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  1. After an AMAZING 1 million views, the original thread "How Does Your Avatar Look Today" has, shall we say... evolved. The Intention here is to give everyone a venue to show off and showcase your avatars! YAY! A few basic "agreements" if you choose to post here; 1- This is a photography centric thread based on you/your avatar in SL. 🥰 2- Please keep comments supportive, friendly and/or constructive. 3- All disagreements and personal issues should be aired privately and NOT IN PUBLIC.😡 4- Please keep reposting limited to special posts (in your opinion) and please be considerate to others by NOT SPAMMING THE THREAD. 5- Lets' keep it a FUN place for us all to create and discover Art, Community, Passion and Inspiration. ~ SARA So I took this a month or so back and posted it cause...well, I forgot too! I think it was at Drune? I'll figure it out and edit this before it get locked down! So excited to see your photos!!!!
  2. Posted June 2 (edited) The High Society community is a vibrant and diverse 7 sim community. We are a growing, open roleplay community with areas to be in and out of character with a custom combat hud system for various activities. Looking for a place to call home and interact with a diverse worldwide group of individuals, LOOK NO FURTHER!!! Interact in our roleplay activities and meet people from all over the world as we cater to all cultures with slew of monthly events. Our amenities are open 24/7!!!! From Starbuccs, Casino (hud based rp system), Gym, Golf course, etc.… Join in on our weekly events ranging from Boxing, Zumba Classes, Game Nights, Fight Nights, talk shows, impromptu dance parties, and large 80+ attended event sim activities. There is always something going on. Come visit this active community and enjoy all the amenities and activities. See available listings below as well as the landmark to the main welcome center. Realestate Available Welcome Center
  3. Hello! I want to create a teleport effect script. you know such an attached particle emitter is triggered when you teleport the avatar to a new place. I do not know from what event to start it. is it also possible to make it not work when simcrossing?
  4. I keep getting kicked from Freebie Galaxy with this message: Too complex avatar - Prim count : 1006 (allowed 999) So i want to adjust my outfit, But when i go to the Menu "Show Avatar Complexity Information" It displays it as 76393 Complexity. How do i view measure my Avi's prim by Freebie's measure? Whenever i google this i just get Faq's on how to check Land Prim
  5. The High Society community is a vibrant and diverse 7 sim community. We are a growing, open roleplay community with areas to be in and out of character with a custom sim wide hud system for various activities. Looking for a place to call home and interact with a diverse worldwide group of individuals, LOOK NO FURTHER!!! Interact in our roleplay activities and meet people from all over the world as we cater to all cultures with slew of monthly events. Our amenities are open 24/7!!!! From Starbuccs, Casino (hud based rp system), Gym, Golf course, etc.… Join in on our weekly events ranging from Zumba Classes, Game Nights, Fight Nights, talk shows, impromptu dance parties, and large 80+ attended event sim activities. There is always something going on. Come visit this active community and enjoy all the amenities and activities. See available listings below as well as the landmark to the main welcome center. Realestate Available Welcome Center
  6. Does anyone know what type of hair can be used for the kobold avatar? I've been looking for some type of hair that might look good on my avatar but they never completely cover the avatar's head or they're not the same size and I can't edit it. I will be very grateful if anyone knows which hair brand can i use.
  7. Not too sure if this is something wrong on my end, but my hover height is just constantly stuck to 0.80 I've tried to adjust and save it many times, but the second I move, it reverts back. Is there a setting I'm missing or is anyone else fussing with this too?
  8. Prefacing this right off the starting line: this post isn't about or taking issue with anyone in specific or particular, nor is it going to bother focusing on the inherently and agreeably justifiable problems with "*****" or even those who practice it. The posts on those latter issues specifically are a haypenny-a-Linden-Dollar, and are already being handled. There're other issues needing addressing, or at least need considered addressing, as well. This may come as a shock to some, might not to others, but there's an underlying issue that's been present in SecondLife culture and design since it's inception it seems, and continuing to let it be a problem isn't helping matters. If you'd like a "Too Long, Didn't Read" synopsis, I'll put that at the bottom of this post, though I'd appreciate it if people read the post in full for context. Anyways, what's the issue? Is it avatar height in general? Is it how accentuated your avatar's bits and bobs are (or aren't)? Is it how the world's scaling is handled overall? Is there a stigma towards anything previously mentioned? In my opinion, and I'm sure others who feel the same, it's a mishmashed combination of a lot of these things. I'm not at all discriminating upon the former two items in that list (height and bitbob sizes), nor do I want to. There're ways to know when those are getting into problematic areas or not, so nothing needing defined here. Let people be people, within fairness and reason, of course. But the latter two (scaling and the stigma), let's look at those for now. For starters, default scaling of avatars and the environment they are put into. Before we get into this, know that we now have tools in-world that can accurately-enough measure the heights and sizes of both avatars and objects. Tools like this are useful, and people do use them... It's not a requirement to use them, but knowing they exist as an option is neat. They didn't have that stuff in the old days. Anyways... From a reasonable old timer or even a fresh newer user's perspective, avatars may preferably (in some cases) be sized with consideration of on-average, real-world measurements. A sort of reference to work from, if you will. (Yes, I know I said "scaling" and that the next paragraph is about "height" but patience is a virtue, as this bit helps tie into that later.) Realistic Humanoid Height (or RHH going forward), as far as the average adult is concerned, seems to run the gamut of 156 cm to 177 cm, or 5'1" to 5'9" . There are obviously real exceptions to these averages, an example usable here is a famous basketball player (no names dropped, big guy!) having being 216 cm, or 7'1" . The current (virtual) reality is that, surprisingly, most avatars are on average designed, shaped, and heighted at and beyond the given extreme realistic example. Most content and sizing is done with the "over-212.5 cm" avatars in mind. There are also groups of people using the aforementioned RHH to make their builds and avatars feel more comfortable to work with. Both are fine in my honest opinion. I'm not even saying this is a problem, either. If people want to be built tall or strong (or both!) like a big-time b-ball player, have at it. Same goes for your average-sized adventuring adult exploring locales of virtually (or artificially) ancient (or other thematic) varieties. Gotta get out there and experience the world, maybe even tussle with some virtual dinos, or go for a picturesque swimming session while you're at it. All in good fun! From a builder's perspective, and considering the former scenario of RHH scaling, most buildings and objects would tend to be sized realistically or at least with some resemblance to what they're depicting. At the very least, the build tools in-world make use of metric units, an actual global standard, meaning it'd be easy to size things appropriately to work with these numbers. The current (virtual) reality is that scaling of objects, more often than not, tend to be scaled up to 2x, 3x, or even more times their original size, in order to take into account for the non-RHH avatars that are a more common. This in turn puts some stress on builders and content creators as well as some end-users of said content, because depending on their use case, they may have to resize the objects in question, and sometimes that isn't easy or an option. The latter may involve objects that are no-copy and/or no-modify, which are stuck at their purchased / acquired size and shape no matter what. Again, I'm not saying this is a problem, because hey, maybe someone would like to have a comically-oversized everyday object (like a peach!) as a funny piece of furnishing, or maybe drive around their town in a vehicle of clown-car proportions. Have at that, too. Some people keep it real, as well. Nothing wrong with that, either. So, how is any of that possibly problematic? Think for a moment about what I said earlier, about stigma. When something is built up to and seen as "the believable and acceptable norm", some of those following this thinking sometimes go astray and also build up the stigmatic belief that all outside the supposedly defined norms isn't exactly how to go about things, and others within the astrayed group will (wrongfully) go out of their way to harass and harm those said non-conformants, regardless of the situational context. This occurs in many things, be it mental health, hobbies, interests, clothing and art styles, you get the idea. Others still would rather have the "norms" be broken entirely, or at least bent into a much different shape than they are already in, instead of getting themselves bent out of shape to conform to it. There are instigators on that side as well, but perhaps they're also doing some things wrong, as well... Not my place or desire to say. Now, to consider how this stigma is and has been built up into SL over the past decade or more. Most avatars and objects are sized up and built in such a way not only because Residents are afraid to be mistaken for childish behavior and appearance, but also because being over 212.5 cm and having matchingly sized furnishings and objects is often seen as a "rule of thumb" to go by. This in turn leads users (some old-timers having been here for ages, some fresh off the boat to the lands of opportunity composing Second Life), to believe "everyone's super-tall, all the objects are huge, anything below these numbers and sizes isn't right." There's those on the other side of the spectrum, too, where it's said, "Hark! There's much too many Amazons in this Jungle! We must retreat!", usually a sentiment seen from the people using RHH or other scalars for their builds. The latter sometimes involves people (or even a large group of people) reclusing themselves and/or their group further off the map, gatekeeping out those that they feel don't understand or would otherwise want to cause harm, all the while making more and more isolated pockets of people in-world... Now, put the content of these two paragraphs together, and consider another thing: the end-users who are using RHH as a common meter for their builds and avatars, instead of choosing to focus on what on the surface appears to be an established overall sizing bias that exists for some reason or another (yet isn't exactly the underlying issue in my opinion, more on that later). These Residents who use RHH to craft their content and create their avatars tend to get bullied because they are, for brevity's sake, "too short" compared to the average populace, even when using the the higher range of said height and scaling gamut. It's unfair on the formerly mentioned people just being people (again, within fair reasoning), and always wrong for anyone to bully or harass anyone. Sometimes even the inverse happens (the shorter folks pestering the taller folks), perhaps not as common, but also not morally or legitimately correct in the least. Truth is, Second Life takes all kinds, a variety of peoples, places, things.. It's a sum of its parts. An insurmountable, difficult-to-gauge amount of parts, of all shapes, sizes, forms, everything. Most come here, to Second Life, to have a sort of vacation, an escape from the troubles and fears they experience IRL, to have fun, to socialize, to dress up, to shop, to explore, to do all sorts of things. They come here to live and enjoy their biggest dreams. As long as the things are all done within legally-acceptable reasoning, we shouldn't be at eachother's throats, fighting eachother, disrupting people, or even making things difficult for ourselves or other Residents. We should get along and, if we can, help eachother where possible. We should show respect wherever and whenever possible, at all times even, and if someone isn't on board with that idea and causing trouble, handle them appropriately. Side-note: A theory as to why a sizing bias exists could be, given the span of time that SL has been a thing, things have changed and developed since it's conception. We have tools and things now that would have been heaps of use back in the day... Example, I've been around on SL long enough to remember the days when you had to script up a gadget to get an accurate-ish height reading on your avatar. Nowadays you can see a general amount of that info in the Avatar Shape editor. Might not be super-accurate for everyone's case, but it's appreciated. There's even things that aren't part of the program these days, which I don't mind missing out on (deformable ground-level terrain with objects and explosions in and out of combat sims, for example, that must have been a time and a half. Much older, longtime friends of mine told me about this one.) Anyways, back then, things were sized and handled differently all over the place, and because it was early on, things weren't as understood as they are now. Eventually the things evened out, mostly in the direction of "larger scales = better". Not exactly a proven truth, but that's beside the point. Point being in that last paragraph: We now have the tools and means to build and create and make things more accurate (or inaccurate) as we want (again, within reason!) than ever before. We have the ability to enjoy SL more than when I signed up nearly 17 years ago, and definitely more than how things were even further before then. Imagine a time where there was no animesh, no avatar body physics, no uploadable mesh, no sculpties, and the "Teen Grid" was an actual thing. Now imagine having been a member of Second Life at such a time, and being someone still wishing to enjoy it in the modern day. I want to see it continue to flourish and grow more, not become a bunch of deeply isolated communities afraid to interact with eachother out of fear that their otherwise reasonable and valid avatar design choices would upset people believing this or that about their appearance into saying, "you're doing it wrong!". What do I propose? Well, I'm definitely not saying or even suggesting anyone has to change their avatars or builds or how they create things. That's not my place to decide, nor my intention to say or do or even pursue, at all. What would be commendable is, instead of focusing soley and entirely on cleaning up the childish messes from earlier, maybe educate people even further. Not just on how that the aforementioned childish behavior is not and should not be allowed (mostly and especially in adult contexts), but also consider fostering and building understanding and respect between Residents using Realistic Humanoid Heights, those using the current "standardized" sizing of avatars and objects, pretty much EVERYONE at that rate. Perhaps in time, and with enough positive reinforcement and education, EVERYONE will have a better understanding of what's reasonable behavior, and what isn't acceptable. At least that way, those who refuse to be informed or understand (or furthermore chose be disrespectful and hurtful about it) will be in a clearer spot to learn from and adapt to things appropriately. It works many ways, honestly. Basically, people shouldn't have to be afraid to go out and about using realisticly-adult-heighted and/or realistically-adult-proportioned avatars and objects, nor should they discriminate and harass those outside their sizing brackets. Likewise, neither should people with unrealistically-heighted and/or unrealistically-proportioned avatars and object preferences be afraid to be what they want to be, nor should they discriminate and pick on anyone outside of their size, either. Be respectful, be considerate, let people be people (within fairness and reason, of course!). Get along, do things right, and we can all enjoy our Second Lives. That's the intention, and the goal! That last paragraph takes precedence over everything before it, pretty much. If anything said earlier seemed off-putting, said paragraph sets forth how I really feel. Now for the "Too Long, Didn't Read" blurb! "Average" Avatar and Object Scaling may seem to be skewed towards the "bigger is better" direction, having some basis in a variety of historical, technical, and in-world cultural factors. Regardless of the how's and why's... While it's not necessary to change our outwardly in-world appearance (so long as it's already within reason and adhering to the rules) or the size of our objects and creations (within same reasonings)... We could ALL do with being thoroughly educated and properly informed into better understanding and better respecting that using realisticly-based heights, proportions, and scaling is just as valid as having unrealisticly-based sizing and forming of the same stuff be a thing, as well, vice-versa withstanding. In turn, we could theoretically lessen the possibility of communities feeling fearful and isolating themselves further, while making it clearer for all what's appropriate and what's not. Be respectful, don't be a pain, and handle things appropriately if they don't work out right. Clearing up (or at least easing up) stigma that either/or is "wrong", for either direction, would work wonders. One more thing! Maybe, just maybe... Don't let a specific avatar styling be the sole-definer of a person or their intentions, either. Not just a thing for LL to consider, but the average SL Residents, too. Just my L$2 here... Anime folks, Furries, Elves, Default Avatars, Bodybuilders, Inanimate Objects, Airships.. Anything and Anyone! As long as they're presented within fair reasoning, aren't blowing holes in the ol' ToS ship, and don't literally and user-intentionally look like and/or behave like a youngster being used in wrongful contexts, things should be fine and dandy, in my honest opinion. It's all a lot to ask, a massive amount to hope for, but please, consider it. Most importantly, we must get along, do things right, enjoy our Second Lives, and of course, never harass, abuse, or even insult others. Sorry for the massive wall of text. I've been up since at least 2AM Eastern Time typing this up, so it's had a LOT of heart and thought put into it. Hopefully it makes some sense to somone out there. Even if it doesn't, at least I vented my thoughts somehow. Thank you for reading at any rate. Have an awesome weekend, everyone, and remember to do your best in all that you do! ♥~SV~♥
  9. From Big to thin, Curvy to slim, short to tall, flat-chested to the really gifted Post your form of Feminine beauty, here for others to appreciate you, as an adult female avatar, this isn't a place to judge but to admire. It doesn't matter your looks, we should desire and strive to accept people's freedom to express themselves, their freedom of being and expression. Share your beauty with the community, let others bask in it and appreciate it for what it is and what it means to you, in your photos. Rather it's cute and soft, girly and romantic, mysterious and beautiful Please respect everyone, do not be rude or voice your opinions about someone else's avatar. Please respect different culture's form of beauty, if you don't agree with how they look, please don't comment on it, just ignore and move on. Leave your opinions behind and share your beauty that you created. -
  10. Hi all. On the home screen when you log in to sl account you see a video of a guy in a big ball (zorbing) Try as I may I can't find this place. Could anyone tell me please where it is. Many thanks
  11. Not the user themselves, but....their avatar? I thought some other female human avatars were pretty (much more than mine), but not to the point I would have a crush on them.
  12. ok so my avi keeps moving on its own a few steps at the time I dunno why this happening I have tried everything I could find on it but so far nothing,
  13. I probably mentioned it here before, and I know it sounds pathetic, but I like to make pretty female avatars to look at because I don't have a girlfriend in real life.
  14. RaCarvalho

    my eye.

    Hello, I've seen some people with one eye half open and the other normal here in the game. I would like to know how I can leave it like this too (I use lelutka's head) to make one of my avatars more realistic (I don't know if the other eye works normally, but I hope so). https://prnt.sc/ueZKazcnufKp
  15. I know some people dislike women with small breasts, but we're out here. Second life has a hug abundance of large breasted women, should be able to appreciate women with smaller boobs sometimes, right? Legacy is a beautiful body and just want to see some appreciation for it. • What's Legacy? Well, legacy is an adult mesh body from TheMeshShop. It's not too big it can get pretty petite and look proportionate at lower heights, for those more interested in realistic height and sizes. Example, in the photo I will post, I am 5'2", global average height is 5'3" in females. I gave her a short torso, long limbs, to give her an average African female look. I gave her a fantasy look with Prim head, making the head more doll like and she sports Bunny ears and tail. Legacy body does petite shapes very well, even the special edition body. • What's Legacy Petite? ~ Legacy petite is Legacy Perky with +Perky Petite add on. It comes with the Legacy perky, as a gift. It's a niche add-on, due to lack of advertisement and word of mouth, not many knew of it even though it's been around for quite some time. So, was wondering if people actually wear it and what shape and style you wear/have! It gives an even more petite look and feel tot he body, average breast size globally is A cups to B-cups, so I like how they are, like Maitreya, trying to represent women with smaller breasts even if larger breasts are the word in Second life. 18+ please, This doesn't mean show nsfw photos. As you can see, I've done a Rectangular shape. She still has curves but not as deep, like Rectangular feminine bodies should, to give her the more athletic look. Gave her lots of definition to the body, with albinism in the hair and eyes. She looks taller, due to a short torso, giving her longer legs.
  16. I'll help you give your avatar a makeover so you can worry less about where or how to start. Depending on if you need to change your aesthetic, body components, etc, it will depend on how much the pay is. the minimum is L$500 and the max is L$1,500, making it easier on your wallet. I hope to help you on your journey of making a new avatar, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, you can I'm in the world, IW: nootnootbinch
  17. Hey im looking for a creator who is familiar with Kupra and kupra kups to make an Alastor outfit from Hazbin Hotel for me and also make a hair piece if you can.
  18. soqt

    Avatar shape

    Why is sl telling me "failed to find body part (the shape of my body) in the database."
  19. Hey everyone! I am doing research about virtual consumption and looking for participants for interviews (1 hour informal talk via Microsoft teams). I will pay 8 Euros/9 Dollars in Amazon vouchers for participation. You have to be older than 18, live in the US, UK, Canada, or Europe, and purchase virtual goods for avatars (clothing, accessories) to be used on the Second Life platform. Let me know if you are interested.
  20. I feel that even though there are breathtaking mesh heads and skins in all styles, it still doesn't feel easy to create a standout and unique look. On Flickr you can see a wide variety of different avatars but when looking at their faces, they all have the same base idea of beauty in mind. Foxy eye shape, heart shaped lips, high arch eyebrows and small nose. The unique ones I have seen usually having interesting facial features, like sharp crooked nose, oblong face, bushy eyebrows and skin add-ons. I've been trying for a while to create a different face that doesn't include thick lips or an overly doll face, but I don't like the results. Thin lips always look like pursed lips and different head shape always makes my avatar look older. I want my avatar to look 20/mind 20s. How do you think people get inspiration when working on their avatar? And is there any tool that can be used? For example a face generator that gives random numbers to the face and we will adjust everything to our liking. Just like in Sims 2.
  21. If I fly into the Regions and arrived at the Destination. If i attach something. it's said "Cannot Create Requested Inventory" That error caused by ATT Expiration for attached object in my Avatar after I arrived to the Region. I think Linden Doesn't fix this Region Crossing Attachment Issues on the Server Yet. it's related to BUG-7761 or other Jira Bug that Related to the attachments.
  22. I don't know what's happening... When I put the boots on my avatar the Top disappears and if I put the Top on the boots disappear. How do I solve this problem?
  23. Is there a way to fix this? How her hair is like clipping into the surroundings? It makes for a bad picture.
  24. Hello all, I am a mostly straight man in real life who has avatars/accounts of different kinds (male and female, human and non-human, etc.) I do have woman avatars but I do not put my real life gender on them because I actually want other residents to think they are really women - even if I do not intend on pursuing relationships in virtual worlds. But after reading this forum, I'm beginning to think this may not be ethical. I'm curious if you think I should put my real-life gender on my woman avatars' profiles in order to deal with other residents in an ethical manner, or if it's okay to keep it hidden.
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