Network Load balancing

Deploy load-balanced managed virtual machines

Create a virtual machine (VM) cluster with a load balancer to make the VMs globally available, scale automatically, and efficiently manage traffic.
New customers get $300 in free credits to fully explore and conduct an assessment of Google Cloud.
Who this is for
Infrastructure Operators, Network Administrators
What you’ll deploy
A sample load-balanced VM cluster with open source code on Google Cloud for learning purposes
How you’ll deploy
Once you’ve signed up for Google Cloud, you can deploy through the console.

What is network load balancing?

Network load balancing is the process of distributing incoming network traffic across a set of services or servers/VMs.

How does network load balancer work?

The load balancer functions as a "traffic controller", which routes client requests across the services or VM instances to make sure that the traffic is distributed efficiently, avoiding overloading any particular instance. It can also help detect and automatically remove unhealthy instances using features such as health checks, and redirect traffic to other working instances.

What are the different types of network load balancing?

There are three main types of load balancers:

  1. Traditional hardware load balancer connected within the physical network
  2. Software load balancer installed onto a regular server
  3. Virtual load balancer packaged into a VM or virtual appliance

Load balancing in the cloud environment usually uses the 3rd type of virtual load balancer to manage traffic for the workloads running in the cloud.

What are the benefits of network load balancing?

The load balancer helps ensure optimal system performance when traffic increases. With a network load balancer, you will be able to maximize service speed, enhance service scalability, and increase overall capacity utilization.

What are the benefits of a dynamic website?

There are multiple benefits of a dynamic website. First of all, updating a dynamic website is much easier than updating a static website since there is no need to recreate or redeploy the entire site. It also makes it possible to personalize your website’s content to individual visitors for better engagement and conversion, and offers more flexibility for building richer features and functionalities.
Solution Details

Load-balanced managed virtual machines

Create a load-balanced VM cluster using Google Cloud services such as Cloud Load Balancing and Google Compute Engine.

Solution Architecture
  1. The user makes a request to the application deployed on Compute Engine and the request first lands on Cloud Load Balancing.
  2. Cloud Load Balancing distributes the traffic to the Compute Engine Managed Instance Group (MIG) which is set up to scale to multiple instances based on traffic growth.
Load-balanced VMs
Google Cloud Experience Level
Estimated deployment time
10 min
3 min to configure, 7 min to deploy
New customers get $300 in free credits to fully explore and conduct an assessment of Google Cloud.
  • Active Google Cloud account
  • Administrator rights to your project
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