From edge to mesh: Deploy service mesh applications through GKE Gateway

Last reviewed 2024-01-31 UTC

This deployment shows how to combine Cloud Service Mesh with Cloud Load Balancing to expose applications in a service mesh to internet clients.

You can expose an application to clients in many ways, depending on where the client is. This deployment shows you how to expose an application to clients by combining Cloud Load Balancing with Cloud Service Mesh to integrate load balancers with a service mesh. This deployment is intended for advanced practitioners who run Cloud Service Mesh, but it works for Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine too.


The following diagram shows how you can use mesh ingress gateways to integrate load balancers with a service mesh:

An external load balancer routes external clients to the mesh through ingress gateway proxies.

Cloud ingress acts as the gateway for external traffic to the mesh through the VPC network.

In the topology of the preceding diagram, the cloud ingress layer, which is programed through GKE Gateway, sources traffic from outside of the service mesh and directs that traffic to the mesh ingress layer. The mesh ingress layer then directs traffic to the mesh-hosted application backends.

Cloud ingress checks the health of the mesh ingress, and the mesh ingress checks the health of the application backends.

The preceding topology has the following considerations:

  • Cloud ingress: In this reference architecture, you configure the Google Cloud load balancer through GKE Gateway to check the health of the mesh ingress proxies on their exposed health-check ports.
  • Mesh ingress: In the mesh application, you perform health checks on the backends directly so that you can run load balancing and traffic management locally.

Security is implemented using managed certificates outside of the mesh and internal certificates inside the mesh.

The preceding diagram illustrates HTTPS encryption from the client to the Google Cloud load balancer, from the load balancer to the mesh ingress proxy, and from the ingress proxy to the sidecar proxy.


  • Deploy a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster on Google Cloud.
  • Deploy an Istio-based Cloud Service Mesh on your GKE cluster.
  • Configure GKE Gateway to terminate public HTTPS traffic and direct that traffic to service mesh-hosted applications.
  • Deploy the Online Boutique application on the GKE cluster that you expose to clients on the internet.

Cost optimization

In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

  1. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    You run all of the terminal commands for this deployment from Cloud Shell.

  4. Upgrade to the latest version of the Google Cloud CLI:

    gcloud components update
  5. Set your default Google Cloud project:

    export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT} --format="value(projectNumber)")
    gcloud config set project ${PROJECT}

    Replace PROJECT with the project ID that you want to use for this deployment.

  6. Create a working directory:

    mkdir -p ${HOME}/edge-to-mesh
    cd ${HOME}/edge-to-mesh
    export WORKDIR=`pwd`

    After you finish this deployment, you can delete the working directory.

Create GKE clusters

The features that are described in this deployment require a GKE cluster version 1.16 or later.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a new kubeconfig file. This step ensures that you don't create a conflict with your existing (default) kubeconfig file.

    touch edge2mesh_kubeconfig
    export KUBECONFIG=${WORKDIR}/edge2mesh_kubeconfig
  2. Define environment variables for the GKE cluster:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=edge-to-mesh
    export CLUSTER_LOCATION=us-central1
  3. Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API:

    gcloud services enable
  4. Create a GKE Autopilot cluster:

    gcloud container --project ${PROJECT} clusters create-auto \
    ${CLUSTER_NAME} --region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} --release-channel rapid
  5. Ensure that the cluster is running:

    gcloud container clusters list

    The output is similar to the following:

    edge-to-mesh  us-central1  1.27.3-gke.1700  e2-medium  1.27.3-gke.1700   3          RUNNING

Install a service mesh

In this section, you configure the managed Cloud Service Mesh with fleet API.

  1. In Cloud Shell, enable the required APIs:

    gcloud services enable
  2. Enable Cloud Service Mesh on the fleet:

    gcloud container fleet mesh enable
  3. Register the cluster to the fleet:

    gcloud container fleet memberships register ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
      --gke-cluster ${CLUSTER_LOCATION}/${CLUSTER_NAME}
  4. Apply the mesh_id label to the edge-to-mesh cluster:

    gcloud container clusters update ${CLUSTER_NAME} --project ${PROJECT} --region ${CLUSTER_LOCATION} --update-labels mesh_id=proj-${PROJECT_NUMBER}
  5. Enable automatic control plane management and managed data plane:

    gcloud container fleet mesh update \
      --management automatic \
      --memberships ${CLUSTER_NAME}
  6. After a few minutes, verify that the control plane status is ACTIVE:

    gcloud container fleet mesh describe

    The output is similar to the following:

          management: MANAGEMENT_AUTOMATIC
            - code: REVISION_READY
              details: 'Ready: asm-managed-rapid'
            state: ACTIVE
            - code: OK
              details: Service is running.
            state: ACTIVE
          code: OK
          description: 'Revision(s) ready for use: asm-managed-rapid.'
          updateTime: '2023-08-04T02:54:39.495937877Z'
    name: projects/e2m-doc-01/locations/global/features/servicemesh
      state: ACTIVE

Deploy GKE Gateway

In the following steps, you deploy the external Application Load Balancer through the GKE Gateway controller. The GKE Gateway resource automates the provisioning of the load balancer and backend health checking. Additionally, you use Certificate Manager to provision and manage a TLS certificate, and Endpoints to automatically provision a public DNS name for the application.

Install a service mesh ingress gateway

As a security best practice, we recommend that you deploy the ingress gateway in a different namespace from the control plane.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a dedicated asm-ingress namespace:

    kubectl create namespace asm-ingress
  2. Add a namespace label to the asm-ingress namespace:

    kubectl label namespace asm-ingress istio-injection=enabled

    The output is similar to the following:

    namespace/asm-ingress labeled

    Labeling the asm-ingress namespace with istio-injection=enabled instructs Cloud Service Mesh to automatically inject Envoy sidecar proxies when an application is deployed.

  3. Create a self-signed certificate used by the ingress gateway to terminate TLS connections between the Google Cloud load balancer (to be configured later through the GKE Gateway controller) and the ingress gateway, and store the self-signed certificate as a Kubernetes secret:

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 \
     -subj "/CN=frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT} Inc" \
     -keyout frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT} \
     -out frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}
    kubectl -n asm-ingress create secret tls edge2mesh-credential \
     --key=frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT} \

    For more details about the requirements for the ingress gateway certificate, see the secure backend protocol considerations guide.

  4. Run the following commands to create the ingress gateway resource YAML:

    mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/base
    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/base/kustomization.yaml
    mkdir ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant
    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant/role.yaml
    kind: Role
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      namespace: asm-ingress
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["secrets"]
      verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant/rolebinding.yaml
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      namespace: asm-ingress
      kind: Role
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: asm-ingressgateway
    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant/service-proto-type.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      - name: status-port
        port: 15021
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 15021
      - name: http
        port: 80
        targetPort: 8080
      - name: https
        port: 443
        targetPort: 8443
        appProtocol: HTTP2
      type: ClusterIP
    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant/gateway.yaml
    kind: Gateway
      name: asm-ingressgateway
      - port:
          number: 443
          name: https
          protocol: HTTPS
        - "*" # IMPORTANT: Must use wildcard here when using SSL, see note below
          mode: SIMPLE
          credentialName: edge2mesh-credential
    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant/kustomization.yaml
    namespace: asm-ingress
    - ../base
    - role.yaml
    - rolebinding.yaml
    - path: service-proto-type.yaml
        kind: Service
    - path: gateway.yaml
        kind: Gateway
  5. Apply the ingress gateway CRDs:

    kubectl apply -k ${WORKDIR}/asm-ig/variant
  6. Ensure that all deployments are up and running:

    kubectl wait --for=condition=available --timeout=600s deployment --all -n asm-ingress

    The output is similar to the following:

    deployment.apps/asm-ingressgateway condition met

Apply a service mesh ingress gateway health check

When integrating a service mesh ingress gateway to a Google Cloud application load balancer, the application load balancer must be configured to perform health checks against the ingress gateway Pods. The HealthCheckPolicy CRD provides an API to configure that health check.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create the HealthCheckPolicy.yaml file:

    cat <<EOF >${WORKDIR}/ingress-gateway-healthcheck.yaml
    kind: HealthCheckPolicy
      name: ingress-gateway-healthcheck
      namespace: asm-ingress
        checkIntervalSec: 20
        timeoutSec: 5
        #healthyThreshold: HEALTHY_THRESHOLD
        #unhealthyThreshold: UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD
          enabled: True
          type: HTTP
            #portSpecification: USE_NAMED_PORT
            port: 15021
            portName: status-port
            #host: HOST
            requestPath: /healthz/ready
            #response: RESPONSE
            #proxyHeader: PROXY_HEADER
        #requestPath: /healthz/ready
        #port: 15021
        group: ""
        kind: Service
        name: asm-ingressgateway
  2. Apply the HealthCheckPolicy:

    kubectl apply -f ${WORKDIR}/ingress-gateway-healthcheck.yaml

Define security policies

Google Cloud Armor provides DDoS defense and customizable security policies that you can attach to a load balancer through Ingress resources. In the following steps, you create a security policy that uses preconfigured rules to block cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This rule helps block traffic that matches known attack signatures but allows all other traffic. Your environment might use different rules depending on your workload.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a security policy that is called edge-fw-policy:

    gcloud compute security-policies create edge-fw-policy \
      --description "Block XSS attacks"
  2. Create a security policy rule that uses the preconfigured XSS filters:

    gcloud compute security-policies rules create 1000 \
        --security-policy edge-fw-policy \
        --expression "evaluatePreconfiguredExpr('xss-stable')" \
        --action "deny-403" \
        --description "XSS attack filtering"
  3. Create the GCPBackendPolicy.yaml file to attach to the ingress gateway service:

    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/cloud-armor-backendpolicy.yaml
    kind: GCPBackendPolicy
      name: cloud-armor-backendpolicy
      namespace: asm-ingress
        securityPolicy: edge-fw-policy
        group: ""
        kind: Service
        name: asm-ingressgateway
  4. Apply the GCPBackendPolicy.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f ${WORKDIR}/cloud-armor-backendpolicy.yaml

Configure IP addressing and DNS

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a global static IP address for the Google Cloud load balancer:

    gcloud compute addresses create e2m-gclb-ip --global

    This static IP address is used by the GKE Gateway resource and allows the IP address to remain the same, even if the external load balancer changes.

  2. Get the static IP address:

    export GCLB_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe e2m-gclb-ip \
    --global --format "value(address)")
    echo ${GCLB_IP}

    To create a stable, human-friendly mapping to the static IP address of your application load balancer, you must have a public DNS record. You can use any DNS provider and automation that you want. This deployment uses Endpoints instead of creating a managed DNS zone. Endpoints provides a free Google-managed DNS record for a public IP address.

  3. Run the following command to create the YAML specification file named dns-spec.yaml:

    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/dns-spec.yaml
    swagger: "2.0"
      description: "Cloud Endpoints DNS"
      title: "Cloud Endpoints DNS"
      version: "1.0.0"
    paths: {}
    host: "frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}"
    - name: "frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}"
      target: "${GCLB_IP}"

    The YAML specification defines the public DNS record in the form of frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}, where ${PROJECT} is your unique project identifier.

  4. Deploy the dns-spec.yaml file in your Google Cloud project:

    gcloud endpoints services deploy ${WORKDIR}/dns-spec.yaml

    The output is similar to the following:

    project [e2m-doc-01]...
    Operation "operations/acat.p2-892585880385-fb4a01ad-821d-4e22-bfa1-a0df6e0bf589" finished successfully.
    Service Configuration [2023-08-04r0] uploaded for service []

    Now that the IP address and DNS are configured, you can generate a public certificate to secure the frontend. To integrate with GKE Gateway, you use Certificate Manager TLS certificates.

Provision a TLS certificate

In this section, you create a TLS certificate using Certificate Manager, and associate it with a certificate map through a certificate map entry. The application load balancer, configured through GKE Gateway, uses the certificate to provide secure communications between the client and Google Cloud. After it's created, the certificate map entry is referenced by the GKE Gateway resource.

  1. In Cloud Shell, enable the Certificate Manager API:

    gcloud services enable --project=${PROJECT}
  2. Create the TLS certificate:

    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} certificate-manager certificates create edge2mesh-cert \
  3. Create the certificate map:

    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} certificate-manager maps create edge2mesh-cert-map
  4. Attach the certificate to the certificate map with a certificate map entry:

    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} certificate-manager maps entries create edge2mesh-cert-map-entry \
        --map="edge2mesh-cert-map" \
        --certificates="edge2mesh-cert" \

Deploy the GKE Gateway and HTTPRoute resources

In this section, you configure the GKE Gateway resource that provisions the Google Cloud application load balancer using the gke-l7-global-external-managed gatewayClass. Additionally, you configure HTTPRoute resources that both route requests to the application and perform HTTP to HTTP(S) redirects.

  1. In Cloud Shell, run the following command to create the Gateway manifest as gke-gateway.yaml:

    cat <<EOF > ${WORKDIR}/gke-gateway.yaml
    kind: Gateway
      name: external-http
      namespace: asm-ingress
      annotations: edge2mesh-cert-map
      gatewayClassName: gke-l7-global-external-managed # gke-l7-gxlb
      - name: http # list the port only so we can redirect any incoming http requests to https
        protocol: HTTP
        port: 80
      - name: https
        protocol: HTTPS
        port: 443
      - type: NamedAddress
        value: e2m-gclb-ip # reference the static IP created earlier
  2. Apply the Gateway manifest to create a Gatewaycalled external-http:

    kubectl apply -f ${WORKDIR}/gke-gateway.yaml
  3. Create the default HTTPRoute.yaml file:

    cat << EOF > ${WORKDIR}/default-httproute.yaml
    kind: HTTPRoute
      name: default-httproute
      namespace: asm-ingress
      - name: external-http
        namespace: asm-ingress
        sectionName: https
      - matches:
        - path:
            value: /
        - name: asm-ingressgateway
          port: 443
  4. Apply the default HTTPRoute:

    kubectl apply -f ${WORKDIR}/default-httproute.yaml
  5. Create an additional HTTPRoute.yaml file to perform HTTP to HTTP(S) redirects:

    cat << EOF > ${WORKDIR}/default-httproute-redirect.yaml
    kind: HTTPRoute
      name: http-to-https-redirect-httproute
      namespace: asm-ingress
      - name: external-http
        namespace: asm-ingress
        sectionName: http
      - filters:
        - type: RequestRedirect
            scheme: https
            statusCode: 301
  6. Apply the redirect HTTPRoute:

    kubectl apply -f ${WORKDIR}/default-httproute-redirect.yaml

    Reconciliation takes time. Use the following command until programmed=true:

    kubectl get gateway external-http -n asm-ingress -w

Install the Online Boutique sample app

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a dedicated onlineboutique namespace:

    kubectl create namespace onlineboutique
  2. Add a label to the onlineboutique namespace:

    kubectl label namespace onlineboutique istio-injection=enabled

    Labeling the onlineboutique namespace with istio-injection=enabled instructs Cloud Service Mesh to automatically inject Envoy sidecar proxies when an application is deployed.

  3. Download the Kubernetes YAML files for the Online Boutique sample app:

    curl -LO \
  4. Deploy the Online Boutique app:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests.yaml -n onlineboutique

    The output is similar to the following (including warnings about GKE Autopilot setting default resource requests and limits):

    Warning: autopilot-default-resources-mutator:Autopilot updated Deployment onlineboutique/emailservice: adjusted resources to meet requirements for containers [server] (see
    deployment.apps/emailservice created
    service/emailservice created
    Warning: autopilot-default-resources-mutator:Autopilot updated Deployment onlineboutique/checkoutservice: adjusted resources to meet requirements for containers [server] (see
    deployment.apps/checkoutservice created
    service/checkoutservice created
    Warning: autopilot-default-resources-mutator:Autopilot updated Deployment onlineboutique/recommendationservice: adjusted resources to meet requirements for containers [server] (see
    deployment.apps/recommendationservice created
    service/recommendationservice created
  5. Ensure that all deployments are up and running:

    kubectl get pods -n onlineboutique

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    adservice-64d8dbcf59-krrj9               2/2     Running   0          2m59s
    cartservice-6b77b89c9b-9qptn             2/2     Running   0          2m59s
    checkoutservice-7668b7fc99-5bnd9         2/2     Running   0          2m58s

    Wait a few minutes for the GKE Autopilot cluster to provision the necessary compute infrastructure to support the application.

  6. Run the following command to create the VirtualService manifest as frontend-virtualservice.yaml:

    cat <<EOF > frontend-virtualservice.yaml
    kind: VirtualService
      name: frontend-ingress
      namespace: onlineboutique
      - "frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}"
      - asm-ingress/asm-ingressgateway
      - route:
        - destination:
            host: frontend
              number: 80

    VirtualService is created in the application namespace (onlineboutique). Typically, the application owner decides and configures how and what traffic gets routed to the frontend application, so VirtualService is deployed by the app owner.

  7. Deploy frontend-virtualservice.yaml in your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f frontend-virtualservice.yaml
  8. Access the following link:

    echo "https://frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}"

    Your Online Boutique frontend is displayed.

    Products shown on Online Boutique home page.

  9. To display the details of your certificate, click View site information in your browser's address bar, and then click Certificate (Valid).

    The certificate viewer displays details for the managed certificate, including the expiration date and who issued the certificate.

You now have a global HTTPS load balancer serving as a frontend to your service mesh-hosted application.

Clean up

After you've finished the deployment, you can clean up the resources you created on Google Cloud so you won't be billed for them in the future. You can either delete the project entirely or delete cluster resources and then delete the cluster.

Delete the project

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Delete the individual resources

If you want to keep the Google Cloud project you used in this deployment, delete the individual resources:

  1. In Cloud Shell, delete the HTTPRoute resources:

    kubectl delete -f ${WORKDIR}/default-httproute-redirect.yaml
    kubectl delete -f ${WORKDIR}/default-httproute.yaml
  2. Delete the GKE Gateway resource:

    kubectl delete -f ${WORKDIR}/gke-gateway.yaml
  3. Delete the TLS certificate resources (including the certificate map entry and its parent certificate map):

    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} certificate-manager maps entries delete edge2mesh-cert-map-entry --map="edge2mesh-cert-map" --quiet
    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} certificate-manager maps delete edge2mesh-cert-map --quiet
    gcloud --project=${PROJECT} certificate-manager certificates delete edge2mesh-cert --quiet
  4. Delete the Endpoints DNS entry:

    gcloud endpoints services delete "frontend.endpoints.${PROJECT}"

    The output is similar to the following:

    Are you sure? This will set the service configuration to be deleted, along
    with all of the associated consumer information. Note: This does not
    immediately delete the service configuration or data and can be undone using
    the undelete command for 30 days. Only after 30 days will the service be
    purged from the system.
  5. When you are prompted to continue, enter Y.

    The output is similar to the following:

    Waiting for async operation operations/ to complete...
    Operation finished successfully. The following command can describe the Operation details:
     gcloud endpoints operations describe operations/
  6. Delete the static IP address:

    gcloud compute addresses delete ingress-ip --global

    The output is similar to the following:

    The following global addresses will be deleted:
     - [ingress-ip]
  7. When you are prompted to continue, enter Y.

    The output is similar to the following:

  8. Delete the GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters delete $CLUSTER_NAME --zone $CLUSTER_LOCATION

    The output is similar to the following:

    The following clusters will be deleted.
    - [edge-to-mesh] in [us-central1]
  9. When you are prompted to continue, enter Y.

    After a few minutes, the output is similar to the following:

    Deleting cluster edge-to-mesh...done.

What's next