Swiss Solar Boat

Swiss Solar Boat


Lausanne, Vaud 2.130 Follower:innen

One team, one boat, one goal. Unite to contribute to the creation of a new sustainable world.


Swiss Solar Boat is a swiss project created by engineering students from EPFL who are eager to contribute to the new impetus the world needs in terms of technology, innovation, sustainability and ecology. Driven by our passion of the maritime world and the desire to share knowledge, our goal is to design and build a boat that answers the key challenges for the future of maritime transportation. We believe that combining hydrogen and solar energy is the solution for both a more sustainable and efficient sailing.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Lausanne, Vaud
technology, engineering, solar power, Hydrofoils und hydrogen


Beschäftigte von Swiss Solar Boat


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    ☀ Looking forward to attend Zurich Design Weeks!

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    GO SOLAR! ☀ Tribecraft an den Zurich Design Weeks Im Rahmen der ZURICH DESIGN WEEKS dreht sich bei Tribecraft diesmal alles um die Kraft der Sonne ☀ Open Studio: Nachmittags kann unser Innovationslabor frei besucht werden. Nebst Exponaten wie dem Solarrennwagen von aCentauri und der ZZ Indach-Photovoltaiklösung können auch Design-Tools und das Atelier besichtigt und der Innovationsprozess nachvollzogen werden. 💡 Talks 🗣 : Abends gewähren Expert:innen mit Vorträgen Einblick in ihre Arbeit und Fachwissen, in lockerer Atmosphäre diskutieren wir anschliessend gemeinsam Erkenntnisse und Relevanz. Donnerstag 26.09. (DE/EN) Wie Solarrennfahrzeuge und Solarrennboote inspirieren und neue Lösungen denkbar und möglich machen: Team aCentauri Solar Racing Das Team aus Studierenden der ETH Zürich hat innerhalb kürzester Zeit ein radikales Fahrzeug entwickelt, das Live beim Anlass besichtigt werden kann. Clara Norenberg, Projektleiterin und Alexandr Ebnöther, Teamleiter '23 reden über den Challenge, Lessons learned und was das für das das neuste Fahrzeug im 2025 bedeutet. 🚀 Arno Lenzi Industriedesigner bei TRIBECRAFT Innovators Designers Engineers, hat den Designprozess des Rennfahrzeugs aCentauri mitbestimmt und begleitet. Was waren die Herausforderungen designseitig? Wie konnte dem Team der Spagat zwischen PV-Fläche, Aerodynamik, Strassentauglichkeit, Aesthetik und Sponsorenbeschriftung gelingen? Team Swiss Solar Boat 🚤 Das Team der EPFL hat ein Solarrennboot mit Foils für den Monaco Energy Boat Challenge entwickelt. Wissam LASFAR, Teamleader Structure Division und Jules Bervillé, Elektronikverantwortlicher sprechen über ihre Erkenntnisse und weshalb im neusten Entwurf auch Brennstoffzellen eingesetzt werden. --- Freitag 27.09. (DE) Photovoltaiklösungen im urbanen Umfeld: Architektur, Design und Entwicklung, Hintergründen und Potentiale. Florence Schöb Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin HSLU, forscht u.A. zum Thema Solar Design Tools für Architekt:innen. Auf was wird dabei geachtet, und wie ist die Gewichtung zwischen Effizienz und Aesthetik? Simon Ebenhoch System Engineer bei TRIBECRAFT Innovators Designers Engineers, arbeitet u.A. an kreislauffähiger PV Integration. Wie entwickelt man einen nachhaltigen Solarziegel, der einfachst verlegt werden kann und sich gestalterisch voll ins Dach integrieren lässt? 🏘 Urs Muntwyler em. Professor für Photovoltaik Berner Fachhochschule BFH Burgdorf, Pionier Solarenergie Stationär und in der Mobilität spricht über Herkunft und Entwicklung der Photovoltaik, Hintergründe zu Problemstellungen und Zukunftsaussichten. 🌍 --- jeweils Open Studio nachmittags und Talks abends Open Studio ab 15 Uhr Talks von 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr Ort Tribecraft, Binzstr.7 8045 Zürich (1.Stock) S10 ab HB Zürich bis 2. Haltestelle «Zürich Binz» zu Detail Infos: zu Zürich Design Weeks: #Designweeks #Tribecraft #Solar #Photovoltaics

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  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    We had a wonderful opportunity to present our new project at the ‘All About Automation’ fair in Zurich, thanks to our long-standing partner LEMO GROUP, who kindly hosted us at their booth. We were proud to showcase and explain how LEMO connectors helped us achieve better performance in our first prototype, the DAHU, and how we plan to implement them in our next project, the REF, to strive for the same levels of excellence and performance. A big thank you to them, as it is through opportunities like this that we can give visibility both to our project and to our collaboration with the partners who make it possible. #Automation #Innovation #Technology #Engineering #LEMOConnectors #Collaboration #Performance #Networking #Zurich #AllAboutAutomation #Partnership To know more about this long lasting partnerships go check those articles made for LEMO’s review, CONNECTED: French Below --------------- Nous avons eu une belle opportunité de pouvoir présenter notre nouveau projet lors du Salon « All About Automation » qui a eu lieu à Zürich, grâce à notre partenaire de longue date LEMO qui a accepté de nous accueillir sur son stand. Une fierté de montrer et expliquer comment les connecteurs LEMO nous ont aidés à obtenir de meilleures performances dans notre premier prototype, le DAHU, et comment nous les mettrons en œuvre sur notre prochain projet, le REF pour tenter d’atteindre les mêmes niveaux d’excellence et de performance. Un grand merci à eux, car c’est grâce à des opportunités comme celle-ci que nous avons l’occasion de donner de la visibilité tant à notre projet, qu’à notre collaboration avec des partenaires qui le rendent possible.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    💭 This is now the final episode of our Lausanne-Evian crossing series, and we hope you enjoyed it. For this last episode, we revisit the preparations and execution of the crossing. Xavier Bissel and Jules Bervillé, CTO and lead in Electronic software, will guide us through the journey, reflecting on the entire project and sharing some ideas for the future of the Dahu. This marks the end of a milestone in the life of our association. As you know now with the reveal of the design of our new boat, the REF (Renewable Energy Foiler), exciting news are coming this year as we have many accomplishments to achieve before making this dream a reality 💫 #SwissSolarBoat #LausanneEvianCrossing #Hydrogen #Innovation #Sustainability #MaritimeTechnology #TeamWork #Hybrid #Sponsors #Podcast P.S. The full interview, combining all four episodes, is available on our YouTube channel

  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌿⚓ In this third episode of our series, we delve into the hybridization of the Dahu by implementing hydrogen technology. Maëlle Truchement and Romain Audétat, co-leaders of the Energy division, will share the journey and the challenges the team faced to successfully transition the boat from solar to green hydrogen as the main source of propulsion. Stay tuned for the final episode, which will review the entire crossing and what this accomplishment represents. 🎧 #SwissSolarBoat #LausanneEvianCrossing #Hydrogen #Innovation #Sustainability #MaritimeTechnology #TeamWork #Hybrid #Sponsors #Podcast

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    🚤🔧 For this second episode of our series, we dive into the structural steps and challenges faced to achieve the Lausanne-Evian crossing. Today, Audrey V. and Clarys Coiffier, co-lead and structural team member, will share their insights and experiences on how this project of structural adaptation for the hybridization of the boat was made. Stay tuned next week for two more episodes on the energy transition from a solar to a hybrid solar-hydrogen powered boat, and a reflection on how the crossing went and what this accomplishment represents! 🎧 #SwissSolarBoat #LausanneEvianCrossing #Hydrogen #Innovation #Sustainability #MaritimeTechnology #TeamWork #Composites #CarbonFibre #Podcast

  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    🍃 Last April, we successfully completed the Lausanne-Evian hydrogen-powered crossing, a milestone that was significant for our team. Following this achievement, we decided to create a four-part series to reflect on the beginnings and the thought process behind this project, the various technical aspects explained by different teams within the association, and to discuss how the crossing went in comparison to our expectations. Over the next few days, you will discover interviews with members of our association, sharing their experiences and insights from this remarkable journey. For this first interview, we are happy to present Basile Fakhoury and Marko Dei-Kofi, the President and Vice-President of Swiss Solar Boat. In this first part, they will discuss the early stages of the project and the initial considerations for the crossing. Enjoy listening and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes! 🎧 #SwissSolarBoat #LausanneEvianCrossing #Hydrogen #Innovation #Sustainability #MaritimeTechnology #TeamWork #GreenEnergy #Podcast

  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌊🚤 Swiss Solar Boat presents its new boat 🚤🌊   After successfully achieving our ambitious goal of completing the hydrogen-powered Lausanne-Evian crossing last April with the Dahu, we now turn our focus to a new objective. Just two months ago, during our year-end event, we revealed the design of our new prototype. This aligns with our commitment to advancing maritime passenger transport by mainly focusing on green hydrogen as the primary propulsion source. 🌱   This is why we are thrilled now to share a historic moment for our association: the reveal of the REF - Renewable Energy Foiler, our second solar-hydrogen hybrid foiling boat. After two years of meticulous design and innovation, we are proud to see this project come to life and be shared with everyone. The REF is the result of our hard work and dedication to green mobility, aiming to make significant strides in decarbonizing the maritime sector. It will have three seats (two passengers and a pilot), navigate on foils, offer an autonomy of approximately 160 km. It will also have a top speed of 35 knots and a cruising speed of 25 knots. With a 60kW fuel cell and a 350-bar hydrogen tank, this solar-hydrogen hybrid boat represents a significant step forward for our team.   Our journey with the hydrogen-hybrid Dahu during the Lausanne-Évian crossing, allowed us to better understand and safely manipulate this technology on a small scale. Now, with the REF, we are ready to tackle the challenge of increased power and the integration of various energy and electronic components. ☀   This project would not have been possible without the support of our members, as well as the invaluable backing of our partners and sponsors. A huge thank you to each of you for your trust and support. This reveal is just the beginning of an incredible adventure coming soon. 💫   #SwissSolarBoat #RenewableEnergyFoiler #Innovation #Hydrogen #SolarEnergy #Sustainability #MaritimeTechnology #TeamWork #GreenEnergy

  • Swiss Solar Boat hat dies direkt geteilt

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    Le 29 mai dernier, l’équipe du Swiss Solar Boat nous a révélé le design de leur futur bateau! 🔍 Zoom sur la complexité de cette étape majeure pour l’équipe de l’EPFL: L’élaboration de ce design a duré près de deux ans car les enjeux sont nombreux! La phase de design est primordiale, tout au long de celle-ci l’équipe vérifie que chacune de ses décisions est compatible avec les autres. En effet, chaque pôle est interconnecté à l’autre, voici un exemple parlant: 🛥️ Le pôle énergie doit connaître le poids embarqué du bateau pour déterminer la puissance à fournir et donc le modèle de pile à combustible à utiliser. 🛥️ Le pôle structure doit connaître la taille de la pile à combustible pour déterminer l'agencement des parois dans le bateau. 🛥️ Le pôle électronique doit connaître l'agencement du bateau pour savoir où placer ses capteurs et ses câbles. De fait, chaque décision doit être réfléchie en collaboration entre chaque pôle technique puis testée au travers de nombreuses simulations. Ce nouveau solar boat regroupera plusieurs innovations: ☀️ 1 pilote et 2 passagers contre seulement 1 pilote pour le précédant bateau, le Dahu. ☀️ De l’hydrogène en plus comme énergie embarquée. ☀️ Une coque en sandwich de bois et de carbone. ☀️ Un design élaboré pour optimiser les performances et réduire l’impact environnemental en utilisant le carbone uniquement là où il est indispensable. #SwissSolarBoat #EPFL #labonneénergie #designreveal #SiL

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  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Join us for an exciting event!We're delighted to invite you to our YouTube live this Wednesday at 7pm to discover the design of Swiss Solar Boat's new boat.  Whether you're passionate about renewable energies, technological innovation, or simply curious , this live is for you! 🔧 On the program: Presentation of the Swiss Solar Boat project ⛵ Live reveal of the new design Discussion with the teams and students behind this innovative project 🔗 Link to the live broadcast: Don't miss this unique opportunity to see how we're using hydrogen technology to push the boundaries of marine innovation. Invite your friends, colleagues and all technology enthusiasts to join us!See you on Wednesday, 7pm on YouTube!! #SwissSolarBoat #RenewableEnergy #Innovation #SolarTechnology #Engineering #Hydrogene #Students #EPFL #Live

    Design Reveal Swiss Solar Boat

  • Unternehmensseite von Swiss Solar Boat anzeigen, Grafik

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    "Swiss Solar Boat has engraved many unforgettable memories in my mind over the last years. The most emotionally charged moments have been seeing our boat, the Dahu, foil so effortlessly and gracefully, knowing all the technical challenges and trials we had to overcome to achieve this. It has required mental toughness and staying united as a team to finally see it perform whether at the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge or during our Lausanne-Evian crossing of lake Geneva." I am Xavier Bissel, 23 years old, currently at the end of my second year of a Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering with a minor in Mechanical Engineering at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne). I joined Swiss Solar Boat in 2022 to complete my Bachelor's project in the Composite Design division, driven by my passion for composites with the LPAC (Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites). I was responsible for structural validation using FEM simulations and the composite production of an optimized version of the Dahu's upper structure. This project culminated in an extraordinary experience at the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge in 2022, where we secured a solid second place in the solar category. From September 2022 for a year, I had the opportunity to lead the entire Composite Design division. During that year, we made necessary modifications to the Dahu to implement new hydrogen systems, designed the hull and structure of the new boat and developed a new construction technique that significantly reduces environmental impact. Finally, since September 2023, I have taken the role of Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Swiss Solar Boat. It involves coordinating all technical divisions to ensure that all work converges towards the same objectives, as well as the general organization and management of the technical team. This extraordinary human and learning experience within this association has taught me far more than I could have hoped for. I have had the opportunity to meet key actors in the maritime and composite sectors at events such as MTEC, METSTRADE and JEC, to discover a real passion for interdisciplinary prototyping in the field of mobility and to confirm my passion for composite technologies. It is an honor to have the trust of such a talented team in this role, and I am very excited about the upcoming reveal of our hard work.

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