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RealFluencers es la super-agencia de América Latina enfocada en influencers de calidad. Conectamos marcas con comunidades apasionadas de intereses diversos, ofreciendo un alcance segmentado y un compromiso genuino. Creemos en el poder de los talentos reales, expertos y profesionales, y en que trabajar con influencers debe ser tan fácil y seguro como pedir una pizza: sin estrés y confiable. Con nuestra plataforma realfluencers.co, empoderamos a los community managers para que se conviertan en agencias, monetizando su influencia y conectando marcas con audiencias auténticas. Desde amantes de las mascotas en WhatsApp hasta mujeres expertas en tecnología en Facebook, activamos "Clusters" en múltiples plataformas, asegurando que tu mensaje llegue a las personas correctas. Nuestra visión es ser el motor detrás del marketing de influencers para agencias en toda Latinoamérica, y convertirnos en la marca de referencia en cuanto a calidad de influencers.
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Bogota, CO
🔍 Looking for the perfect influencer for your brand? Sometimes, simplicity is the most effective approach. Instead of getting bogged down by complex terms, picture this: who would be the ideal person to represent your brand? 💡 Want to know how to simplify the process? Focus on the essentials: what you want to convey and to whom. At RealFluencers Academy, we’ll show you an approach that makes finding the perfect influencer easier than you ever imagined. 🚀 If you enjoyed this content, leave us a comment and follow us for more tips to elevate your strategy! #InfluencerMarketing #RealFluencersAcademy
Nuestro nombre lo dice todo: RealFluencers = ¡Influencers de Verdad! Nada lo demuestra mejor que nuestro programa "Clusters", donde trabajamos con auténticos líderes de grupos y personas simplemente increíbles. El tamaño no importa! El talento y la comunidad sí. Check it out! Y contáctanos si eres un "líder" de un community o grupo de interés y quieres monetizar tus esfuerzos. #elPoderdelasRedes #RealFluencers
Marketing can be like dating (sometimes). You can skip some steps and get right to the point. Or build something long-lasting. Both is fine... #RealFluencers #InfluencerMarketing #TheArtOfCommunication #AIDAModel #MarketingFunnel #Petfluencers
In influencer marketing, micro and nano influencers are all the buzz for being authentic and highly engaged. But are they always more effective? Not necessarily. An 80% engagement rate sounds impressive—until you realize it’s from posting once every two years to just 20 close friends. Engagement without context is meaningless. Remember, a small but active audience doesn’t always equal real-world impact. #InfluencerMarketing #MicroInfluencers #NanoInfluencers #EngagementMatters #RealFluencers #RealFluencersAcademy
There are only two ways to "do" digital marketing: inbound and outbound. So, where does influencer marketing fit in? #InfluencerMarketing #InboundVsOutbound #RealFluencers #MarketingStrategy
Talent Managers and Agencies: Looking for More Sales and Less Hassle in Managing Your Talents? Onboard your agency and talents with realfluencers.co — the “Amazon of Influencers.” Get more sales at no costs. Pain-free. #RealFluencers #InfluencerMarketing #NoMoreHassles #AgencySolutions
Is it worth walking a tightrope and fearing a fall, or can we find the balance between credibility and control in influencer marketing? #RealFluencers #InfluencerMarketing #PaidMedia #EarnedMedia #Credibility #Control #MarketingBalance #AuthenticContent
Max isn’t an influencer, but he knows why Realfluencers are... #RealFluencers #InfluencerMarketing #AmazonOfInfluencers #StressFree #Authentic #UGC #Marketing #BigImpact
UGC: Don´t wait for it to happen... Pay for it and make it happen! #UGC #ContentCreation #InfluencerMarketing #ContentStrategy #BrandStrategy #MarketingTips #AuthenticContent #RealFluencers
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