Journal of Remote Sensing

Journal of Remote Sensing


The Journal of Remote Sensing, an Open Access journal published in association with AIRCAS, promotes the theory, science


The Journal of Remote Sensing is an online-only Open Access Science Partner Journal published in affiliation with Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIR-CAS) and distributed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Like all partners participating in the Science Partner Journal program, Journal of Remote Sensing is editorially independent from the Science family of journals and AIR-CAS is responsible for all content published in the journal. To learn more about the Science Partner Journal program, visit the SPJ program homepage. The Journal of Remote Sensing aims to publish high-quality, online-only, Open Access publications to benefit the earth observation community, open to everyone in need of them. Scope: The Journal of Remote Sensing focuses on the theory, science, and technology of remote sensing, as well as interdisciplinary research with earth science and information science. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, editorials, and perspectives. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: Radiative transfer modelling Biogeosciences remote sensing Land cover and land use Agriculture, forestry and range Atmospheric science and meteorology Ocean and inland water remote sensing Snow, ice and glaciers Remote sensing of energy, water and biogeochemistry cycles Natural hazards/disasters and environment sciences Image processing, data fusion, data mining and data assimilation Advanced remote sensing techniques and spectral-radiometric measurements Interdisciplinary research in artificial intelligence and big data

51-200 人


Journal of Remote Sensing员工

