we need something in QField that could be interesting for QGIS, we build it for QGIS and we automatically get it in QField... For some it's like magic 🪄, for us it's just about being the best possible citizens in the QGIS.org world. » Voilà, je ne saurais pas dire mieux ! Bravo à eux ! Et bravo au champion QGIS ! Bravo à toute la communauté Open Source derrière qui fait de cette solution celle avec laquelle vous prenez le plus de plaisir à travailler. Rendez-vous dans 4 ans, pour les JO des SIG 2028 ! 😜 Partagez cette publication et dites moi en commentaire, vous voyez qui gagner en 2028 ?! Allez je commence : QGIS Vision Pro 😱 #SIG #QGIS #Formation #DataAnalysis #Cartographie ----------------------------------------------- 🤙 Moi, c’est Emmanuel, votre collègue #géomaticien qui sait résoudre vos problèmes et booster votre productivité en intégrant l’IA dans votre quotidien au bureau. Abonnez-vous à ma newsletter pour lire mes histoires autours des SIG, de la Data et de l'IA ! ➡ https://lnkd.in/eakNVbpe
The Light Base Map by Federal Office of Topography swisstopo must be one of the most beautiful background (vector tiles!) maps available. Thanks to our core developers team, soon it will be entirely enjoyable in #QGIS #SwissGIS
Ongoing work to improve Mapbox Vector Tiles rendering in QGIS. Office fédéral de topographie swisstopo base layers now look way more similar! https://lnkd.in/eg3VQX-W https://lnkd.in/eFf4q9Sg #QGIS OPENGIS.ch
Congratulations QGIS.org rebranding team🚀 what a fantastic job! Really good to see QGIS' branding stepping up to match the software quality! We are extremely proud to support #QGIS not only financially through a longstanding large membership and our sustainability initiative (https://lnkd.in/ecc-4BJf) but first and foremost by donating plenty of work hours by our core developers and our CEO. Go spatial without compromise!
Helping clients implement opensource for the geospatial world · Founder & CEO at OPENGIS.ch LLC · QGIS.org Chair · OSGeo board member, full-stack geoninja, consultant and Keynote speaker.
We did it! so happy to see the all the work we put into the new qgis.org website going live🚀 From leading a community mission and vision workshop in Firenze 2022 to crafting a new claim (#spatialwithoutcompromise) in Den Bosch 2023 and helping secure the funding for this year's implementation, getting the new brand image up to where it is now was for sure the most exciting project in the last two years as qgis.org chair. A huge thank you goes to Tim Sutton and Anita Graser 🌻 for their immense volunteer work and dedication to making this project a reality. Additionally, a big thanks goes to Kontur Inc. for their fantastic work, professionalism and generous offer to donate part of the work. I'd also like to thank OPENGIS.ch for allowing me to do a lot of the chairing work during my work hours. From my first chair nomination, I said I wanted to help qgis.org reach the next level in communicating that it is not only "the best #opensource gis" but "the best gis." I think we just took a huge step in that direction, and I look very much forward to helping qgis.org maintain this incredible growth rate by being even more attractive to new community members, sponsors, and large/corporate users while still being an interesting and motivating grassroots project where community members can bloom and enjoy contributing in their most creative ways. Go spatial without compromise 🚀💫
Last hours of the GIS Olympics... #QField vs #QGIS no matter the outcome, it's already a the best final we could imagine 🤩 And the beauty of #opensource is that when we need something in QField that could be interesting for QGIS, we build it for QGIS and we automatically get it in QField... For some it's like magic 🪄 for us is just about being the best possible citizens in the QGIS.org world #dataisoutside
J’aide les géomaticiens à transformer leurs compétences grâce à mes formations #SIG #IA #Storytelling #DataViz
🏆 Nous y sommes ! Après des semaines de votes passionnants, nous avons notre duel final : 𝐐𝐆𝐈𝐒 𝐯𝐬 𝐐𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝. Il semble que vous aimez vraiment l’environnement QGIS. Mais maintenant, il est temps de déterminer si vous préférez travailler derrière l’écran d’ordinateur avec QGIS ou conjuguer le travail de terrain grâce à QFieldCloud OPENGIS.ch 🗳️ Rappel important : nous votons ici pour la solution avec laquelle vous prenez le plus de plaisir à travailler. Que ce soit la richesse des fonctionnalités de QGIS ou la mobilité et l’efficacité de QField, c’est votre expérience qui compte ! 𝐂’𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐉𝐎 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐈𝐆 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒, et je suis ravi de vous annoncer que cette première édition a comptabilisé près de 1 000 votes au total ! Un véritable succès pour une première ! Partagez cette publication pour finir en beauté et 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚î𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮 𝐦𝐞́𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫 ! 🙌 À vous de jouer ! Votez maintenant et faites entendre votre voix ! Fin des votes dans 1 semaine ! (Mardi 16/07) #SIG #JO2024 #JOSIG #QGIS #QField #Finale #Votez #Partagez
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OPENGIS.ch hat dies direkt geteilt
Dive into the capabilities of the #QField Plugin Framework and learn how it can transform your fieldwork experience at our upcoming webinar on July 17, 3 PM CEST. Save your seat now at https://buff.ly/45YVx7j #qgis #fieldwork #dataisoutside
OPENGIS.ch hat dies direkt geteilt
Partecipa all'iniziativa crowdsourcing per mappare i danni causati dalle alluvioni e dalle frane in Ticino! QField Rapid Mapper consente a soccorritori, protezione civile, militari e cittadini di valutare e segnalare rapidamente i danni causati dalle catastrofi naturali tramite foto geolocalizzate. OPENGIS.ch dona l'infrastruttura QFieldCloud per la raccolta e la mappatura dei dati in tempo reale per aiutare nella risposta alle emergenze nel 2024. Maggiori dettagli a https://lnkd.in/eG-ZF6yk Scarica QField Rapid Mapper da https://buff.ly/4bAqwaU. Join the effort to map the floods and landslide damages in Ticino! Download QField Rapid Mapper at https://buff.ly/4bAqwaU. This mobile app allows emergency responders, civil protection, military, and citizens to quickly assess and report damages from natural disasters. OPENGIS.ch is donating the QFieldCloud infrastructure for #real-time data collection and mapping to help in the disaster response in 2024. More details at https://buff.ly/3zyg1aS #swissgis #RapidMapping #open-source #Ticino #NaturalHazard #SwissTopo #EmergencyResponse #GeospatialInsights #Switzerland Eleonora Pedrini-Pedroli Michael Lanini David Oesch Federal Office for the Environment FOEN Federal Office of Topography swisstopo