Develop an application on the Ray cluster on Vertex AI

You can connect to a Ray cluster on Vertex AI and develop an application using the following methods:

  • Connect to the Ray cluster on Vertex AI through Ray Client using the version of the Vertex AI SDK for Python that includes the functionality of the Ray Client. Use this option if you prefer an interactive Python development environment.

    • Use the Vertex AI SDK for Python within the Colab Enterprise notebook in the Google Cloud console.

    • Use the Vertex AI SDK for Python within a Python session, shell, or Jupyter notebook.

  • Write a Python script and submit the script to the Ray cluster on Vertex AI using the Ray Jobs API. Use this option if you'd rather submit jobs programmatically.

Before you begin, make sure to read the Ray on Vertex AI overview and set up all the prerequisite tools you need.

Connect to a Ray cluster through Ray Client

To use the interactive Ray Client, connect to your Ray cluster on Vertex AI. The connecting environment's network depends on the cluster's network configuration. There are no restrictions on the connecting environment as long as the cluster has public internet access. That is, a VPC network wasn't specified during cluster creation. If, however, the cluster is on a private VPC network that is peered with Vertex AI, the connecting environment must be on the same VPC network as the cluster.

The Ray version on the client side must match the cluster's Ray version. pip install "google-cloud-aiplatform[ray]" installs Ray version 2.33 on the client side by default. If the cluster's Ray version is 2.9, then you must use pip install ray==2.9.3 to match the client side's Ray version to the cluster's Ray version.


In accordance with the OSS Ray best practice recommendation, setting the logical CPU count to 0 on the Ray head node is enforced in order to avoid running any workload on the head node.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Ray on Vertex AI page.

    Go to the Ray on Vertex AI page

  2. In the row for the cluster you created, Click Open in Colab Enterprise.

  3. The Colab Enterprise notebook opens. Follow the instructions on how to use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to connect to the Ray cluster on Vertex AI.

    • If a dialog screen asks you to enable APIs, click Enable.

    • Click Connect if you're connecting to the cluster for the first time, or Re-connect if you're re-connecting to the cluster. The notebook takes a few minutes to connect to the Runtime.

    • Click the +CREATE to create a new notebook.

    • Click Ray on Vertex AI panel to open the Ray on Vertex AI panel.
      Display of existing clusters appears.

    • Select a cluster and click CONNECT.
      Code appears in your open notebook that connects to your chosen cluster.

    • Other actions (Optional): To open the Ray on Vertex AI cluster list page, click Manage clusters in the Ray on Vertex AI panel.

      • Select a cluster and click more actions menu.
        More options appear:
        more options appear
    • Run the Getting started code cell to import the Vertex AI SDK for Python and connect to the Ray cluster on Vertex AI.


In accordance with the OSS Ray best practice recommendation, setting the logical CPU count to 0 on the Ray head node is enforced in order to avoid running any workload on the head node.

From an interactive Python environment:

import ray

# Necessary even if aiplatform.* symbol is not directly used in your program.
from import aiplatform
import vertex_ray

import vertexai
# The CLUSTER_RESOURCE_NAME is the one returned from vertex_ray.create_ray_cluster.
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_NAME='projects/{}/locations/{}/persistentResources/{}'.format(PROJECT_ID, LOCATION, CLUSTER_NAME)



  • LOCATION: The location you specified for your Ray cluster on Vertex AI.

  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID. You can find the project ID in the Google Cloud console welcome page.

  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of your Ray cluster on Vertex AI, specified when you created the cluster. Go to the Google Cloud console to view the list of cluster names for a project.

You should get output similar to the following:

Python version:  3.10.12
Ray version: 2.33
Vertex SDK version: 1.46.0

You can use the Dashboard URL to access the Ray dashboard from a browser. The URI is in the format of The dashboard shows submitted jobs, the number of GPU or CPUs, and disk space of each machine in the cluster.

Once you're connected to the Ray cluster on Vertex AI you can develop a Ray program the same way you would develop one for a normal OSS Ray backend.

def square(x):
  return x * x

# Launch four parallel square tasks.
futures = [square.remote(i) for i in range(4)]

# Returns [0, 1, 4, 9]

Develop an application using the Ray Jobs API

This section describes how to submit a Python program to the Ray cluster on Vertex AI using the Ray Jobs API.

Write a Python script

Develop your application as a Python script in any text editor. For example, place the following script in a file:

import ray
import time

def hello_world():
    return "hello world"

def square(x):
    return x * x

ray.init()  # No need to specify address="vertex_ray://...."
print(ray.get([square.remote(i) for i in range(4)]))

Submit a Ray job using the Ray Jobs API

You can submit a Ray job using Python, the Ray Jobs CLI, or the public Ray dashboard address.

Python - cluster resource name

Submit a Ray job using a Python environment:

import ray
import vertex_ray
from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient
from import aiplatform  # Necessary even if aiplatform.* symbol is not directly used in your program.

CLUSTER_RESOURCE_NAME='projects/{}/locations/REGION/persistentResources/{}'.format(PROJECT_ID, CLUSTER_NAME)

client = JobSubmissionClient("vertex_ray://{}".format(CLUSTER_RESOURCE_NAME))

job_id = client.submit_job(
  # Entrypoint shell command to execute
  # Path to the local directory that contains the file.
    "working_dir": "./directory-containing-my-script",
    "pip": ["numpy",
            "ray==CLUSTER_RAY_VERSION", # pin the Ray version to the same version as the cluster

# Ensure that the Ray job has been created.


  • REGION: The region you specified for your Ray cluster on Vertex AI.

  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project number. You can find the project ID in the Google Cloud console welcome page.

  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of your Ray cluster on Vertex AI, specified when you created the cluster. Go to the Google Cloud console to view the list of cluster names for a project.

  • CLUSTER_RAY_VERSION: Pin the Ray version to the same version as the cluster. For example, 2.33.0.

Python - Ray dashboard

The Ray dashboard address is accessible from outside the VPC, including the public internet. Note that vertex_ray is required to obtain authentication automatically.

from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient
import vertex_ray


client = JobSubmissionClient(

job_id = client.submit_job(
  # Entrypoint shell command to execute
  # Path to the local directory that contains the file
    "working_dir": "./directory-containing-my-script",
    "pip": ["numpy",
            "ray==CLUSTER_RAY_VERSION", # pin the Ray version to the same version as the cluster


DASHBOARD_ADDRESS: The Ray dashboard address for your cluster. You can find the dashboard address using the Vertex AI SDK for Python.

Ray Jobs CLI

Note that you can only use the Ray Jobs CLI commands within the peered VPC network.

$ ray job submit --working-dir ./ --address vertex_ray://{CLUSTER_RESOURCE_NAME} -- python

Support for VPC peering and custom service account

Ray on Vertex AI supports Ray Client and Ray Jobs API (JobSubmissionClient) in a public network for default service agent and custom service accounts.

Ray on Vertex AI support for VPC peering, when the Ray cluster is created with the VPC network, is shown in this table:

VPC peering Default service agent Custom service account
Ray Client (interactive mode) Yes No
Ray JobSubmissionClient Yes Yes

VPC Service Controls (VPC-SC) require additional configurations. See Private and public connectivity for more details.

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