Deploy an ML vision analytics solution with Dataflow and Cloud Vision API

Last reviewed 2024-05-16 UTC

This deployment document describes how to deploy a Dataflow pipeline to process image files at scale with Cloud Vision API. This pipeline stores the results of the processed files in BigQuery. You can use the files for analytical purposes or to train BigQuery ML models.

The Dataflow pipeline you create in this deployment can process millions of images per day. The only limit is your Vision API quota. You can increase your Vision API quota based on your scale requirements.

These instructions are intended for data engineers and data scientists. This document assumes you have basic knowledge of building Dataflow pipelines using Apache Beam's Java SDK, GoogleSQL for BigQuery, and basic shell scripting. It also assumes that you are familiar with Vision API.


The following diagram illustrates the system flow for building an ML vision analytics solution.

An architecture showing the flow of information for ingest and trigger, processing, and store and analyze processes.

In the preceding diagram, information flows through the architecture as follows:

  1. A client uploads image files to a Cloud Storage bucket.
  2. Cloud Storage sends a message about the data upload to Pub/Sub.
  3. Pub/Sub notifies Dataflow about the upload.
  4. The Dataflow pipeline sends the images to Vision API.
  5. Vision API processes the images and then returns the annotations.
  6. The pipeline sends the annotated files to BigQuery for you to analyze.


  • Create an Apache Beam pipeline for image analysis of the images loaded in Cloud Storage.
  • Use Dataflow Runner v2 to run the Apache Beam pipeline in a streaming mode to analyze the images as soon as they're uploaded.
  • Use Vision API to analyze images for a set of feature types.
  • Analyze annotations with BigQuery.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish building the example application, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  6. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  7. Clone the GitHub repository that contains the source code of the Dataflow pipeline:
        git clone
  8. Go to the root folder of the repository:
        cd dataflow-vision-analytics
  9. Follow the instructions in the Getting started section of the dataflow-vision-analytics repository in GitHub to accomplish the following tasks:
    • Enable several APIs.
    • Create a Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription.
    • Create a BigQuery dataset.
    • Set up several environment variables for this deployment.

Running the Dataflow pipeline for all implemented Vision API features

The Dataflow pipeline requests and processes a specific set of Vision API features and attributes within the annotated files.

The parameters listed in the following table are specific to the Dataflow pipeline in this deployment. For the complete list of standard Dataflow execution parameters, see Set Dataflow pipeline options.

Parameter name Description


The number of images to include in a request to Vision API. The default is 1. You can increase this value to a maximum of 16.


The name of the output BigQuery dataset.


A list of image-processing features. The pipeline supports the label, landmark, logo, face, crop hint, and image properties features.


The parameter that defines the max number of parallel calls to Vision API. The default is 1.


String parameters with table names for various annotations. The default values are provided for each table—for example, label_annotation.


The length of time to wait before processing images when there is an incomplete batch of images. The default is 30 seconds.


The ID of the Pub/Sub subscription that receives input Cloud Storage notifications.


The project ID to use for Vision API.
  1. In Cloud Shell, run the following command to process images for all feature types supported by the Dataflow pipeline:

    ./gradlew run --args=" \
    --jobName=test-vision-analytics \
      --streaming \
      --runner=DataflowRunner \
      --enableStreamingEngine \
      --diskSizeGb=30 \
      --project=${PROJECT} \
      --datasetName=${BIGQUERY_DATASET} \
      --subscriberId=projects/${PROJECT}/subscriptions/${GCS_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTION} \
      --visionApiProjectId=${PROJECT} \

    The dedicated service account needs to have read access to the bucket containing the images. In other words, that account must have the roles/storage.objectViewer role granted on that bucket.

    For more information about using a dedicated service account, see Dataflow security and permissions.

  2. Open the displayed URL in a new browser tab, or go to the Dataflow Jobs page and select the test-vision-analytics pipeline.

    After a few seconds, the graph for the Dataflow job appears:

    Workflow diagram for the Dataflow job.

    The Dataflow pipeline is now running and waiting to receive input notifications from the Pub/Sub subscription.

  3. Trigger Dataflow image processing by uploading the six sample files into the input bucket:

    gcloud storage cp data-sample/* gs://${IMAGE_BUCKET}
  4. In the Google Cloud console, locate the Custom Counters panel and use it to review the custom counters in Dataflow and to verify that Dataflow has processed all six images. You can use the filter functionality of the panel to navigate to the correct metrics. To only display the counters start with the numberOf prefix, type numberOf in the filter.

    List of counters filtered to show only those counters that start with `numberof`.

  5. In Cloud Shell, validate that the tables were automatically created:

    bq query --nouse_legacy_sql "SELECT table_name FROM ${BIGQUERY_DATASET}.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ORDER BY table_name"

    The output is as follows:

    |      table_name      |
    | crop_hint_annotation |
    | face_annotation      |
    | image_properties     |
    | label_annotation     |
    | landmark_annotation  |
    | logo_annotation      |
  6. View the schema for the landmark_annotation table. The LANDMARK_DETECTION feature captures the attributes returned from the API call.

    bq show --schema --format=prettyjson ${BIGQUERY_DATASET}.landmark_annotation

    The output is as follows:

  7. View the annotation data produced by the API by running the following bq query commands to see all the landmarks found in these six images ordered by the most likely score:

    bq query --nouse_legacy_sql "SELECT SPLIT(gcs_uri, '/')[OFFSET(3)] file_name, description, score, locations FROM ${BIGQUERY_DATASET}.landmark_annotation ORDER BY score DESC"

    The output is similar to the following:

    |    file_name     |    description    |   score    |            locations            |
    | eiffel_tower.jpg | Eiffel Tower      |  0.7251996 | ["POINT(2.2944813 48.8583701)"] |
    | eiffel_tower.jpg | Trocadéro Gardens | 0.69601923 | ["POINT(2.2892823 48.8615963)"] |
    | eiffel_tower.jpg | Champ De Mars     |  0.6800974 | ["POINT(2.2986304 48.8556475)"] |

    For detailed descriptions of all the columns that are specific to annotations, see AnnotateImageResponse.

  8. To stop the streaming pipeline, run the following command. The pipeline continues to run even though there are no more Pub/Sub notifications to process.

      gcloud dataflow jobs cancel
        --region ${REGION} $(gcloud dataflow jobs list
        --region ${REGION} --filter="NAME:test-vision-analytics AND STATE:Running"

    The following section contains more sample queries that analyze different image features of the images.

Analyzing a Flickr30K dataset

In this section, you detect labels and landmarks in the public Flickr30k image dataset hosted on Kaggle.

  1. In Cloud Shell, change the Dataflow pipeline parameters so that it's optimized for a large dataset. To allow higher throughput, also increase the batchSize and keyRange values. Dataflow scales the number of workers as needed:

    ./gradlew run --args=" \
      --runner=DataflowRunner \
      --jobName=vision-analytics-flickr \
      --streaming \
      --enableStreamingEngine \
      --diskSizeGb=30 \
      --autoscalingAlgorithm=THROUGHPUT_BASED \
      --maxNumWorkers=5 \
      --project=${PROJECT} \
      --region=${REGION} \
      --subscriberId=projects/${PROJECT}/subscriptions/${GCS_NOTIFICATION_SUBSCRIPTION} \
      --visionApiProjectId=${PROJECT} \
      --datasetName=${BIGQUERY_DATASET} \
      --batchSize=16 \

    Because the dataset is large, you can't use Cloud Shell to retrieve the images from Kaggle and send them to the Cloud Storage bucket. You must use a VM with a larger disk size to do that.

  2. To retrieve Kaggle-based images and send them to the Cloud Storage bucket, follow the instructions in the Simulate the images being uploaded to the storage bucket section in the GitHub repository.

  3. To observe the progress of the copying process by looking at the custom metrics available in the Dataflow UI, navigate to the Dataflow Jobs page and select the vision-analytics-flickr pipeline. The customer counters should change periodically until the Dataflow pipeline processes all the files.

    The output is similar to the following screenshot of the Custom Counters panel. One of the files in the dataset is of the wrong type, and the rejectedFiles counter reflects that. These counter values are approximate. You might see higher numbers. Also, the number of annotations will most likely change due to increased accuracy of the processing by Vision API.

    List of counters associated with processing the Kaggle-based images.

    To determine whether you're approaching or exceeding the available resources, see the Vision API quota page.

    In our example, the Dataflow pipeline used only roughly 50% of its quota. Based on the percentage of the quota you use, you can decide to increase the parallelism of the pipeline by increasing the value of the keyRange parameter.

  4. Shut down the pipeline:

    gcloud dataflow jobs list --region $REGION --filter="NAME:vision-analytics-flickr AND STATE:Running" --format="get(JOB_ID)"

Analyze annotations in BigQuery

In this deployment, you've processed more than 30,000 images for label and landmark annotation. In this section, you gather statistics about those files. You can run these queries in the GoogleSQL for BigQuery workspace or you can use the bq command-line tool.

Be aware that the numbers that you see can vary from the sample query results in this deployment. Vision API constantly improves the accuracy of its analysis; it can produce richer results by analyzing the same image after you initially test the solution.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery Query editor page and run the following command to view the top 20 labels in the dataset:

    Go to Query editor

    SELECT  description, count(*)ascount \
      FROM vision_analytics.label_annotation
      GROUP BY description ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 20

    The output is similar to the following:

    |   description    | count |
    | Leisure          |  7663 |
    | Plant            |  6858 |
    | Event            |  6044 |
    | Sky              |  6016 |
    | Tree             |  5610 |
    | Fun              |  5008 |
    | Grass            |  4279 |
    | Recreation       |  4176 |
    | Shorts           |  3765 |
    | Happy            |  3494 |
    | Wheel            |  3372 |
    | Tire             |  3371 |
    | Water            |  3344 |
    | Vehicle          |  3068 |
    | People in nature |  2962 |
    | Gesture          |  2909 |
    | Sports equipment |  2861 |
    | Building         |  2824 |
    | T-shirt          |  2728 |
    | Wood             |  2606 |
  2. Determine which other labels are present on an image with a particular label, ranked by frequency:

    DECLARE label STRING DEFAULT 'Plucked string instruments';
    WITH other_labels AS (
       SELECT description, COUNT(*) count
    FROM vision_analytics.label_annotation
    WHERE gcs_uri IN (
        SELECT gcs_uri FROM vision_analytics.label_annotation WHERE description = label )
      AND description != label
    GROUP BY description)
    SELECT description, count, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY count DESC) rank
    FROM other_labels ORDER BY rank LIMIT 20;

    The output is as follows. For the Plucked string instruments label used in the preceding command, you should see:

    |         description          | count | rank |
    | String instrument            |   397 |    1 |
    | Musical instrument           |   236 |    2 |
    | Musician                     |   207 |    3 |
    | Guitar                       |   168 |    4 |
    | Guitar accessory             |   135 |    5 |
    | String instrument accessory  |    99 |    6 |
    | Music                        |    88 |    7 |
    | Musical instrument accessory |    72 |    8 |
    | Guitarist                    |    72 |    8 |
    | Microphone                   |    52 |   10 |
    | Folk instrument              |    44 |   11 |
    | Violin family                |    28 |   12 |
    | Hat                          |    23 |   13 |
    | Entertainment                |    22 |   14 |
    | Band plays                   |    21 |   15 |
    | Jeans                        |    17 |   16 |
    | Plant                        |    16 |   17 |
    | Public address system        |    16 |   17 |
    | Artist                       |    16 |   17 |
    | Leisure                      |    14 |   20 |
  3. View the top 10 detected landmarks:

      SELECT description, COUNT(description) AS count
      FROM vision_analytics.landmark_annotation
      GROUP BY description ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10

    The output is as follows:

      |    description     | count |
      | Times Square       |    55 |
      | Rockefeller Center |    21 |
      | St. Mark's Square  |    16 |
      | Bryant Park        |    13 |
      | Millennium Park    |    13 |
      | Ponte Vecchio      |    13 |
      | Tuileries Garden   |    13 |
      | Central Park       |    12 |
      | Starbucks          |    12 |
      | National Mall      |    11 |

  4. Determine the images that most likely contain waterfalls:

    SELECT SPLIT(gcs_uri, '/')[OFFSET(3)] file_name, description, score
    FROM vision_analytics.landmark_annotation
    WHERE LOWER(description) LIKE '%fall%'
    ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 10

    The output is as follows:

    |   file_name    |        description         |   score    |
    | 895502702.jpg  | Waterfall Carispaccha      |  0.6181358 |
    | 3639105305.jpg | Sahalie Falls Viewpoint    | 0.44379658 |
    | 3672309620.jpg | Gullfoss Falls             | 0.41680416 |
    | 2452686995.jpg | Wahclella Falls            | 0.39005348 |
    | 2452686995.jpg | Wahclella Falls            |  0.3792498 |
    | 3484649669.jpg | Kodiveri Waterfalls        | 0.35024035 |
    | 539801139.jpg  | Mallela Thirtham Waterfall | 0.29260656 |
    | 3639105305.jpg | Sahalie Falls              |  0.2807213 |
    | 3050114829.jpg | Kawasan Falls              | 0.27511594 |
    | 4707103760.jpg | Niagara Falls              | 0.18691841 |
  5. Find images of landmarks within 3 kilometers of the Colosseum in Rome (the ST_GEOPOINT function uses the Colosseum's longitude and latitude):

      landmarksWithDistances AS (
            41.890222)) distance_in_meters,
        `vision_analytics.landmark_annotation` landmarks
        UNNEST(landmarks.locations) AS location )
      SPLIT(gcs_uri,"/")[OFFSET(3)] file,
        ROUND(distance_in_meters) distance_in_meters,
      CONCAT("", SUBSTR(gcs_uri, 6)) AS image_url
      distance_in_meters < 3000

    When you run the query you will see that there are multiple images of the Colosseum, but also images of the Arch Of Constantine, the Palatine Hill, and a number of other frequently photographed places.

    You can visualize the data in BigQuery Geo Viz by pasting in the previous query. Select a point on the map, to see its details. The Image_url attribute contains a link to the image file.

    Map of locations and their distance from the Colosseum.

One note on query results. Location information is usually present for landmarks. The same image can contain multiple locations of the same landmark. This functionality is described in the AnnotateImageResponse type.

Because one location can indicate the location of the scene in the image, multiple LocationInfo elements can be present. Another location can indicate where the image was taken.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this guide, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources.

Delete the Google Cloud project

The easiest way to eliminate billing is to delete the Google Cloud project you created for the tutorial.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

If you decide to delete resources individually, follow the steps in the Clean up section of the GitHub repository.

What's next



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