
The evolution of exploration

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Safedrill provides innovative solutions in equipment for mining exploration, increasing human security through automation. Mining exploration demands increasingly high safety standards. This is achieved by removing the operator from the exploration platform, to carry out the actions remotely and safely, achieving complete automation of the bar manipulation process.

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De 11 a 50 empleados
De financiación privada


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    The mining industry constantly challenges us, demanding increasingly higher environmental, safety, and efficiency standards. At SAFEDRILL, we design and manufacture machines that are suitable to face each of these challenges. After years of development and experimentation under real conditions, our team of mechanical, hydraulic, electrical engineers, and industrial designers have created the SRHS (Side Rod Handling System). A highly technologically innovative system for handling rods and inner tubes, aimed at providing greater safety and operational efficiency. It incorporates the following components: • SRH - Lateral manipulator arm. • DRS - Bar bed with magnetic gripping system. • ITH - Inner tube manipulator arm. • SMD - Core tray table. • ECA - Control command with extended arm. Having diamond drilling equipment with this technology allows for a completely "hands-free" drilling process, eliminating two significant risks in the drilling industry: • Striking or entrapment of hands by rods. • Risks of rods falling during lifting and transfers inside platforms. In addition, this type of technology allows working just with one operator and an assistant per shift. #safedrill #mining

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    The focus on the careful manipulation of the drill rod and core tube cannot be overstated, particularly in the context of exploration drilling. In this phase of mineral exploration, every step of the drilling process is meticulously planned and executed to ensure that the samples obtained are of the highest possible quality. The drill rod and core tube serve as the primary conduits for retrieving subsurface materials, and their handling directly influences the integrity of the core samples. #ExplorationDrilling #CoreSampling #GeologicalAssessment #DrillRodHandling #CoreTubeIntegrity #MiningExploration #MiningIndustry #GeotechnicalEngineering #SampleIntegrity #ExplorationSuccess #ResourceEstimation

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    After receiving the core barrel from the ITH during a mining exploration operation, the SMD carefully positions it in the horizontal orientation. At this stage, the helper unlocks the overshot, a crucial component in core recovery, and activates the tilting mechanism, shifting the barrel from the main tray to a secondary tray designed for efficient handling. Once this maneuver is completed, the helper secures the barrel with a chain lock, ensuring it remains stable during the process. With the barrel firmly in place, the SMD unscrews it, releasing the inner tube that contains the core sample. This step ensures safe handling while preserving the core's integrity for accurate analysis. #MiningExploration #CoreDrilling #Geology #CoreRecovery #ExplorationProcess #SafetyInMining

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    We will be participating at FEXMIN with our stand, number 53, where we will be showcasing more information about our equipment and the latest developments in drilling peripherals. This is a great opportunity to explore our innovative solutions and see firsthand how our advancements can enhance your drilling operations. We invite you to visit us and learn more about how our equipment can meet your specific needs in the mining industry. #FEXMIN2024 #MiningInnovation #DrillingSolutions #ExplorationTechnology #MiningEquipment #Technosteel #Safedrill #MiningExhibition #MiningDevelopment

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    The KmN2.5sm is the result of our collaboration with MBI Global and SAFEDRILL, and it stands out for incorporating innovative technology in several key areas. Firstly, it features a rod handler that can feed, retrieve, and store rods in under 60 seconds, significantly optimizing operational performance and reducing downtime in the drilling process. Additionally, the KmN2.5sm is equipped with a climate-controlled remote control console and an advanced surveillance camera system. This setup eliminates the need for operators to be physically present in high-risk areas, thereby ensuring greater safety and reducing exposure to potential hazards. Another notable aspect of this drill is its modular design. This feature provides the flexibility to choose the parts and components that best suit the various uses and specific objectives of each client, allowing for unique customization and adaptability in the market. Finally, the KmN2.5sm offers excellent maneuverability in rugged terrain, making it an ideal choice for operations in challenging geographical conditions. This combination of innovation, safety, and flexibility makes the KmN2.5sm an essential tool for optimizing drilling processes and increasing operational efficiency.  #DrillingTechnology #MiningSolutions 

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    At the end of August, we will be participating in FEXMIN with our stand. As a company, it is essential to be present at events that bring together mineral exploration in our country. We look forward to welcoming you at our stand to learn more about our innovations and how we can collaborate on future projects. Your presence and support are fundamental to our continuous growth and success in the mining industry. #Mining #FEXMIN

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    We firmly believe that collaboration among all departments is essential for achieving success. The synergy between management, engineering, operations, and commercial teams allows us to operate as a truly integrated and efficient unit. Each department contributes its specific expertise and knowledge, leading to the creation of innovative and effective solutions. We are extremely proud of our team, which not only focuses on solving the challenges our clients face but also continuously strives to improve and optimize the equipment we offer. Whether through the manufacturing of high-quality peripheral equipment for drilling or through the development of new technologies and methodologies, our goal is always to provide the best possible service and products. At SAFEDRILL, understand that our clients' success is our success. Therefore, we are committed to maintaining open communication and constant collaboration among all our departments, ensuring that every project is executed with the highest efficiency and quality. Believe in the importance of working together to achieve common goals and exceed our clients' expectations, thereby establishing lasting and trustworthy relationships. #Safedrill #DrillingSolutions

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    The inner tube is carefully transferred from the mast to the sample manipulation device. This device ensures precise and gentle handling, smoothly releasing the inner tube into the receiving bucket. Once the sample is securely in place, the inner tube is positioned horizontally, ready for further processing. This process not only guarantees the integrity of the sample but also enhances efficiency and safety during the transfer. The precise control offered by the sample manipulation device minimizes the risk of contamination and damage, ensuring high-quality sample recovery for accurate analysis. Additionally, the system is designed to facilitate a continuous and uninterrupted workflow. The advanced technology of the device allows each inner tube to be handled with maximum care, reducing manual handling time and optimizing the sample collection process. This is particularly important in large-scale drilling operations where speed and precision are crucial for project success. The ergonomic design of the device also contributes to personnel safety. By reducing the need for manual intervention, the risk of injuries related to handling heavy equipment is minimized. The sample manipulation device is constructed with durable and robust materials, capable of withstanding the harsh conditions typical of drilling environments. Implementing this automated system not only improves the quality of the collected samples but also increases overall productivity at the drilling site. The ability to quickly transfer inner tubes from the mast to the receiving bucket and then place them in a horizontal position without compromising sample integrity represents a significant advancement in drilling technology. Each stage of the process has been carefully designed to ensure that the collected samples are representative and free of contamination, allowing geologists and technicians to perform precise and reliable analyses. This precision is vital for making informed decisions about the viability and development of mining projects. The sample manipulation device represents a crucial innovation in drilling technology. By improving efficiency, safety, and precision in the transfer and handling of inner tubes, this system ensures that drilling operations can be conducted more effectively and safely, providing research teams with the high-quality samples they need for their work. #DrillingTechnology #Safety #Automation #MiningInnovation

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    Today marks a significant milestone as we conduct a comprehensive test of our advanced Mud Recycling System. This state-of-the-art system is designed to optimize the preparation, storage, and recovery of drilling mud used in diamond drilling operations. By conserving valuable additives and reclaiming water directly from the drill well, it ensures efficient and sustainable drilling processes. One of the key benefits of our Mud Recycling System is its ability to replace traditional settling ponds. These ponds often pose operational challenges and can lead to soil contamination through percolation, impacting the surrounding environment. Our system addresses these issues by providing a closed-loop solution that minimizes environmental footprint and enhances operational efficiency. During the test, we will closely monitor the system's performance, focusing on its capability to maintain the quality and consistency of the drilling mud. The results of this test will provide critical insights into the system's effectiveness and its potential to revolutionize drilling operations by reducing waste and promoting sustainability. We are committed to advancing drilling technology and implementing solutions that prioritize environmental stewardship. The Mud Recycling System is a testament to our dedication to innovation and sustainable practices in the mining industry. #MudRecycling

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