
The first business of Alibaba Group, Alibaba.com (www.alibaba.com) is the leading platform for global wholesale trade serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world. Through Alibaba.com, small businesses can sell their products to companies in other countries. Sellers on Alibaba.com are typically manufacturers and distributors based in China and other manufacturing countries such as India, Pakistan, the United States and Thailand. Our Mission As part of the Alibaba Group, our mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere. We do this by giving suppliers the tools necessary to reach a global audience for their products, and by helping buyers find products and suppliers quickly and efficiently. One-Stop Sourcing Alibaba.com brings you hundreds of millions of products in over 40 different major categories, including consumer electronics, machinery and apparel. Buyers for these products are located in 190+ countries and regions, and exchange hundreds of thousands of messages with suppliers on the platform each day. Anytime, Anywhere As a platform, we continue to develop services to help businesses do more and discover new opportunities. Whether it’s sourcing from your mobile phone or contacting suppliers in their local language, turn to Alibaba.com for all your global business needs.

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B2B、e-commerce、small business、sourcing、entrepreneur、Buying: http://bit.ly/VEX1Zl和Selling: http://bit.ly/XWn91y




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    Nathan Kehn, known as Nathan the Cat Lady, has always had a deep love for cats. Growing up with three cats and two dogs, his connection with animals began early. This passion led him to rescue special needs cats, providing a safe space for abused or vulnerable animals. In collaboration with Milo's Sanctuary, he created Nathan the Cat Lady’s Oasis and began sharing the cats' stories on social media to raise awareness and funds. As his rescue efforts expanded, Nathan realized that his social media income alone could not cover the growing expenses of caring for the cats. To create a sustainable source of income, and to connect on a deeper level with his audience, he decided to start an online store. Although he had no experience as an entrepreneur, Alibaba.com made it easy for him to source and customize popular products like cat beds and cat sunglasses. The sunglasses, especially, were a hit as he sold 105 pairs of sunglasses at a convention in just a day and a half. With plans to expand his store, Nathan plans to use Alibaba.com’s new AI sourcing agent to source his products even more efficiently. When testing the tool, after observing the trends report and price comparisons, he remarked, ”It just saved me like 45 minutes of searching!" Alibaba.com is proud to support entrepreneurs like Nathan in transforming their passions into successful businesses while making a positive difference.

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    查看Daymond John的档案,图片
    Daymond John Daymond John是领英影响力人物

    CEO of FUBU and The Shark Group, TV Personality on ABC Shark Tank, Public Speaker

    People don’t realize that it takes guts to tell your dream and nail your pitch in front of a panel of judges. Imagine doing that LIVE on stage in a room with over 4,000+ eyeballs watching you. I had the pleasure of co-hosting Pitch The Pros™ at Alibaba.com CoCreate where entrepreneurs got the chance to pitch to these esteemed panel of judges for the chance to win cash prizes. Can’t wait until next year’s Alibaba CoCreate. Thanks to  Alexander Tsai and Rah Mahtani in bringing this panel together. 💪🏾 Christopher Guerrera LSSMBB Jason Feifer Everette Taylor Rudy Mawer Courtney Spitzer Carmine Denisco

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    查看Everette Taylor的档案,图片
    Everette Taylor Everette Taylor是领英影响力人物

    CEO, Kickstarter | Board Director, 1stDibs

    I had an awesome time at Alibaba.com’s CoCreate 2024 where I got to spend time with incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs and creators from all over the world. I had the pleasure of judging the Pitch the Pros competition alongside some rockstar business leaders and entrepreneurs. We were able to give cash prizes out to 5 winners and spend some time offering advice and mentorship. I also got the opportunity to walk around through all of the booths at the conference on live stream with 5 million viewers (crazy!), meeting businesses of all different sizes and backgrounds. I loved being able to meet so many past and future Kickstarter creators as well. Lastly, I had the honor of closing out the conference with the final keynote conversation for Alibaba’s B2B Breakthrough podcast where we discussed how entrepreneurs looking to launch new companies and products can use Kickstarter - including Alibaba sellers 😉 Thank you to Alibaba.com for having me 🙏🏾

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    查看Courtney Spritzer的档案,图片

    CEO of Socialfly | Digital Marketing Strategist | Inc 100 Female Founder | Co-Host of the Entreprenista Podcast | Author "Like. Love. Follow"

    Last week I got to attend Alibaba.com's Co-Create Conference and participated in two incredible events. The first was a panel titled “The Power of Funding Women Entrepreneurs." I always love sharing the lessons I’ve learned in my entrepreneurship journey and how marketing played a major role in helping us scale Socialfly. Ciara Cristo was our incredible moderator of the panel and I was joined my fellow Entreprenista league members Carrie Kerpen and Kat Weaver. Jules Weldon and stacey m. pierce also shared their invaluable lessons learned. The second panel I participated in was “Pitch The Pros” in partnership with The Modern Inventor . I was joined by Christopher Guerrera LSSMBB, the one and only Daymond John, Jason Feifer, Everette Taylor, Rudy Mawer, and Carmine Denisco. It was so much fun to watch these incredible entrepreneurs pitch us and I am excited to watch their businesses grow. Thank you to Alibaba.com, Ciara Cristo, and Rah Mahtani for your support in highlighting entrepreneurs!

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    Aaliyah Arnold’s homeschooling journey was both a blessing and a curse. While she felt distanced from her peers who experienced the traditional school life, early on she found the freedom to explore her identity. She was particularly drawn to light lip gloss, which became her gateway to self-expression. Each application and color became a way for her to communicate with the world. As Aaliyah explored cosmetics further, she noticed flaws in many products, such as lip glosses leaving white marks after drinking water, or being too thick and sticky. Recognizing a gap in the market, Aaliyah set out to create products that truly reflected her personality. At just 14 years old, and with only $27, Aaliyah began her entrepreneurial journey in her grandmother’s kitchen, where she made her first batch of lip gloss. Two months later, she received her first order, but quickly realized the need to improve her product quality. She could no longer rely on buying unbranded lip gloss tubes and applying vinyl stickers herself, a time-consuming and unprofessional process. Then, she discovered Alibaba.com, a platform that connected her with global suppliers offering a wide range of customization options. Using Alibaba.com’s instant messaging and translation tools, Aaliyah was able to communicate with several suppliers despite language and time zone barriers. This led her to a supplier who could meet her exact customization needs. Over the next five years, they developed a close working relationship, becoming best friends across the world. With branded lip gloss tubes produced by her Alibaba.com supplier, Aaliyah began promoting her products on social media, gradually building a loyal following. After her initial success, she continued innovating by teaching herself chemistry and creating a color-changing lip balm that reacts to lip color and pH levels, capturing even more market attention. Today, her product line has expanded to include a wide range of cosmetics that make her millions annually.

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