


Shenzhen,GuangDong 82,299 位关注者

Deliver on our every promise


1993年,顺丰诞生于广东顺德。自成立以来,顺丰始终专注于服务质量的提升、持续加强基础建设、积极研发和引进具有高科技含量的信息技术与设备以提升作业自动化水平,在国内外建立了庞大的信息采集、市场开发、物流配送、快件收派等速运业务机构及服务网络。 在持续强化速运业务的基础上,顺丰坚持以客户需求为核心,积极拓展多元化业务,针对电商、食品、医药、汽配、电子等不同类型客户开发出一站式供应链解决方案,并提供支付、融资、理财、保价等综合性的金融服务。 仓配物流事业群依托自身强大的仓储和运输网络资源,以快捷的运转周期、灵活的配送模式、动态化的区域库存调整,致力于满足电子商务行业多样性和个性化的物流需求,为电商商家和消费者打造如 “云仓即日”、“电商专配”、“退换货”等专属产品和增值服务,为电商消费者提供高品质的物流服务,与商家共同创造客户体验及品牌感知,助力商家实现效益最大化,共创开放式电商物流生态圈,打造一站式电商物流服务。 与此同时,依托强大的物流优势,我们成立顺丰优选、顺丰家及嘿客,为客户提供品质生活服务,打造顺丰优质生活体验。 多年来,顺丰持续创新,不断铸造高品质服务体验,为客户成功提供坚实有力的支持。

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Logistics、E-Commerce、Cross-Border E-Commerce、Cold Chain Logistics、Less Than Truckload Logistics、Full Truckload Logistics、Express Delivery Services、Cross-Border Logistics、China、Contract Logistics和Full-cargo Service


  • 主要

    Building 1, Shenzhen Software Industry Base, Hi-tech Industrial Park


  • 36 Tsing Yi Rd

    HK,Hong Kong,Kwai Tsing




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    【順豐同城急送正式登陸香港 同城點對點配送 快至1小時送達】 順豐致力為用戶提供高效、多元化的物流配送服務。由2024年7月1日起,順豐同城SoFast正式上線,全年無休,即取即送,快至1小時送達,為客戶提供高質量的香港點對點即時配送服務。   打開順豐香港SFHK APP,下單時選【同城急送】,即享首單優惠!下單流程教學:https://bit.ly/3XJtarB 注:以上優惠須受條款約束。   首階段已開放油尖旺區,觀塘區,深水埗區,九龍城區,可送達至全港,後續將分批開放其他區下單,敬請期待。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 (852) 2730 2286(香港)與順豐同城客戶服務人員聯絡。   【SoFast – Intra-City Express Delivery Officially Launched in Hong Kong Intra-City Point-to-Point Delivery, Delivery in as Fast as 1 Hour】 SF is committed to providing users with efficient and diversified logistics and delivery services. Starting from July 1, 2024, SoFast – Hong Kong Intra-City Express Delivery Service has been officially launched, committed to providing users with 24/7 point-to-point high-quality instant pick-up and delivery service all year round in as fast as 1 hour.   Open SFHK APP, select the “SoFast” service when placing an order, and enjoy First Order Reward. To place an order, please refer to https://bit.ly/3XJtarB Note: The above offers are subject to terms and conditions.   SoFast pick-up service will be available in the districts of Yau Tsim Mong, Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po and Kowloon City at the first stage, with delivery coverage across Hong Kong. Other districts will be open in stages later, please stay tuned! If you have any enquiries, please call (852) 2730 2286 (Hong Kong) to contact SoFast customer service.

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    【順豐香港推出冷運一站式服務 靈活便利最快即日送達】   順豐香港致力就不同行業的客戶需求,提供全方位的解決方案。因應客戶對冷鏈服務的需要,順豐香港宣佈推出冷運一站式解決方案,服務覆蓋機場提貨、倉儲、標簽、包裝、溫控配送全過程,為客戶提供高效、可靠、便捷的冷鏈解決方案,迎合不同客戶需要。   有關順豐香港冷運配送服務,請電郵至 852smd@sfmail.sf-express.com 或致電 (852)2929 2929-8 號鍵聯絡我們。   【SFHK Launches Cold Chain One-Stop Service, Flexible and Convenient Same-Day Delivery】 SF Hong Kong is committed to providing comprehensive solutions for clients from different industries. In response to the demand for cold chain services, SFHK launches a one-stop cold-chain solution, providing efficient, reliable, and convenient solution to clients. With services covering airport pickup, warehouse storage, labeling, packaging, and temperature-controlled delivery, SFHK will make efforts to cater to the diverse needs of different clients.   For more details about SFHK cold chain delivery service, please mail to 852smd@sfmail.sf-express.com or contact (852) 2929 2929-8.

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    【全方位展會物流解決方案 順豐香港助參展商物流無憂】 一系列夏季展覽會即將到臨,順豐香港作為大型展會的指定物流服務商,為參展商提供進場﹑離場及補貨服務及優惠,以全方位展會物流服務解決配送難題,助參展商輕鬆迎接每一個展覽。 如有任何査詢,歡迎致電 (852) 2929 2929-4號鍵(服務時間:星期一至五09:00-20:30;星期六、日及公眾假期09:00-20:00); WhatsApp展會物流專線 (852) 6506 7836(服務時間:星期一至五09:00-18:00); 電郵852market@sf-express.com聯絡我們。 【Comprehensive Exhibition Logistics Solutions  SFHK Helps Exhibitors Participate at Ease】 A series of summer exhibitions are forthcoming. As the designated logistics service provider for large-scale exhibitions, SFHK strives to provide move in, move out and replenishment services discounts to solve the exhibition logistics and distribution issues with comprehensive exhibition logistics for exhibitors.   For further enquiries, please contact us via (852) 2929 2929-4 (Service Hour: Monday to Friday 09:00-20:30; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 09:00-20:00); WhatsApp Expo Logistics Direct Line (852) 6506 7836 (Service Hour: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00); email to 852market@sf-express.com.

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    【順豐香港「順回益」計劃為獨居長者送上祝福關懷 共渡端午節】 順豐香港「順回益」計劃串聯不同的團體,為社區上有需要人士傳遞關愛,促進社會共融。計劃除了提供物流贊助以減輕機構的運作負擔外,亦會舉辦及資助各式各樣的送暖活動。 臨近端午節,順豐香港義工到訪循道衛理觀塘社會服務處—關懷長者中心,探訪一眾觀塘區的獨居及雙老長者。為他們送上端午食物福袋,進行探訪交流,親身送上關懷;亦上門探訪行動不便及長期病患長者,將祝福及溫暖分享予每一位有需要的長者。透過關懷及交流,與長者們共享節日氣氛之餘,讓他們感受社區及各界嘅關懷。 順豐香港心繫社區,今後亦會繼續透過「順回益」社區送暖計劃,與更多不同機構合作,以我們的專長為社區出一分力! 【SFHK brings blessings and care to Elderly on Tuen Ng Festival】 SFHK’s "SF Connect – Community Partnership Scheme "has connected with various organizations to convey care and promote social inclusion for people in needs. By providing logistics sponsorship and the scheme also organizes and sponsors various warm giving activities. At Tuen Ng Fesitival, SFHK volunteers visited Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service – Elderly Concern Centre, visiting Singleton Elderly and Double-Aging Family. Presenting Tuen Ng food lucky bags, delivered care and blessings through interactions. We also made home visits elderly with mobility issues or long-term illnesses, sharing kindness and warmth with everyone in-need and bring them care and attention from the community. SFHK is deeply committed to the community. In the future, we will continue to collaborate with different organizations through the "SF Connect – Community Partnership Scheme ", leveraging our expertise to contribute to the community! ============================================ #順豐速運 #SFExpress #順豐 #SF #Express #順回益 #SFConnect #端午節 #TuenNgFestival #DragonBoatFestival #循道衛理觀塘社會服務處 #KTMSS

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    感謝媒體朋友們的報道!臨近母親節,順豐香港宣布首次推出鮮花配送服務,解決花商運輸痛點,將心意送給所有母親。祝所有母親節日快樂!   順豐香港推出鮮花配送服務 趁母親節助客戶將心意送到家: https://bit.ly/3WoEMjd Thanks for all media friends for the coverage! As Mother's Day is approaching, SFHK launches Flower Delivery Service for the first time to address the sore points of florists and send love to all the mothers. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! 

    順豐香港推出鮮花配送服務 趁母親節助客戶將心意送到家 - 生活 POWER-UP

    順豐香港推出鮮花配送服務 趁母親節助客戶將心意送到家 - 生活 POWER-UP


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    【順豐香港提醒“見疑即報” 提高大眾反恐意識】   順豐香港與跨部門反恐專責組展開全港宣傳活動推廣「見疑即報」運動,利用SF Media於全港各區共30組順豐自助櫃發佈「見疑即報」,向市民宣傳反恐及保安訊息。   日前,公共事務部負責人廖家欣與跨部門反恐專責組代表於銅鑼灣恆隆中心順豐自助櫃合作主持啟動儀式。   此前,順豐香港亦有幸獲跨部門反恐專責組到訪,舉行「準確預報,見疑即報」講座,並於全港各區順豐站播放「閃、避、求」及「見疑即報」宣傳片。   順豐香港將繼續踐行社會責任,積極配合反恐專責組的宣傳,提升員工的保安意識及識別可疑事情的能力,共建「安全社區」, 一同成為社區的把關者。   全港順豐站提醒「見疑即報」 反恐專責組鼓勵業界通報涉恐訊息: https://bit.ly/3TeuArJ   【SFHK Reminds the Public to “Spot and Report”, Raises Public Counterterrorism Awareness】   SFHK collaborated with Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit (ICTU) to promote "Spot and Report" campaign all over Hong Kong. SFHK used SF Media to publish "Spot and Report" on 30 SF Lockers across various districts in Hong Kong, publicizing information about counterterrorism and security among the public.   A few days ago, Charlize Liu, Head of Public Affairs and Communications and representatives of ICTU collaborated to host the launch ceremony together at Hang Lung Center SF Locker.   Previously, SFHK is honored to have met with ICTU, conducted a lecture on "Accurate Pre-Declaration, Spot and Report", and played promotion videos on "Run, Hide, Report" and "Spot and Report" at SF Stores throughout Hong Kong.   As part of corporate responsibility, SFHK will continue to cooperate with ICTU to promote relevant information and enhance staff's security consciousness and ability to identify suspicious activities, building a "safe community" together as guardians of the community.

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    【順豐香港正式推出「綠惜·順豐速遞袋回收獎賞計劃」,推動可持續發展】   順豐香港一向重視可持續發展,由即日起,順豐香港正式推出「綠惜·順豐速遞袋回收獎賞計劃」,客戶可透過於指定順豐站的「綠惜·順豐速遞袋回收機」回收使用過的順豐速遞袋,在SFHK APP上賺取積分,兌換不同獎賞。首階段將會於以下6間順豐站放置回收機:   l  將軍澳茵怡順豐站 (852AAL) l  大角咀中興樓順豐站 (852FBL) l  深水埗青山道順豐站 (852DDL) l  九龍城太子道西順豐站 (852KCL) l  元朗好順利大廈順豐站 (852UFL) l  油塘大本型順豐站 (852AJL)   順豐香港將會與本地環保企業V Cycle合作,進行回收及分類,再轉化為原材料,以便循環再造各項物品。歡迎客戶踴躍參與支持,共同為可持續發展出一分力。   有關計劃詳情可以瀏覽:https://bit.ly/3vJIMjm 【SFHK launches the "SF EcoSmart Shipping Bag Recycling Reward Programme" to promote sustainable development】   SFHK has always valued sustainable development. Starting today, SFHK launches the "SF EcoSmart Shipping Bag Recycling Reward Programme," where customers can earn points and redeem different rewards on the SFHK App by recycling used SF Shipping Bags at the "SF EcoSmart Shipping Bag Recycling Cabinet" in designated SF Stores. In the first phase, recycling cabinets will be placed at the following 6 SF Stores:   - Verbena Heights, Tseung Kwan O (852AAL) - Chung Hing Building, Tai Kok Tsui (852FBL) - Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po (852DDL) - Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon City (852KCL) - Ho Shun Lee Building, Yuen Long (852UFL) - Domain, Yau Tong (852AJL)   SFHK will cooperate with local social enterprise V Cycle to sort and transform the recycled SF Shipping Bags into raw materials and various items. We are now encouraging all customers to actively recycle our shipping bags. Let's contribute to sustainable development together!   For more details about the program, please visit: https://bit.ly/3J9TRgQ

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    【順豐香港「順回益」計劃支持樂餉社 為有需要人士提供食物援助】 順豐香港除了作為本地物流公司,為市民提供物流速遞服務,亦時刻不忘回饋社會。近年香港政府提倡「惜食文化」,鼓勵減少廚餘及捐贈仍可食用的食物予有需要人士。過去八個月,順豐香港透過「順回益」社區送暖計劃,與本地最大的食物銀行 — Feeding Hong Kong 樂餉社合作,協助機構將食物運送至不同合作夥伴手上,一同為社區有需要人士送上溫飽,令仍可以食用的剩食得到合理的運用,減少了食物浪費。 順豐香港心繫社區,今後亦會繼續透過「順回益」社區送暖計劃,與不同機構合作,以我們的專長為社區出一分力! 【SFHK supports Feeding Hong Kong to provide food assistance to those in need】 SFHK, in addition to being a local logistics company that provides express delivery services to the public, always keeps in mind giving back to society. In recent years, the Hong Kong government has been promoting the culture of food conservation, encouraging the reduction of food waste and the donation of edible food to those in need. Over the past eight months, SFHK has collaborated with the largest local food bank, Feeding Hong Kong, through the "SF Connect – Community Partnership Scheme". We have worked together with Feeding Hong Kong to provide warmth and sustenance to people in the community who are in need by delivering food to various partners. This initiative has ensured that the surplus food, which is still edible, is properly utilized, reducing food waste. SFHK is deeply committed to the community. In the future, we will continue to collaborate with different organizations through the "SF Connect – Community Partnership Scheme ", leveraging our expertise to contribute to the community! ============================================= #順豐速運 #順豐 #SFExpress #SF #速運 #Express #物流 #Logistics #順回益 #樂餉社

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    【SFHK Presents in Fashion InStyle, Home InStyle | Exhibitor Exclusive Offer for Move In & Out and Replenishment】 Fashion InStyle and Home InStyle are to be held from 20 to 23 April 2024 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. As the Official Air Express Company, SFHK will be providing “Exhibitor Exclusive Offer for Move In & Out and Replenishment” with cost effective services for exhibitors to enjoy a smooth and favorable expo logistics experience. Price & Details: https://bit.ly/3XCVeuA   At the same time, to satisfy with both exhibitors and visitors on-site delivery needs, SFHK will be providing quality and favorable logistics and express services at the venue. You may send your products to the end-consumers with SFHK. Price & Details: https://bit.ly/3XCoYIe   If you are interested in “Exhibitor Exclusive Offer for Move In & Out and Replenishment”, please click here (https://bit.ly/3Xy60CA) to place an order on or before 12 April 2024. Our sales representative will contact you for further arrangement.   This Service shall be governed by SF’s Terms and Conditions of Carriage.   For further enquiries, please contact us via (852) 2929 2929-4 (Service Hour: Monday to Friday 09:00-20:30; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 09:00-20:00); WhatsApp Expo Logistics Direct Line (852) 6506 7836 (Service Hour: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00); Email to 852market@sf-express.com.   【順豐香港登陸香港時裝節、香港時尚家品家紡展 | 參展商進離場及補貨優惠】   香港時裝節及香港時尚家品家紡展將於2024年4月20至23日在香港會議展覽中心開展。作為大會速遞服務供應商,順豐香港為是次展會特設「參展商進離場及補貨優惠」,為參展商帶來高性價比的物流服務,助您輕鬆解決展會物流配送難題。運費及詳情:https://bit.ly/3Pzda7r 同時,為滿足參展商及入場訪客的配送需要,順豐香港亦將駐場特設展位以簡便優惠提供快遞服務,助您寄送貨物至消費者手上。運費及詳情:https://bit.ly/44bDIjK   如對「參展商進離場及補貨優惠」有興趣,請於2024年4月12日或之前按此 (https://bit.ly/3iuo0O3) 下單。我們的銷售專員將與您聯絡安排。   本服務須受順豐運單條款和條件約束。   如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 (852) 2929 2929-4號鍵(服務時間:星期一至五09:00-20:30;星期六、日及公眾假期09:00-20:00);WhatsApp展會物流專線 (852) 6506 7836(服務時間:星期一至五09:00-18:00) ; 電郵852market@sf-express.com聯絡我們。

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    【SFHK Fully Supports the Return Function on ShipAny Platform】 SFHK's services have always been trusted by customers. SFHK now supports the e-commerce logistics automation platform ShipAny, in conjunction with SFHK’s high-quality services and stable timeliness, SFHK provides a quick return process for ShipAny’s merchants, while also improving consumers’ shopping experience and satisfaction. For details: https://bit.ly/43utvj2 Subject to the relevant terms and conditions. For further enquiries, please contact us via (852) 2730 0273 (Hong Kong); WhatsApp (852) 5232 3333; @sfexpresshk Facebook Messenger; Weixin ID: SF_Express-HK. 【順豐香港全力支持ShipAny平台退貨功能】 順豐香港服務一直以來深得客戶信賴。現支援網店物流自動化平台ShipAny,配合順豐香港的優質服務和穩定時效,為ShipAny的商家提供一個迅速的退貨流程,同時亦提升消費者的購物體驗和滿意度。 詳情請參閱: https://bit.ly/4a3lXpB 須受有關條款及條件約束。 如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 (852) 2730 0273(香港);WhatsApp (852) 5232 3333;Facebook Messenger: 順豐速運-香港 ;微信: SF_Express-HK聯絡我們。

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