Guides: How to get started with AlloyDB on Google Cloud

Find resources for getting started, migrating existing databases, using your database, and architecting for scalability, reliability, and security. Learn how to incorporate analytics and AI and run AlloyDB anywhere.

Getting started

Ebook: AlloyDB, the database built for you

Learn what makes AlloyDB faster, better, stronger, and smarter.

Video: Introducing AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

Learn about AlloyDB and how it supports your database modernization journey.

Video: What is AlloyDB?

Key AlloyDB benefits around performance, high availability, and analytics.

Video: Is AlloyDB compatible with PostgreSQL?

Do these benefits come with full PostgreSQL compatibility?

Video: Deep dive into AlloyDB with Andi Gutmans | Cloud Wars Live

Google's VP and GM for Databases discusses the needs of modern enterprises.

Blog: AlloyDB under the hood: Intelligent, database-aware storage

How PostgreSQL-optimized storage increases performance and availability.

Documentation: AlloyDB overview

Learn how AlloyDB works and which features it provides.

Tutorial: Create and connect to a database

Step-by-step process for creating your first AlloyDB database.

Blog: AlloyDB versus self-managed PostgreSQL

A price-performance comparison.

Database migration

Documentation: AlloyDB migration overview

An overview of ways to migrate data in and out of AlloyDB.

Blog: AlloyDB with Database Migration Service is generally available

Start your journey to AlloyDB with Google's Database Migration Service (DMS).

Video: Modernizing Oracle workloads with DMS Conversion Workspace

DMS Conversion Workspace guides you through every step of the migration process.

Video: Duet AI for cloud database engineers

Use AI assistance to simplify the modernization of legacy databases.

Database operations

Blog: Overview of the AlloyDB Index Advisor feature

Index Advisor helps alleviate the guesswork of tuning query performance.

Documentation: Using the index advisor

View Index Advisor recommendations and apply them to your queries.

Blog: AlloyDB under the hood: adaptive autovacuum

Adaptive autovacuum automatically adjusts vacuuming based on your workload.

Lab: Administering an AlloyDB database

Learn core tasks around configuration, read pools, backups, and monitoring.


Blog: Understanding AlloyDB connectors

Connectors make it easy to connect an app securely to your database.

Documentation: Connectivity overview

All about networking, authorization, and authentication.

Scalability, reliability, and security

Documentation: Scaling an instance

How to scale an AlloyDB database vertically and horizontally.

Blog: AlloyDB under the hood: business continuity

Build highly resilient applications with AlloyDB.

Blog: AlloyDB under the hood: Replication gets closer to real-time

Replication lag improvements for near real-time latency.

Documentation: About cross-region replication

Create secondary clusters in different regions for disaster recovery and improved read performance.

Documentation: About customer-managed encryption keys

Customer-managed encryption for those with specific compliance or regulatory requirements.

Documentation: Data backup and recovery overview

Protect your data with continuous or discrete backups.

Real-time analytics

Blog: AlloyDB under the hood: columnar engine

How the columnar engine accelerates your analytical queries.

Documentation: About the AlloyDB columnar engine

Learn how to use the columnar engine.

Video: AlloyDB columnar engine demo

See the difference for yourself: the columnar engine in action.

Lab: Accelerating analytical queries using the AlloyDB columnar engine

Explore the capabilities of the AlloyDB columnar engine.

AI and ML

Documentation: Invoke online predictions from AlloyDB databases

Use SQL statements to call ML models that run on Vertex AI.

Video: Invoke AI/ML predictions from AlloyDB

Demo of an AlloyDB database using SQL to call a Vertex AI endpoint.

Blog: AlloyDB AI for building gen AI apps with PostgreSQL

Use vector embeddings to combine the power of LLMs with real-time operational data.

Lab: Getting started with vector embeddings in AlloyDB AI

Learn how to combine vector search with Vertex AI embeddings.

Lab: Building an LLM and RAG-based chat app using AlloyDB AI and LangChain

Learn how to deploy the Gen AI Databases Retrieval Service to create an interactive application.

Blog: Introducing the sample GenAI Databases Retrieval app

Use RAG to augment your gen AI app with information from AlloyDB.

Downloadable edition

Blog: AlloyDB Omni is now generally available

AlloyDB Omni is a downloadable edition of AlloyDB that runs virtually anywhere.

Documentation: AlloyDB Omni overview

Learn about the capabilities of AlloyDB Omni and how it works.

Video: AlloyDB Omni on Google Compute Engine Quickstart

Walkthrough of creating an AlloyDB Omni instance in the cloud.

Blog: The power of AlloyDB AI in AlloyDB Omni

Call AI models from an AlloyDB Omni database running anywhere.

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