

Environmental Services

Bamenda, North West 541 followers

BleagLee is on a mission to fight climate change by putting up sustainable projects for converting waste into value

About us

BleagLee is on a mission to fight climate change by putting up sustainable projects for converting large amounts of waste into useful products around the world. The main aim of the business is to make economic use of waste, while reducing multi-hazard scenarios caused by poor waste disposal.

Environmental Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Bamenda, North West
Privately Held


Employees at BleagLee


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    WHO IS BLEAGLEE? BleagLee is on a mission to fight climate change by putting up sustainable projects for converting large amounts of waste into useful products around the world. Through this we are specialized in the production in bio fuel, fertilizers and plastics pellets. We are also out to educate the population on the 3Rs( recycle, reproduce and reuse) through sensitization campaigns and training sessions in schools and local communities. We equally specialize in designing software for drones and satellites that could quickly detect waste on physical sites, and mobile apps for on-site waste collection and for recycling companies. #sustainability# #climatechange# #wastemanagement#

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    Why Recycling Is Important? Climate emergencies have been proclaimed in recent years Bleaglee has made clear the terrible consequences that plastic waste is having on the ecosystem and on humans, and recycling needs have received more attention. We turn the things we discard into brand-new products, ensuring that none of the energy or raw materials used to create them were wasted. This reduces greenhouse gases, air and ground pollution, and other negative effects of putting waste in landfills. Lets join BleagLee to bring a change in environment and the world at large. To get to us👇👇 Call:+237 696 175 399 Watsapp:+237 654 574 884

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    LA COLLECTE DES DÉCHETS COMME SOURCE DE REVENUS. Bleaglee transforme les déchets recyclables en produits utiles tels que des granulés, du biocarburant et des engrais. Ce faisant, nous créons indirectement des emplois pour de nombreuses personnes. En effet, nous motivons les populations en achetant des déchets recyclables déjà triés comme des bouteilles. De ce fait, de nombreuses femmes se sont désormais lancées dans la collecte et le tri des déchets recyclables afin de pouvoir les vendre et gagner de l'argent. #Bleaglee# #durabilité# #Emploi#

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    Waste Management Solutions & Its Techniques. Increased urbanization has led to an excess of waste being produced, which has been harmful to the environment. What recycling and trash management alternatives are environmentally friendly? We'll discuss several waste management strategies, tools, and recycling options in this post. Garbage management entails gathering, moving, getting rid of, recycling, and keeping track of garbage produced by human activity. What Are the Common Waste Problems? Landfills: Landfill are the most common methods of waste disposal but they can also pollute groundwater and release harmful gases such as methane. Illegal dumping: Illegal dumping is a widespread problem, particularly in rural areas, and can cause environmental and health hazards. Incineration: Incineration can release toxic pollutants into the air, including dioxins and heavy metals. Electronic garbage: Old cell phones and laptops are examples of electronic waste that contain dangerous elements that, if improperly disposed of, can harm the environment. Medical waste: The public and sanitation workers may be put at risk for health problems if medical waste, such as needles and other sharp objects, is not properly disposed of. Plastics: Plastic trash Only a small portion of plastic garbage is recycled, and the majority ends up in landfills or the environment. Food waste: Food waste is becoming a bigger issue because so much of a country's food supply is wasted, which increases greenhouse gas emissions.

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    BLEAGLEE'S BIOFUEL. BleagLee has been transforming agricultural waste from fields into smokeless and eco-friendly bio-fuel. We believe this invention could be a game changer in saving the country's forest and preventing the spread of indoor pollution-related diseases. Across Cameroon, and particularly in rural areas, over 80 percent of people still rely on fuelwood for energy. As a result, the population is vulnerable to diseases associated with indoor pollution such as acute infections of the lower respiratory tract, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, asthma, cataracts and tuberculosis. With the availability of BleagLee's eco charcoal in the market, Cameroon is going to witness a great decrease in indoor pollution diseases.

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    POOR WASTE DISPOSAL ON THE STREETS. Poor waste disposal has been identified as one of the major environmental concerns of our cities and communities.Poor disposal of solid waste is affecting and changing the environment adversely in many ways. Plastic waste for example is carelessly buried into the soil which modifies soil texture by making it less porous, but more frequently burnt in the open air resulting in the release of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Pollution of surface and underground sources of drinking water through leaching from abandoned or poorly disposed waste is very common. Uncollected solid waste also attracts insects and rodents—vectors of certain gastrointestinal and parasitic diseases or ends up being washed into the gutters, blocking them and provoking floods. We encourage the reuse of materials through recycling, we train and create public awareness on poor waste disposal. We have observed and decided to detect poor waste disposal and open waste burning. We are currently working with local communities, City Councils and NGO's to collect and process recyclable waste to useful products.

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    LES ARBRES ET LEURS AVANTAGES ENVIRONNEMENTAUX Planter des arbres est considéré comme l'activité la plus engageante et la plus respectueuse de l'environnement à laquelle les gens peuvent participer pour contribuer à rendre le monde meilleur. Depuis des milliers d'années, le monde compte sur les arbres pour prévenir le changement climatique. Les arbres sont nécessaires à la vie sur la planète car ils offrent des avantages à la fois à long et à court terme. Les gens ajoutent des arbres à leurs jardins pour des raisons esthétiques, pour se connecter avec la nature ou pour avoir un cadre relaxant. Les arbres cependant, ont un impact plus important sur l'écosystème que les gens ne le pensent. Par exemple : ils améliorent la qualité de l'air, ralentissent les fortes pluies, préviennent les inondations, protègent contre la chaleur excessive, donnent de l'ombre et éliminent le carbone de l'atmosphère. Les arbres offrent plusieurs avantages à tout ce qui se trouve sur la planète, des créatures marines aux innombrables personnes travaillant dans le monde entier. Planter un arbre profite non seulement aux personnes qui vivent à proximité, mais aussi à toute la population en éliminant le carbone de l'atmosphère. Les personnes qui vivent à proximité des arbres ont de nombreux avantages notamment une meilleure qualité de vie. Les arbres améliorent la santé mentale en réduisant le stress et en encourageant les activités de plein air telles que les exercices de plantation d'arbres, l'utilisation des zones arborées pour la méditation et la réflexion, etc. Si vous envisagez de planter des arbres, lisez la suite pour en savoir plus sur les nombreux avantages environnementaux qu'ils offrent. 1. Purification de l’air: Vous avez dû remarqué que l'air est plus propre dans les bois au cours d’une promenade. C'est une réalité puisque les arbres purifient l'air. Ils sont l'une des ressources irremplaçables de production d'oxygène au monde car ils utilisent la photosynthèse pour absorber le dioxyde de carbone et produisent de l'oxygène comme sous-produit. Les créatures de la Terre ne peuvent pas prospérer sans oxygène. Planter plus d'arbres produit plus d'oxygène pour que nous puissions respirer et vivre. Il existe de nombreux types d'arbres différents sur terre et la quantité d'oxygène qu'ils produisent varie. Les arbres absorbent les odeurs et autres polluants tels que l'ammoniac, les oxydes d'azote, le dioxyde de soufre et l'ozone. Ils filtrent également la poussière et les particules de l'air en les enfermant dans les feuilles et l'écorce. Un acre d'arbres matures peut fournir de l'oxygène à 18 personnes pendant un an. Planter des arbres de manière stratégique autour de votre maison peut vous aider à économiser de l'argent sur la climatisation. Vous économiserez de l'argent tout en réduisant les émissions de dioxyde de carbone.

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    ECO FRIENDLY TREES AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Tree planting is regarded as the most engaging and environmentally friendly activity that people can participate in to help make the world a better place. For thousands of years, the globe has relied on trees to prevent climate change. Trees are necessary for life to exist on the planet as they offer both long-term and short-term benefits. Most individuals add trees to their gardens for aesthetic reasons, to connect with nature, or to provide a relaxing impact. Trees, however, have a greater impact on the ecosystem than people may realize. For example: they improve air quality, slow down severe rains and floods, protect against excessive heat, give shade, and eliminate carbon from the atmosphere.Trees provide several benefits to everything on the globe, from sea creatures to countless people working all over the world. Planting a tree benefits not only individuals who live near it, but also the entire population by eliminating carbon from the atmosphere. People who live near trees reap numerous benefits, including increased quality of life. Trees improve mental health by lowering stress and encouraging outdoor activity such as tree planting exercises, using tree planted areas for meditations and reflections etc. If you are considering planting trees, read on to learn about the numerous environmental benefits they provide. 1.Clean the air. You may have noticed that the air is cleaner after taking a walk in the woods. It is correct since trees do filter the air. Trees are one of the world's irreplaceable oxygen-producing resources. Trees use photosynthesis to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen as a byproduct. Earth's creatures cannot thrive without oxygen. Planting more trees produces more oxygen for us to breathe and live. There are many different types of trees on the earth, and the amount of oxygen they produce varies. Trees absorb odours and other pollutants such as ammonia, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, and ozone. They also filter dust and particles from the air by encasing them in the leaves and bark. An acre of mature trees can deliver oxygen to 18 people for a year. Planting trees strategically around your home can help you save money on air conditioning. You will save money while lowering carbon dioxide emissions. Tree planting helps to cool the air, especially in metropolitan areas, which are 9 degrees warmer than those with trees. As a result, architects and environmentalists devised plans to incorporate interior trees and green roofs. Green roofs provide excellent cooling and remove heat from the air, so benefiting the environment. Indoor plants serve as natural air conditioners, saving money on cooling expenditure. #sustainability# #waste management #

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    HOW CAN POOR WASTE MANAGEMENT BE REDUCED IN URBAN AREAS? The globe is becoming increasingly congested as a result of poor waste disposal. The volume of waste generated increases in tandem with the development of urbanisation. As a result, municipal governments must encourage individuals to recycle through comprehensive urban waste management systems and initiatives. Humans produce rubbish every day. We always discard items that we no longer use, such as product packaging, scrap paper, and damaged appliances. According to the World Bank, each person produces approximately 0.11 to 4.54 kilogrammes of garbage every day. By 2050, worldwide garbage is estimated to reach 3.40 billion tonnes. Lack of Recycling "Reduce, reuse, and recycle" is a well-known expression nowadays. Although recycling comes last, it is nonetheless critical to urban waste management. Recycling, when done properly, can serve as the cornerstone of a circular economy, create money, and reduce human activity's environmental impact. Although there is still a long way to go, there is a growing trend and demand on businesses to decrease waste by employing recycled materials. Recycling for individuals and consumers must be included into urban waste management strategies. What Your City Can Do: Recycling is still not widely practiced in urban areas due to a lack of public awareness and infrastructure. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to urban garbage management because each city's characteristics are unique. However, here are some ways your city might assist you develop healthier garbage disposal habits: 1.Educate, promote, and normalize community engagement. Everyone should understand how to sort their waste and recyclables and why it is vital. This instruction should begin at school and at home. Strong advertising and outreach efforts are required for those who are not in the system. Incentivisation or fines for noncompliance may also help. In general, improving the dignity of garbage disposal can increase community participation. Sorting your trash and recycling should be a visible and normalized activity. 2.Provide a neighborhood-scale collection. Making the process as simple as feasible is crucial, and this can be accomplished through multi-stakeholder collaboration. After you have sorted your own waste at home, local communities or enterprises can collect it door to door in your neighbourhood and transport it to central collection stations. Then, local governments' crewed trucks can pick it up and transport it to a central processing facility on a regular basis. Separate collectors for recyclable rubbish to be picked up and transported to recycling facilities is another feasible alternative. Install a system of pneumatic tubes. Pneumatic tubes move solid items through tubes using compressed air or a partial vacuum. #sustainability# #waste management #

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    THE IMPACT OF INEFFICIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT TO OCEANS AND RIVERS Legally speaking, "ocean dumping" refers to the disposal of waste materials—including trash, sewage, hazardous waste, and building debris—into the ocean. There are several ways that ocean dumping is controlled and regulated. This may include: 1)Reusing and recycling of recyclable materials. 2)Frequently cleaning our river surroundings and beaches. 3)We could also educate the the population living around the water sides on the effects of dumping their waste into he rivers. Nevertheless, hazardous materials are being dumped into the water by ships and tankers. Moreover, people are being pushed into tidal waterways without their will. Inadequate waste management can result in a variety of dangerous environmental problems. Inadequate waste management can have detrimental impacts on the ecosystem, humans, and even animals. These impacts might include: 1)Contaminated soil and water. 2) A depletion of natural resources, and ultimately lost of habitats. 3)It may also cause heavy flooding from the rivers due to clogged water channels and outlets. To further prevent all these hazards, BleagLee urges everyone to sort their waste at home and keep for proper recycling. You could either take to a recycling company, sell, to make profit or call on us to come pick it up. Lets join BleagLee to keep our rivers and environments clean for better living conditions. #sustainability# #wastemanagement#

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