Use a custom import to set up replication from large external databases

This page describes the process for setting up external server replication using a custom import. These steps are the best option when you need to replicate from a large external database.

You must complete all the steps on this page. When finished, you can administer and monitor the replica the same way as you would any other Cloud SQL instance.

This process is supported only for external servers that are configured to use global transaction identifier (GTID)-based replication. Before replication can be initiated, you need to load data from the external server into the Cloud SQL replica. If you don't use GTID-based replication, then Cloud SQL can't identify the exact binary log position from which to begin replication. If you can't use GITD-based replication, then you need to configure your dump tool to institute a global read-only lock during the dump process.

Before you begin

Before you start, you should have configured the external server, created the source representation instance, and set up the Cloud SQL replica.

Update permissions for the replication user

The replication user on the external server is configured to accept connections from any host (%). You should update this user account so that it can only be used with the Cloud SQL replica. Open a terminal on the source database server and enter these commands:

mysql Client

    UPDATE mysql.user


UPDATE mysql.user
SET Host='' WHERE Host='%' AND User='replicationUser';
TO 'gcp_user'@'\/url-687474703a2f2f676d61696c2e636f6d';
Property Description
NEW_HOST Specify the outgoing IP of the Cloud SQL replica.
OLD_HOST The current value assigned to Host that you want to change.
USERNAME The replication user account on the external server.
GCP_USERNAME The username for the GCP user account.
HOST The hostname for the GCP user account.

Set up the Cloud SQL replica as a primary instance

Because Cloud SQL replica instances are read-only, in order to perform a custom import, you need to promote the Cloud SQL replica to a standalone instance. Once the initial data import is complete, you demote the instance back to a replica.

Perform a custom dump and import

In this section, we show you how to create the dump file and import it into the eventual Cloud SQL replica using mydumper or the mysqldump client utilities.

When you dump the data, you might need to exclude MySQL generic databases, including mysql, and sys, if they exist on the source instance. Otherwise, the data import fails. See How to exclude (or include) databases?.

Use mydumper and myloader

To create a dump file and import it to Cloud SQL:

  1. Create a dump file of the external server database using mydumper.

       $ mydumper -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD \
                  --threads=16 -o ./backup \
                  -h HOST \
                  --no-locks \
                  --regex '^(?!(mysql\.|sys\.))'
    Property Description
    USERNAME The name of the replication user account or user account on the external server that has database read permissions.
    PASSWORD Replication user password.
    HOST The IPv4 or DNS address for the external server.
  2. Import the data into the Cloud SQL instance using myloader.

                --threads=16 \
                -d ./backup -h HOST -o
    Property Description
    REPLICA_USERNAME The user account on the Cloud SQL instance.
    REPLICA_PASSWORD Cloud SQL instance user password.
    HOST The IPv4 for the Cloud SQL instance.
  3. Write down the GTID or binlog information of the data dump. You need this information when configuring the replication with the stored procedures.

    To get the GTID or binlog information of the data dump, run the following command:

      sudo cat ./backup/metadata

Use mysqldump

  1. Create a dump using mysqldump:


    mysqldump \
        --host=EXTERNAL_HOST \
        --port=EXTERNAL_PORT \
        --password=PASSWORD \
        --databases=DATABASE_LIST  \
        --hex-blob \
        --master-data=EXTERNAL_DATA  \
        --no-autocommit \
        --default-character-set=utf8mb4 \
        --single-transaction \
        GTID_PURGED \
        ADD_DROP_TABLE \
        ROUTINES \
        COMPRESS \
    Property Description
    EXTERNAL_HOST The IPv4 or DNS address for the external server.
    EXTERNAL_PORT The port for the external server. If the external server is hosted on Cloud SQL, this is 3306.
    USERNAME The name of the replication user account or user account on the external server that has database read permissions.
    USER_PASSWORD Replication user password.
    DATABASE_LIST Space-separated list of all databases on the external server, except for the system databases (sys,mysql, performance_schema, and information_schema). Use the SHOW DATABASES MySQL command to list your databases.
    EXTERNAL_DATA If your external server does not support GTID, and you have permission to access the global read lock on it, use --master-data=1. Otherwise, don't use this property.
    GTID_PURGED If your external server supports GTID, use --set-gtid-purged=on; otherwise, don't use this property.
    ADD_DROP_TABLE If you want to add a DROP TABLE statement before each CREATE TABLE statement, include --add-drop-table.
    ROUTINES If you want to show stored routines, such as procedures and functions, in the output for dumped databases, include --routines.
    COMPRESS If you want to compress all information sent between the Cloud SQL replica and the external server, use --compress.
    GZIP If you want to compress the dump file even more, use | gzip. If your database contains data that does not compress well, such as binary incompressible data or JPG images, don't use this.


    mysqldump \
        --host= \
        --port=3306 \
        --user=replicationUser \
        --password \
        --databases guestbook journal \
        --hex-blob \
        --master-data=1 \
        --no-autocommit \
        --default-character-set=utf8mb4 \
        --single-transaction \
        --compress \
        | gzip
  2. Write down the GTID or binlog information of the data dump. You need this information to configure the replication with the Cloud SQL stored procedures.

    For the GTID, look for a line similar to the following:

       SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='32eb1e6a-17b6-11ea-a39e-06d94ac3ec98:1-33496';

    For the binlog, look for a line similar to the following:

       CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin-changelog.033877', MASTER_LOG_POS=360;
  3. Remove the following lines in the dump file that require super privileges. Since Cloud SQL users don't have super privileges, these lines cause the import to fail.

    For GTID-based replication: Remove the SET GTID_PURGED statement along with the session variable setting statement in the dump. For example:

       SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED='32eb1e6a-17b6-11ea-a39e-06d94ac3ec98:1-33496';

    For binlog-based replication, remove the CHANGE MASTER statement. For example:

       CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin-changelog.033877', MASTER_LOG_POS=360;
  4. Import the data into the Cloud SQL replica, using the mysql CLI:


    Property Description
    REPLICA_HOST Host on which MySQL server is located.
    REPLICA_USER MySQL user name to use when connecting to the server.
    REPLICA_DATABASE_NAME Name of the database where the data is located.
    RESULT_FILE Name of the dump file to import.


      mysql -h -u replica_username -p replica_db < result.sql

You can also import the dump file using a Google Cloud bucket. See Importing data from a SQL dump file into Cloud SQL.

Demote the Cloud SQL instance

To demote the Cloud SQL instance to a Cloud SQL replica, use the demoteMaster method on the instance.

  1. Prepare a request JSON file with the name of the instance you want to demote.

    Source JSON

        "demoteMasterContext": {
          "masterInstanceName": SOURCE_REPRESENTATION_INSTANCE_NAME,
          "skipReplicationSetup": true
    Property Description
    SOURCE_REPRESENTATION_INSTANCE_NAME The name of the source representation instance.


         "demoteMasterContext": {
           "masterInstanceName": "cloudsql-source-instance",
           "skipReplicationSetup": true
  2. Open a terminal and use the following commands to invoke demoteMaster:


      gcloud auth login
      ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
      curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data @JSON_PATH \
        -X POST \
    Property Description
    JSON_PATH The path to the JSON file.
    PROJECT_ID The ID of your project in Google Cloud.
    INSTANCE-NAME The name of the instance to demote.


       gcloud auth login
       ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
       curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
         --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         --data @./source.json \
         -X POST \

What you should see when you finish

To ensure your instances were set up correctly, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.

You should see your source representation instance and Cloud SQL replica. They look similar to the following:

Instance ID Type Public IP
(-) source-representation-instance MySQL external primary
     replica-instance MySQL read replica

Start replication on the Cloud SQL instance

This step uses Cloud SQL stored procedures. The Cloud SQL stored procedures are installed after calling the demoteMaster request. They are removed after calling promoteReplica. For more information, see Stored procedures for replication management.

  1. Log on to the replica instance. For more information, see Connecting using a database client from a local machine.
  2. Use the mysql.resetMaster stored procedure to reset replication settings.

     mysql> call mysql.resetMaster();
  3. Configure the replication. This step requires the GTID or binlog information that you previously wrote down.


    1. Configure the gtid_purged field with the mysql.skipTransactionWithGtid(GTID_TO_SKIP) stored procedure.
    Property Description
    GTID_TO_SKIP The GTID set value to configure.

    For example:

        mysql> call mysql.skipTransactionWithGtid('32eb1e6a-17b6-11ea-a39e-06d94ac3ec98:1-33496');

    1. Run the mysql.setupExternalSourceAutoPosition(HOST, PORT, USER_NAME, USER_PASSWORD, MASTER_AUTO_POSITION, USE_SSL, USE_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH) stored procedure.
    Property Description
    HOST Source endpoint.
    PORT Source port.
    USER_NAME Source user.
    USER_PASSWORD Source user password.
    MASTER_AUTO_POSITION Value of the master_auto_position parameter. Possible values are 0, 1.
    USE_SSL Whether to use SSL-based replication. Possible values are true, false. If true, you need to set the caCertificate field in the DemoteMaster request.
    USE_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH Whether to use SSL client authentication. Possible values are true, false. If true, you need to set the clientKey and clientCertificates fields in the demoteMaster request.
        mysql> call mysql.setupExternalSourceAutoPosition('', 3306, \
        'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', \
        /* master_auto_position= */ 1,false, false); \


    Run the mysql.setupExternalSource(HOST, PORT, USER_NAME, USER_PASSWORD, SOURCE_LOG_NAME, SOURCE_LOG_POS, USE_SSL, USE_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH) stored procedure.

    Property Description
    HOST Source endpoint.
    PORT Source port.
    USER_NAME Source user.
    USER_PASSWORD Source user password.
    SOURCE_LOG_NAME The name of the binary log on the source database instance that contains the replication information.
    SOURCE_LOG_POS The location in the mysql_binary_log_file_name binary log at which replication starts reading the replication information.
    USE_SSL Whether to use SSL-based replication. Possible values are true, false. If true, you need to set the caCertificate field in the DemoteMaster request.
    USE_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH Whether to use SSL client authentication. Possible values are true, false. If true, you need to set the clientKey and clientCertificates fields in the demoteMaster request.
        mysql> call mysql.setupExternalSource('', 3306, \
        'user_name', 'password', 'mysql-bin-changelog.033877', 360, \
        false, false);
  4. Use the mysql.startReplication() stored procedure to start replication from the external database.

       mysql> call mysql.startReplication();
  5. Verify the replication status. Make sure that both the Slave_IO_Running and Slave_SQL_Running fields say YES.

       mysql> show slave status\G

    The output from this command looks similar to the following:

       *************************** 1. row ***************************
                       Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                          Master_User: user_name
                          Master_Port: 3306
                        Connect_Retry: 60
                      Master_Log_File: mysql-bin-changelog.000001
                  Read_Master_Log_Pos: 1
                       Relay_Log_File: relay-log.000002
                        Relay_Log_Pos: 1
                Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin-changelog.000001
                     Slave_IO_Running: Yes
                    Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
          Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: mysql.%
                           Last_Errno: 0
                         Skip_Counter: 0
                  Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 412
                      Relay_Log_Space: 752
                      Until_Condition: None
                        Until_Log_Pos: 0
                   Master_SSL_Allowed: No
                Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
        Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                        Last_IO_Errno: 0
                       Last_SQL_Errno: 0
                     Master_Server_Id: 1509941531
                          Master_UUID: 1cb2c80e-90f0-11eb-9ea3-02389b1c2e6f
                 Master_Info_File: mysql.slave_master_info
                        SQL_Delay: 0
              SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL
          Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all r
               Master_Retry_Count: 86400
                Executed_Gtid_Set: 478af53c-bd24-11eb-be72-42010a80002a:1-226
                    Auto_Position: 0
       1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Proceed with replication

Once you start replication from the external server, you need to monitor replication and then complete your migration. To learn more, see Monitoring replication.


Issue Troubleshooting
Lost connection to MySQL server during query when dumping table. The source may have become unavailable, or the dump contained packets too large.

Make sure the external primary is available to connect. You can also modify the values of the net_read_timeout and net_write_timeout flags on the source instance to stop the error. For more information on the allowable values for these flags, see Configure database flags.

To learn more about using mysqldump flags for managed import migration, see Allowed and default initial sync flags

The initial data migration was successful, but no data is being replicated. One possible root cause could be your source database has defined replication flags which result in some or all database changes not being replicated over.

Make sure the replication flags such as binlog-do-db, binlog-ignore-db, replicate-do-db or replicate-ignore-db are not set in a conflicting way.

Run the command show master status on the primary instance to see the current settings.

The initial data migration was successful but data replication stops working after a while. Things to try:

  • Check the replication metrics for your replica instance in the Cloud Monitoring section of the Google Cloud console.
  • The errors from the MySQL IO thread or SQL thread can be found in Cloud Logging in the mysql.err log files.
  • The error can also be found when connecting to the replica instance. Run the command SHOW SLAVE STATUS, and check for the following fields in the output:
    • Slave_IO_Running
    • Slave_SQL_Running
    • Last_IO_Error
    • Last_SQL_Error
mysqld check failed: data disk is full. The data disk of the replica instance is full.

Increase the disk size of the replica instance. You can either manually increase the disk size or enable auto storage increase.

Review your replication logs

When you verify your replication settings, logs are produced.

You can view these logs by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Logs Viewer in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to the Logs Viewer

  2. Select the Cloud SQL replica from the Instance dropdown.
  3. Select the replication-setup.log log file.

If the Cloud SQL replica is unable to connect to the external server, confirm the following:

  • Any firewall on the external server is configured to allow connections from the Cloud SQL replica's outgoing IP address.
  • Your SSL/TLS configuration is correct.
  • Your replication user, host, and password are correct.

What's next