Sap Labs France (SLF) charging stations

The Sap Labs France (SLF) network has deployed charging stations in 2 charging locations.

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Rating based on more than 55,000 ratings.
Charge on Sap Labs France (SLF)
and more 1600 networks in Europe with just 1 card!

Map of charging points Sap Labs France (SLF)

Sap Labs France (SLF) Network data

Number of users

Number of users
138Number of users who have charged their vehicle with the Chargemap Pass over the last 90 days.
Top rated charging networks

Top rated charging networks

Average based on the last 90 days and updated weekly, for networks with more than 1,000 ratings.

Where can I find Sap Labs France (SLF) charging points?

How to conduct a charging session at a Sap Labs France (SLF) charging point?

How to access Sap Labs France (SLF) charging points?
