Fette Compacting China

Fette Compacting China


Nanjing,Jiangsu 430 位关注者

Be Efficient


Fette Compacting (China) Co., Ltd. in Nanjing (Jiangning Development Zone) is a WFOE, 100% invested by Fette Compacting GmbH with over 18 Mio. USD paid in Capital. The full-scale operation including production started in China in August 2004. With about 70-80% Market share, Fette Compacting is today the market leader of the high-end segment in China, serving all global and major local players in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Nanjing is one of Fette Compacting’s global factories, following the stringent German quality standard. The factory in Nanjing is specialized in manufacturing the P Series, highly efficient, high-speed tablet compacting machines. All P Series compacting machines (P1010 / P2020 / P3030) produced in China fulfill the high requirements of cGMP and FDA, as well as all related EU regulations and standards from all aspects. The total production output is over 630 Machines at YE 2018, sold to over 299 customers, including 219 customers from China and over 80 foreign customers (Export business, around 40%). After 14 years of continuous growth and development, the newly built facility of Fette Compacting China has been opened in Nanjing in May 2018. It is home to the most modern tablet press production-site in China as well as a state-of-the-art tableting and capsuling competence and training center. With over 1,000 sqm and equipped with latest technology, the Fette Compacting China competence center is the largest of its kind in Asia and sets a true benchmark in the industry. With the broad experience and competent teams, customers are provided with best-in-class solutions and trainings for tablet and capsule production of all pharmaceutical, nutritional and industrial applications. On May 28, 2019, the 700th P series machine produced in Nanjing has been handed over to the end user. Fette Compacting China is managing the Shared Services for the LMT Group companies in China (IT, SAP & LMT Group China Academy)

51-200 人


  • 主要

    Moling Sub-District,Jiangning

    No. 9 Shengtong Road



Fette Compacting China员工


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    430 位关注者

    #Greetings from Fette Compacting China I wish you, your family, your colleagues and your friends all the best, stay healthy and I am very sure China and we all together will win the battle against the virus. I think we can rightfully say that we all have been gone through the special period. At challenging time, where the coronavirus outbreak has kept us all busy. And thanks to the measures of the Chinese government on country, province and city level. Now the situation is getting more and more stabilized. But this is not the case in Hubei, and at this point of time, I want to wish all people in Hubei that they will go through, good recovery and will come back to normal life as other parts of China are already. Basically, in Fette Compacting China, we are very lucky. We are back to the business since 18th of February in full operation, and I would like to thank all supporters here very much that they came to this point. So there is still way to go, but I can tell you that we are committed to support and to serve all customers from the pharmaceutical and nutrition industry with the machines, service and consultancy to let their operations become efficient with the high output that is needed in such times.

  • 查看Fette Compacting China的公司主页,图片

    430 位关注者

    We wish all of you a Merry Christmas! Whether or not you are celebrating, we hope you use this time to come together with family, friends and loved ones! Make this time of the year a moment to reflect on what is important to you and let people you love know about it. Are there any specific traditions you follow during the holiday season? Let us know!

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