is now on the App Store LiDAR scanning, precise Cloud Anchors, zero rebuilds. Ready when you are. #AugmentedReality #DeveloperTools #LiDAR #ar
IT služby a IT poradenství
We simplify the creation of AR apps and make them more accessible to everyone.
O nás
Augmented reality has been gaining traction for years, and with recent advancements, it's time to elevate AR experiences to be more persistent and spatially aware. However, current app development leaves creators struggling with user-friendliness instead of focusing on their creative vision. As a result, marketers, artists, and institutions often find it challenging to afford and manage their AR apps. Our human-centric design approach aims to empower creators with tools tailored to craft outstanding AR experiences. We're here to revolutionize the AR landscape by making it more accessible and inspiring for all.
- Web
Externí odkaz pro organizaci
- Obor
- IT služby a IT poradenství
- Velikost společnosti
- 2 – 10 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague
- Typ
- Soukromá společnost
- Datum založení
- 2022
Prague, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti
Uživatel to přesdílel new visual identity doesn’t stop at the logo—it extends across website, presentation materials, and beyond. Every detail is designed to reflect their mission: simplifying the creation of AR apps and making them more accessible to everyone. From bold typography to well-structured layouts, our refreshed design system ensures a consistent and engaging experience—whether you’re exploring online or diving into our tools. Motion design by Jachym Vogl
Uživatel to přesdílel is a platform that empowers creators to build augmented reality apps easily. Whether you’re a developer or designer, provides advanced tools to streamline AR app creation. “Over the past few months, we’ve been busy refining our visual language to capture the spirit of exploring and interacting with the world around us—just like AR should. The concept of engaging with everyday objects lies at the heart of our new logo and drives our entire identity.” – Marek Kulkovský from Huge thanks to everybody for their professional work on the visual identity—especially Jakub Resl, Tomáš Gnosis Snop, and Jachym Vogl for motion & sound design.
Uživatel to přesdílel
For equipping developers with powerful XR building blocks, has been presented with an XR Accolade at the AIXR XR Awards for API, SDK, and Engine Technologies. #XRAccolade #DeveloperTools #APIs #SDK #XR
A quick look back at this year’s AIXR XR Awards. It was an incredible experience, and we’re proud to be among such an inspiring group of creators driving the XR industry forward. Thank you for your support and for recognizing us with the accolade in the XR Tool of the Year category. This honor motivates us to keep pushing our product to the next level. #auggio #ar #augmentedreality #xrawards
We are proud to share that has earned the XR Accolade at the 8th International AIXR @XR Awards. 🎉 Thank you to our supporters and the organizers for an amazing event. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! #ar #auggio #augmentedreality
CASUA s.r.o., a top architecture studio, used to bring their birthday exhibition to life with immersive content created by the talented artists at It looks amazing! ❤️ #AR #auggio #augmentedreality
Ještě jedna vzpomínka na naší vernisáž výstavy CASUA 33. Snažili jsme do výstavy zahrnout vše, co symbolizuje těch 33 prožitých let jedné firmy. Propojení tradice, umění navrhovat domy a moderních technologií. Tradice je zastoupena našimi realizacemi, umění navrhovat představují designové lampiony od Kateřiny Goryczky a technologie uvidíte v 3D a BIM modelech pod QR kódy jednotlivých realizací. Nesmíme zapomenout na kasuáry, kteří se nám procházejí po atriu budovy nebo hrají šachy v parku, i když jen v rozšířené realitě. Na výstavu se můžete shlédnout každé prosincové úterý nebo čtvrtek kromě vánočních svátků. Doporučujeme přijít po setmění, až se rozsvítí lampiony. // One more memory of our CASUA 33 exhibition opening. We tried to include in the exhibition everything that symbolizes the 33 years of one company. The combination of tradition, the art of designing houses and modern technology. Tradition is represented by our realizations, the art of designing is represented by design lanterns by Katerina Goryczka and technology can be seen in 3D and BIM models under QR codes of individual realizations. We mustn't forget the cassowaries walking around the atrium of our building or playing chess in the park, even if only in augmented reality. You can see the exhibition every Tuesday or Thursday in December except for the Christmas holidays. We recommend coming after dark when the lanterns are lit. #exhibition #latterns #architecture #BIM #AR #lampiony #3D #qrcodes #design #casua
Follow William's (William Choquet) five-week journey of coding, designing, and transforming concepts into augmented reality in this new article. #madewithauggio #auggio #ar #augmentedreality
- works smoothly on devices from Zebra Technologies 🙂
Business Development Manager driving digitization in Retail, T&L, Manufacturing, Healthcare @ Zebra Technologies
Exciting news for the industrial engineering community! The 65th MSV - Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh (Industrial engineering fair) is currently underway in Brno. Make sure to visit the booths of our partners to explore our innovative solutions. Head over to the TFP universal a.s. booth to learn about our scanning, printing, and RFID technologies. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. booth at the Národní centrum průmyslu 4.0 (National Centre for Industry 4.0) to discover how 5G, AR, and Zebra Technologies' devices can enhance productivity. #MSV2024 #Brno #Tmobile #ZebraTechnologies #RFID #AR #AI #IOT #Industry40 #5G
We are excited about our partnership with T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. at MSV – Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh. Now, you can explore their #BigData and #IoT platform in augmented reality powered by
#Nejnovějši zprávy z 🌟MSV – Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh! 🌟 Každý rok se snažíme na veletrhu posunout hranice a odlišit se od ostatních vystavovatelů. Díky inovacím a jedinečným ukázkám máme stánek plný zákazníků, a letos tomu není jinak! 🤖 Kromě několika robotů, které ukazují sílu a potenciál #5G technologie v průmyslových aplikacích, jsme si připravili jednoho opravdového šampióna. Tenhle hrdina si získal srdce všech návštěvníků – umí namíchat dokonalou 5diGinu . 💗 Takový přístup nám pomáhá nejen získat nové zákazníky, ale také ukázat, že #5G technologie nejsou jen o rychlosti, ale i o kreativitě a blízkosti k lidem. Díky všem našim skvělým kolegům a partnerům, kteří s námi posouvají laťku rok co rok! 🚀 T-Mobile Czech Republic Národní centrum průmyslu 4.0 (National Centre for Industry 4.0)
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