捷豹路虎中国 Jaguar Land Rover China

捷豹路虎中国 Jaguar Land Rover China


Pudong New Area,Shanghai 17,641 位关注者

See us reimagine the future of modern luxury through our Range Rover, Defender, Discovery and Jaguar brands.


作为英国豪华汽车品牌,2023年,捷豹路虎发布“重塑未来”全球战略最新举措——品牌重塑策略与电动化进程,目标成为全球领先的新现代豪华主义汽车制造商。通过品牌重塑,捷豹路虎致力于为每个品牌打造独树一帜的品牌个性,以此加速企业愿景落地。 在可持续发展趋势的背景下,捷豹路虎致力于以更灵活的业务运营模式,以成为全球最令人向往的新现代豪华主义品牌创造者为目标,服务最尊崇的消费者。放眼2039年,捷豹路虎将达到贯穿整个供应链、产品研发及运营的净零碳排放目标。电动化是“重塑未来”战略的核心,捷豹路虎目标在2030年前成为全面电动化的新现代豪华主义汽车制造商,揽胜、发现和卫士品牌家族将陆续推出纯电动车型,而捷豹品牌将实现全面电动化。 中国市场以成为“重塑未来”全球战略落地的先锋部队为目标。自2010年进入中国市场以来,捷豹路虎在上海、北京、广州和成都四地设立办公室,并在全国范围内拥有近240家授权经销商,致力于为中国消费者提供优质的新现代豪华主义产品与尊崇服务体验。同时,捷豹路虎不断丰富在华产品布局,深入推进本土化进程。目前,全新Ingenium英杰力2.0升发动机及五款车型均已在华投产。 植根中国,深耕本土,捷豹路虎中国始终将企业社会责任作为企业战略的重要组成部分,不断深入践行对中国市场的长期承诺。2014年,捷豹路虎中国携手中国宋庆龄基金会成立“中国宋庆龄基金会捷豹路虎中国青少年梦想基金”,成为中国汽车领域首个专注于青少年儿童成长与健康的公益基金。9年来,梦想基金聚焦创新素质教育、社会关爱、中英交流、灾难救助四大领域,开展了“路虎关爱无止境—青少年视力关爱项目”、“捷豹·托特纳姆热刺校园足球项目”、“梦想课堂”等公益IP项目,以更加专业、高效、创新的方式助力更多青少年实现梦想!截至目前,捷豹路虎中国已投入近1亿元,惠及超过60万名青少年,为他们带去成长的力量和充满希望的未来。

501-1,000 人
Pudong New Area,Shanghai


捷豹路虎中国 Jaguar Land Rover China员工


  • On 13 December 2023, the "2023 China Corporate Health Management Forum", organized by HREC, was held in Shanghai. At the forum, JLR China won the Gold Standard Certified Company of “China Healthy Workplace" for 2024-2025.   China Healthy Workplace is an authoritative, professional and credible standard, jointly developed by HREC with the mission of "Healthy Workplace, Sustainable Growth", in collaboration with top scholars from Fudan University, IBM, experts from healthcare organizations and heads of relevant government bodies. The content covers physical health, psychology, finance, physical environment, workplace environment and other multi-dimensional health.   JLR is always committed to creating an exceptional employee journey, ensuring the well-being of both employees' physical and mental health, and continuously improving working environment. We have implemented a comprehensive health management system including, facilities such as internal staircases, gym and height-adjustable workstations; equipment upgrade in mom's room; shoulder and neck massages; health lectures and first-aider training; low carbon actions; and the EDC club activities allow employees to get exercises together! In the future, we will keep improving the health management system with more upcoming benefits!   #ChinaHealthyWorkplace #JLRC #WeCreateExceptional #SoulCelebrated

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  • Last week, JLR China successfully launched the 2023 Warming Winter Action for the ninth consecutive year. Over 260 colleagues participated in the Winter Donation, Charity Bazaar and Energy Station during the event, with more than 1,000 pieces of winter clothes and books collected, 21,139 RMB raised, and 12,600 calories burned to support love and warmth this winter.   This year's Warming Winter Action marked the ninth anniversary of the initiative, uniting even more CSR forces in our mission to support the children of JLR Hope School. Executives including Mr. Tim Howard, CFO of JLR China, Mr. Brian Stone, President of Chery Jaguar Land Rover, Ms. Anthea Wang, EVP of Public Relations and Communications of JLR China, Ms. Olivia Zhao, EVP of Human Resources of JLR China, and Ms. Emi Hu, EVP of Corporate Audit & Compliance of JLR China attended the launching ceremony and gathered around to cut a heart-shaped cake, symbolizing our shared commitment to spreading love and warmth.   We also invited the special guest Mr. Chen Yujun, a renowned contemporary artist who led an Art Master Class to guide employees in painting hoodies, and the proceeds from these artworks will be donated to the Hope School. We connected via video link with Principal Chen Youshu, Mr. Zhang Jianmin, and the children of JLR Hope School, creating a heartwarming virtual connection. Throughout the event, numerous engaging activities were organized, creating countless high-energy moments that touched the hearts of everyone involved.   #JLRHopeSchool #JLRC #CSR #SoulCelebrated

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  • On 1 December 2023, the East China stop of 2023 Liepin "Journey to Extraordinary" was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. The 2023 East China Extraordinary Employer of the Year list was revealed at the award ceremony. It is with great pride that JLR China received the "2023 Shanghai Extraordinary Employer Award" in recognition of its exceptional contributions.   The "Extraordinary Employer" is a professional and influential employer brand award initiated by the professional human resources company Liepin. This year's "Extraordinary Employer" awards were launched in July 2023, and underwent a rigorous four-month evaluation process. The initial assessment encompassed three crucial dimensions:"Employer Brand Building""Employment Contribution" and "Employer Attractiveness" which were meticulously evaluated through organizational research. Additionally, industry experts were invited to provide ratings, headhunters participated in voting, and job seekers offered their commendations during the review process.   In the future, JLR China will further accelerate the investment in talent development, promoting diversified career growth and fulfilling corporate social responsibility to build up a more extraordinary workplace where we can create exceptional together!   #WeCreateExceptional #LiveTheExceptionalWithSoul #ExceptionalRedefined #JLRC

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  • On a recent visit to Shanghai, our Chief Creative Officer, Prof. Gerry McGovern OBE spoke at the prestigious College of Design and Innovation at 同济大学 about creative leadership, the concept of Modern Luxury, and the creative vision for JLR’s brand worlds. Gerry shared these five insights for aspiring creators; take pride in creativity, understand your business, respect other disciplines, build confidence and create a compelling vision. Which insight resonates most with you? #ModernLuxury #ExceptionalRedefined #JLRC

  • #JLRerLifeTalk At JLR, we believe that a supportive and tailored environment is crucial for employees' experience. Come and see what our employee Kaidi Yang said. We provided our people with a comfortable and ergonomic workspace within our office environment, where modern luxury meets functionality. We understand the importance of digital technology in enhancing efficiency. That's why we have integrated the latest digital tools and solutions into our workflow. Our employee app empowers our workforce, enabling our people to work effectively and efficiently, while staying connected and informed. Recognizing the diverse needs of our employees, we have created personalized spaces tailored to various scenarios: telephone booths for private conversations, staircase classrooms to facilitate learning and interaction, meditation rooms for relaxation and mindfulness, and dedicated areas for new mothers and babies. These thoughtfully designed spaces cater to the specific needs of our employees, ensuring their comfort and enabling them to thrive in their work. If our offerings resonate with you, join us and embark on a rewarding career in a workplace that prioritizes your well-being. Take the first step by clicking on the application link below: https://lnkd.in/gw_4kaq8 #SoulCelebrated #WeCreateExceptional #ModernLuxury #JLRC

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  • On November 16, 2023, the LinkedIn Talent Connect 2024 Annual Summit was held in Zhuhai. The winners of the 2023 LinkedIn MostIn Awards were also announced at the summit. JLR China won the “Global Talent Magnet Employer Award”.   The 2023 LinkedIn MostIn Awards is the first special selection launched by LinkedIn China in response to the global development trend of Chinese enterprises. It aims to discover and recognize outstanding enterprises that create talent attraction worldwide.   In 2023, JLR China won the Global Talent Magnet Employer Award by virtue of the real data and relevant results of attracting and recruiting global talent on the LinkedIn platform, combined with the impact of the company's adoption of LinkedIn Talent Solutions on promoting the employment of global professionals.   In the future, we will persevere in our efforts to empower the growth of employees and global talents, foster diverse values, and transform the company into the most progressive and attractive employer of choice.   #ExceptionalReDefined #PotentialUnleashed #WeCreateExceptional #JLRC

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  • The 4th session of Time to Connect Season 3 of JLR China took place on November 5th 2023. Mr. Qing Pan, the President and CEO of JLR China, together with nearly 30 colleagues participated in two exciting activities at JLR's CRC Call Centre and Baozun E-commerce, offering JLRers the chance to experience the industry's frontline first-hand information.   The day began early as Qing and his colleagues arrived at the CRC Call Centre for a guided tour. Throughout the tour, the participants had the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of how employees handle the daily demands of customers. In the afternoon, Qing and his team visited Baozun E-commerce to observe and learn. The participants had the chance to visit the livestreaming room and explore various scenarios related to e-commerce livestreaming.   These two visits provided our people with a fresh perspective on the industry through firsthand experiences, enabling JLRers to broaden knowledge scope through active learning and better implement our creators' code of "Customer Love" in the future practices.   #WeCreateExceptional #PotentialUnleashed #TimeToConnect #JLRC

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  • On November 9th 2023, the "2023 Employer Branding Creativity Awards" ceremony, organized by the Employer Branding Institute was held in Beijing. JLR China won the "Best Employer Brand Practice", "Best Innovative Recruitment Program" and "Best Innovative Employee Experience Program" for its advanced employer branding concepts and practices, innovative recruitment strategies, and well-designed employee experience.   The 2023 Employer Branding Creativity Competition began in March and spanned eight months. It underwent a rigorous evaluation process conducted by a committee consisting of industry experts. The competition attracted a total of 1,214 entries from 489 well-known domestic and international companies.   JLR China is fully committed to enhancing its employer brand, with a focus on providing an exceptional experience for its employees and becoming a recognized and desirable employer. We will continue dedicated efforts to attain more recognition and honors in the future.   #ExceptionalRedefined #WeCreateExceptional #JLRC

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  • #JLRerCareerTalk Session 1 Are you ready for an exciting new career opportunity to unleash your potential? At JLR, we believe that our employees are at the heart and soul of our organization, and we are committed to creating a supportive work environment for everyone. Discover the inspiring career stories of JLRers and see how they grow and thrive!   If you're ready to be part of us and contribute to designing some of the world's most iconic products, join us by clicking on the application link below: https://lnkd.in/gw_4kaq8   #PotentialUnleashed #WorkAtJLR #JLRC

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  • On October 21st, 2023, Jaguar Land Rover China organized "Time to Connect Season 3", an event that offered JLR China employees an opportunity to engage with the management team outside of work. Mr. Qing Pan, President and CEO of JLR China, led a group of nearly 40 employees on a visit to Qionglong Mountain in Suzhou, where they participated in a special cultural hiking activity.   This event marked the third time JLR China has organized such activities in 2023. Previously, Strategy Executive Vice President of JLR China, Mr. Feng Xie and 20 colleagues visited HKRI TAIKOO HUI in August, where they explored an immersive VR experience in discovery of Egyptian civilization 4500 years ago.   Additionally, Digital & IT Executive Vice President of JLR China, Mr. Larry Shen also led another session named "Hidden Mission" in September, which was organized by the global social enterprise "Dialogue in the Dark (China)" which aims to help people realize the importance of active listening and overcome their limitations.   Overall, by stepping outside the traditional work environment, "Time to Connect”event provided employees with the opportunity to interact with the management team in a more relaxed setting and strengthening the bonds within the JLR family. Each event offered a distinct experience that encouraged learning, whether through exploring virtual reality, experiencing sensory challenges, or engaging in cultural hikes.   #LifeAtJLR #SoulCelebrated #JLRC #EDC

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