🌱 We are so excited to be part of this!
#SILVANUSProject team is sending their regards from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! 🇧🇷 👋 The final pilot of the project, organised by Consortium partner Fundação COPPETEC, COPPE / UFRJ and NTT - Núcleo de Transferência de Tecnologia, features presentations of the full version of the #platform to Brazilian stakeholders from the #SILVANUSProject team, including representatives from Venaka Treleaf GbR, Netcompany-Intrasoft, Agricultural University of Athens, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), Zanasi & Partners, ITTI, expert.ai, SYNTHESIS Center for Research & Education, ASSET Puglia and Moravian-Silesian Fire Rescue Brigade. 👨💻 🤝 Demonstrations of Brazilian efforts in #wildfire prevention were made by representatives from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (Cemaden), National Center for Forest Fire Prevention and Combat Prevfogo Sede - Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis - Ibama, Civil Protection/Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - CBMERJ, Secretariat of Environment and Climate (SEMAC) of Paracambi and Rio de Janeiro. Topics included solutions for the sustainability of the Amazonian rainforest, overview of Brazilian wildfire case studies, and a special visit to Tijuca National Park (https://lnkd.in/dY7BeKrY). 🌳 🔥 🧯 Stay tuned for more! 💡 👩🚒 SILVANUS - Modern and Innovative Protector against Extreme Wildfire For the Benefit of Forests and Humankind 👨👩👦 🌲🌳🌿 Innovation through Integration! #wildfiremanagement #integration #innovation #climatechange #Brazil